Moderator/ 2019-20 Iggy Winner Reg Season Rcd
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It’s stuff like this that encourages honest people to lie and cheat the system. When I was a young one before graduating from college, I worked for the Dept of Social Services and like SWC I had to recertify clients for continued eligibility. Back then SWC’s SSI dept was under the county not the feds and Social Security. An elderly woman who had breast cancer came in for recertification. One of the questions was to declare ‘cash currently on hand’ with the description being money you had on your person or in your home. That poor woman took out this weathered tiny leather change purse and counted out a few bills and some loose change that totaled something like $9.47 and wrote the amount on the application. She even asked if she had to enter the value of the bus tokens in her change purse. I was crushed. She was immediately per law disqualified from any assistance at all and had to wait a strict period of time before she could even reapply. I knew if I told her to lie or change it so she stayed qualified, she would have sung my praises to everyone she met and I’d be in big trouble besides probably losing the cruddy job. Most people lied - the honest people who feared doing wrong were punished. Will never forget how horrible I felt as she cried telling me she didn’t blame me but if I knew anything she could do because without the aid she’d lose her apartment. She wasn’t the only person who cried that day.When I worked at Social Security, one of the programs we administered was the Supplemental Security Income, (SSI) program, an attempt to guarantee a minimum income for the aged and disabled. they required yearly redeterminations of income and financial resources and one of the rules was that if a person bought or sold a car, we had to had to look up the value of the car, based on make, model and year, in a red book we had, (called the "red book"), which listed their value with normal depreciation. If someone bought a car for less than the listed value, the difference was counted to him as a 'financial resource', as per the red book.
So one SSI recipient bought a car for $500 less than the red book said it was worth and duly reported the sale. He didn't get his next check and came in to find out why. He was told it was because of the $500 he had come into. he explained that he was only charged with receiving $500 because the red book said that this heap he'd bought was worth than much more than he'd paid for it. He was told rules were rules and we couldn't pay him because of the $500.
Reluctantly, he sold the car back to his friend for the actual purchase price. His friend, as it turns out, was also on SSI - and due for a redetermination. He reported the resale and, per the red book, $500 was put on his record as a financial resource and his check was cut off.
Meanwhile the first guy came back in to get his check reinstate and he was told that we couldn't do that until he proved that he had spent the $500.