Most fanatical thing you've done |

Most fanatical thing you've done


Walk On
Feb 23, 2012
Jake mentioned in a thread last week that he's thrown many shoes in the past over Scoop's underclassman decision making.

Has me thinking what is the most fanatical thing you've done prior to, at, during, watching, or post game?

Happy to get us started as there have been occassions, where yes, I've turned into the incredible hulk and shredded tee-shirts from my torso. The game vs. Oklahoma and Blake Griffin. The 1st OT in the 6 OT game. I know there have been a few others. Not this year though! Oh and don't worry...they were not Syracuse tee-shirts. Hoping I'm not the only one who is borderline clinical during 'Cuse games. :confused:
I threw a remote control through a bay picture window about 15 years ago. With my wife in the same room. I dont even remember what game it was.

Needless to say I officially retired from throwing things. I almost turned into that guy who takes in stray animals in the cable commercials.

Most painful was immediately after the Vermont game I kicked a mini basketball as hard as I could which hit the wall 10 feet away and immediately fired back and drilled me right in the nuts. The game wasnt painful enough...
I ate a live pig when we played Arkansas.

Except later I learned we were actually playing Auburn, and boy was I embarrassed. I was never invited back to that petting zoo, I can tell you.
Beer bottle to the wall when that Sorrentine hit that garbage
I've calmed down quite a bit over the years, but I've thrown my share of my objects during my fanhood and chased a few people out of the room due to my insanity.


I don't remember which game, but I broke one of my beloved PS2 controller a few years ago tossing it at the ceiling.

I normally do pretty well watching with non-SU people but during one game (oddly don't remember which game for this either - it was a couple years ago) I got so quiet during the second half that my roommate politely move everyone to another room. The commentary was harmless too, it wasn't like anyone was razzing me about SU.

At one point I think I was glaring at someone with such a deranged look on my face that they started to cry. :) I don't know, it's all a blur now. Kind of embarrassing afterwords too. I'm pretty sure that was my last freakout even though I didn't really do anything.

I don't recall doing anything too crazy during our most awful defeats (Butler, Vermont, etc...) although I probably tossed an object or two.
I can't be my "fanatical" self when people are around. I try to maintain the facade of being a normal human being.

I've done way too many crazy things to remember them all, and I'm not even going to count camping out for 8 days for Georgetown 3 years ago. I've gone silent treatment on my friends, I've broken a glass or two, I've slammed one of the green army helmets they gave the students a couple years ago down, cracking it near in half, and I've screamed at my own mother for having the audacity to try to multitask while a Georgetown game was on.

...And that's just in 5 years of being an SU fan...
I cried after Vermont... and I was embarrassingly old to do so. Then me and my brother saw us beat them in 2010 in Buffalo.
I don't get too violent watching games but my dad on the other hand gets really pissed and likes to throw things. Recently he's learned to throw things that are cheap and won't do much damage if it hits anything of significance.
Most painful was immediately after the Vermont game I kicked a mini basketball as hard as I could which hit the wall 10 feet away and immediately fired back and drilled me right in the nuts. The game wasnt painful enough...

That is funny in retrospect Marsh...

Only injury I suffered was when whoever it was made the basket right before McCrae in the Philly Spectrum game. Threw my ESF mug directly at the wall at 327 Winding Ridge and it busted and a piece if the handle ricocheted and cut me about half and inch under my left eye.

I had an Orange and blue ball I won making a three behind the curtain that I punted over neighbors house after we lost Mizzouri in 1994 that I never saw again but the car alarm of whatever car it landed on didn't stop for twenty minutes.

I have some issues.

I haven't fretted as much this year.:eek:
I picked up an expensive thick rocking chair by the handles and slammed it down to the ground shattering the whole thing somehow...96 championship game. After Kentucky hit their 40th three pointer
I threw a pillow when uconn tied the game last night :)

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Jake mentioned in a thread last week that he's thrown many shoes in the past over Scoop's underclassman decision making.

Has me thinking what is the most fanatical thing you've done prior to, at, during, watching, or post game?

Happy to get us started as there have been occassions, where yes, I've turned into the incredible hulk and shredded tee-shirts from my torso. The game vs. Oklahoma and Blake Griffin. The 1st OT in the 6 OT game. I know there have been a few others. Not this year though! Oh and don't worry...they were not Syracuse tee-shirts. Hoping I'm not the only one who is borderline clinical during 'Cuse games. :confused:

Well, during the 1987 championship game, I literally drank 20 beers (and yet was not hammered because of all the adrenaline). I cheered so hard on the fast break alley oop by Sherman that was intended for Seikaly, I believe, that was tipped, but Howard Triche was also running the break, caught the tipped ball and dunked it home anyway. Or else I have Triche and Seikaly backwards, but after that play, I threw myself over backward in my chair in excitement, much to the amusement of my friends who were also watching the game.
1987 championship game I kicked over my television. Still not too proud of that one...
I don't think that I ever hit anything although my neighbors might have thought so based on the screams coming out of my house. The most fanatical was back in the day when the games weren't on TV or radio. I used to have to get in my car and listen to the game on the radio so I could get a signal from the Syracuse station. Now we are spoiled.
I have spit on my tv at Burr, Higgins and Josh Wright multiple times. I am in counseling to sort that out.
Not hoops, but after the phantom and incredibly late pass interference call by SEC refs that screwed Syracuse out of the win over Tennessee in football in 1998, I simply walked out of my house in Houston and walked the streets aimlessly (sort of in a fog), finally coming to my senses (or at least realizing that I was no longer comfortably on my couch) about 45 minutes later sitting on a park bench near a bus stop several miles from my house.

I was shoeless, without identification, money or a cell phone. Hell I was probably mumbling the entire time (no clue).
I know I have posted this before but my most embarrassing moment came during the Georgia sweet 16 game when after Cipolla made the game tying shot I jumped in the air and smashed my head on a low ceiling molding that was between my living room and dining room in a 2 family we lived in when I got married. I completely knocked myself out cold for about 2-3 minutes. I came too bloodied and with a huge gash on my head that I had to hold a washcloth on top of my head while I watched the OT.
I have spit on my tv at Burr, Higgins and Josh Wright multiple times. I am in counseling to sort that out.

If I had a dollar for every vile thing I have screamed at the TV about those two......well let's just say i'd have a lot of dollars.

It still couldn't pick up their bar tab...
If I had a dollar for every vile thing I have screamed at the TV about those two......well let's just say i'd have a lot of dollars

It still couldn't pick up their bar tab...

I would be retired. I've never really done anything that crazy when watching games although my stepdaughter thinks I'm a raving lunatic.
Back in the mid 90's I was watching a game against St. Johns and Zendon Hamilton was killing us. I was in my bedroom and ripped apart my mattress and threw it at the wall and slept on my box spring. I have also broken numerous remotes, put my hand through walls and ran around the hotel next to my parents house screaming at the top of my lungs how much I hate burr and higgins. I learned it all from my dad. Watching him put his hand through the wall after the 1987 champ game sort turned me on to this kind of behavioir. not to mention the massive amounts of crappy beer that i drink during the games

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