My Take |

My Take


No recent Cali or Iggy awards; Mr Irrelevant
Aug 15, 2011
Will probably do something longer later, it is late and I have to sleep.

Big crowd, record for MM here. I would guess about 22K.

The legends game was one of the most enjoyable things I have ever seen. So many great players playing at the same time it was really difficult to digest all the plays as they happened. JW is in remarkable shape for someone who graduated in 1996. Moten looks like he always has. Jonny and Wes continue to have a great chemistry. Hak is so fun to watch. Great to have him back in a Syracuse uniform if only for a few minutes. Andy, Gene, Adrian, Z, GMac, they all looked in good shape and played well. Awesome experience for an SU fan to behold.

The only negative was that Melo did not play. The crowd chanted We Want Melo a number of times but it fell on deaf, but very rich ears.

As for the scrimmage with the real team, there wasn't much defense. All the players that were heavy last year have lost weight and look, for now anyway, more mobile. Fab Melo looks a lot more comfortable. Triche had a couple of alley oop dunks. Scoop was Good Scoop all the time he was in.

The White team had 4 starters on it and as expected, won pretty easily. KJo was solid. Fab finished well and was one of the few who played decently on defense. BMK has added some muscle and looks better with the ball on offense but he didn't challenge people attacking the hoop, something that happened too much last season as well. This has to change.

Dirty looked athletic and promising...he always looks this way in exhibition games. Thought CJ played very well. His shooting range has extended. Even made a smooth 3 tonight.

As for the C frosh, Carter-Williams impressed me with his court sense (though he made a couple bad passes). He can pass, get to the paint, finishes well and is going to be one of those guys that has a habit of being in the right place at the right time a lot. Even now, really young and really skinny, he has a way of making plays and playing like a veteran. Thought he was very impressive.

Cooney has great shooting form and showed more athletic ability than given credit for, getting at least one nice dunk. Made a couple nice passes too. Defense is going to be his biggest issue early in his career.

Christmas, wearing 25 (I get it, ha ha), got a lot of points but most were cheap breakaway dunks where he left defense early. Don't like seeing a big guy do this. He appears to be a good athlete and is very physical. Didn't see much from him in the half court but in this type of game there rarely is half court play.

Afterwards, the men and women had a 3 person 3 point shooting contest. For the record, Brendan made the most shots from the right, the top of the key and the left wing, followed closely by Southland. Mookie was off badly and looked lost. Maybe he had some bad shellfish.

Dion won the dunk contest. It was most remarkable for the poor efforts by so many. Christmas missed both his first round dunks and was immediately eliminated. Trevor Conney hit his first and missed his second, which took him out of the running. Dion had a couple nice ones to get to the finals, where he faced off against Dirty. Dirty had the dunk of the night with his first attempt but he was unable to land a dunk in the final. Dion was solid and won due to his consistency.

I missed what happened before the men's team was introduced...can't comment on it. I will say I thought this event was much better organized and more professionally done that the legendary failures of the last couple of years. The player scrimmage was much longer, the contests were done well and the legends game again was a joy to watch.

The big snafu with the event was that JB, Melo and others were outfitted with microphones and they provided running commentary though the scrimmages, but the sound system/microphones were second rate, something was really wrong and no one in our area of the Dome could clearly hear anything that was bring said. Embarrassing that it happened early. Unforgivable that it was not corrected the whole night. Does anyone care about what is being presented to the fans? Sometimes I wonder.

Last thing. Was in the Standart parking lot. Took more than an hour to get out of it and I left almost immediately after the scrimmage and 3 point and dunk contests ended. Ridiculous. People need to get fired for this. If nothing changes for the regular season, it will affect attendance.
Will probably do something longer later, it is late and I have to sleep.

I will say I thought this event was much better organized and more professionally done that the legendary failures of the last couple of years. The player scrimmage was much longer, the contests were done well and the legends game again was a joy to watch.

Someone on the Hill needs to get credit for snatching Victory from the jaws of defeat... to think we were almost treated to Deena from Jersey Shore and Tone Loc....REALLY???

The Mics sucked....that came through in the ESPN 3 broadcast, audio sucked when they were trying to pick up anything other than the two announcers (Tim Welsh and an SU Grad - can't remember his name).
Will probably do something longer later, it is late and I have to sleep.

Big crowd, record for MM here. I would guess about 22K.

