The current system became unsustainable when conferences started their own TV networks and schools were spending insane dollars on facilities over just throwing money at the players.With many states following suit, this will be the end to college athletics as we know it. While this will please many posters we have here, I, for one, am not looking forward to the future. Is the current system perfect? Of course not. Is it better than what is coming? Not in the short run, IMO.
We are approaching a Wild West phase. Until it gets worked out (over time), there