The legends game was one of the most enjoyable things I have ever seen. So many great players playing at the same time it was really difficult to digest all the plays as they happened. JW is in remarkable shape for someone who graduated in 1996. Moten looks like he always has. Jonny and Wes continue to have a great chemistry. Hak is so fun to watch. Great to have him back in a Syracuse uniform if only for a few minutes. Andy, Gene, Adrian, Z, GMac, they all looked in good shape and played well. Awesome experience for an SU fan to behold.

The only negative was that Melo did not play. The crowd chanted We Want Melo a number of times but it fell on deaf, but very rich ears.

As for the scrimmage with the real team, there wasn't much defense. All the players that were heavy last year have lost weight and look, for now anyway, more mobile. Fab Melo looks a lot more comfortable. Triche had a couple of alley oop dunks. Scoop was Good Scoop all the time he was in.

The White team had 4 starters on it and as expected, won pretty easily. KJo was solid. Fab finished well and was one of the few who played decently on defense. BMK has added some muscle and looks better with the ball on offense but he didn't challenge people attacking the hoop, something that happened too much last season as well. This has to change.

Dirty looked athletic and promising...he always looks this way in exhibition games. Thought CJ played very well. His shooting range has extended. Even made a smooth 3 tonight.
Cant wait for the longer version. LOL.
As for the C frosh, Carter-Williams impressed me with his court sense (though he made a couple bad passes). He can pass, get to the paint, finishes well and is going to be one of those guys that has a habit of being in the right place at the right time a lot. Even now, really young and really skinny, he has a way of making plays and playing like a veteran. Thought he was very impressive.

Cooney has great shooting form and showed more athletic ability than given credit for, getting at least one nice dunk. Made a couple nice passes too. Defense is going to be his biggest issue early in his career.

Christmas, wearing 25 (I get it, ha ha), got a lot of points but most were cheap breakaway dunks where he left defense early. Don't like seeing a big guy do this. He appears to be a good athlete and is very physical. Didn't see much from him in the half court but in this type of game there rarely is half court play.

Afterwards, the men and women had a 3 person 3 point shooting contest. For the record, Brendan made the most shots from the right, the top of the key and the left wing, followed closely by Southland. Mookie was off badly and looked lost. Maybe he had some bad shellfish.

Dion won the dunk contest. It was most remarkable for the poor efforts by so many. Christmas missed both his first round dunks and was immediately eliminated. Trevor Conney hit his first and missed his second, which took him out of the running. Dion had a couple nice ones to get to the finals, where he faced off against Dirty. Dirty had the dunk of the night with his first attempt but he was unable to land a dunk in the final. Dion was solid and won due to his consistency.

I missed what happened before the men's team was introduced...can't comment on it. I will say I thought this event was much better organized and more professionally done that the legendary failures of the last couple of years. The player scrimmage was much longer, the contests were done well and the legends game again was a joy to watch.

The big snafu with the event was that JB, Melo and others were outfitted with microphones and they provided running commentary though the scrimmages, but the sound system/microphones were second rate, something was really wrong and no one in our area of the Dome could clearly hear anything that was bring said. Embarrassing that it happened early. Unforgivable that it was not corrected the whole night. Does anyone care about what is being presented to the fans? Sometimes I wonder.

Last thing. Was in the Standart parking lot. Took more than an hour to get out of it and I left almost immediately after the scrimmage and 3 point and dunk contests ended. Ridiculous. People need to get fired for this. If nothing changes for the regular season, it will affect attendance.
To add a couple opinions in addition to Tom's:

Joseph looked like he put on a good amount of muscle. Looked bigger, stronger, completely healed.

Triche looked a lot better and consistent shooting, at least in the contest. Maybe he'll be our main 3 point shooter this year.

Fair's shot looked a lot better. Hit a nice 15 footer then hit a 3 pointer right after. Looked smooth.

Fab looked so much more comfortable, confident, lighter, athletic, and even aggressive on the defensive glass. I expect him to have a very good season.

Cooney is much more athletic than people give him credit for. His shot is so effortless and smooth. Hit some nice shots, too bad he'll be the 5th guard (for him!). His time will come, and he'll be a GREAT player for us someday... in 1-2 years.

Carter looked smooth with the ball and can get off the ground quickly, shown by his dunkface over Fab. And man are his arms long or what? He must have a 6'8-6'10 wingspan if he is really 6'5.

Rakeem didn't show much offensively except for breakaway wide-open dunks. Did we expect anything else? As long as he defends and REBOUNDS he'll get PT.

This team is the deepest and most balanced SU team I can ever remember. Our 2nd string off the bench might be ranked with

1) Carter-Williams
2) Waiters
3) Southerland
4) Fair/Christmas
5) Keita

A lot of teams would KILL to have that as their starting 5. Some of these guys might not even earn time on the court.

Can't wait like Bart Scott
EastCoast, no way that'll be the order people get into the game off the bench, mainly because 1) no freaking way BMK and Fair will be that far down (particularly because I think Fair will end up starting), and 2) we have so little experience up front that BMK and X-Mas will likely be in the first four almost de facto.

Starters, by the way:

PG - Scoop
SG - Brandon
SF - Joseph
PF - Fair or X-Mas or Dirty...whichever two don't start will be at the ready off the bench. Fab and BMK, and also X-Mas, can probably be counted on for a lot of foul trouble, so we almost HAVE to play a lot of post players this year. The three guys who may suffer the most are MCW, Waiters and Cooney (that one is expected), because the 1-3 spots are so experienced and, at this point, locked up.
C - Fab
Got to love the legends game. Loved seeing the camaraderie between all the former players. This also had to impress any recruits in the building.
Our current team is loaded with talent; the telling aspect will be how the chemistry works between the group and how each accepts his role as well as our overall defensive effort.

They do need to find someone who can design an effective sound system for events like this; with the #1 communications school in the country we need to represent with good audio.
Perhaps an Engineering grad student or 2 could be assigned to do research on improving sound transmission in the Dome.

Whatever it takes they need to clean that up.

Overall an incredible evening for Syracuse Hoops!!!!!
Got to love the legends game. Loved seeing the camaraderie between all the former players. This also had to impress any recruits in the building.
Our current team is loaded with talent; the telling aspect will be how the chemistry works between the group and how each accepts his role as well as our overall defensive effort.

They do need to find someone who can design an effective sound system for events like this; with the #1 communications school in the country we need to represent with good audio.
Perhaps an Engineering grad student or 2 could be assigned to do research on improving sound transmission in the Dome.

Whatever it takes they need to clean that up.

Overall an incredible evening for Syracuse Hoops!!!!!
Dude - change your font. Please.
A couple of other observations.

Carmelo is a freaking rock star here. Place went nuts when JB introduced him.

Killed that myth that we can't use a spot light for introductions. I think it would be great to dim the lights for every home game intros.

Nerlens Noel was in the house. How could he not be impressed?

Meek was weak...but as letterman says, "I guess the kids love him"
Got to love the legends game. Loved seeing the camaraderie between all the former players. This also had to impress any recruits in the building.
Our current team is loaded with talent; the telling aspect will be how the chemistry works between the group and how each accepts his role as well as our overall defensive effort.

They do need to find someone who can design an effective sound system for events like this; with the #1 communications school in the country we need to represent with good audio.
Perhaps an Engineering grad student or 2 could be assigned to do research on improving sound transmission in the Dome.

Whatever it takes they need to clean that up.

Overall an incredible evening for Syracuse Hoops!!!!!
There are bigger issues in the world - but please change your font it's virtually unreadable.
Got to love the legends game. Loved seeing the camaraderie between all the former players. This also had to impress any recruits in the building.
Our current team is loaded with talent; the telling aspect will be how the chemistry works between the group and how each accepts his role as well as our overall defensive effort.

They do need to find someone who can design an effective sound system for events like this; with the #1 communications school in the country we need to represent with good audio.
Perhaps an Engineering grad student or 2 could be assigned to do research on improving sound transmission in the Dome.

Whatever it takes they need to clean that up.

Overall an incredible evening for Syracuse Hoops!!!!!

Love the font, and the color. Rock the forum. ;)
Triche brought out his smile tonight. I hope he doesn't put it away for the season. How can you play dazzling basketball with a glum face? Be happy, Brendan! This could be a great year.
Triche brought out his smile tonight. I hope he doesn't put it away for the season. How can you play dazzling basketball with a glum face? Be happy, Brendan! This could be a great year.

who is brendan? is he new?
we cant even figure out how to work a PC let alone do something with wireless tech..

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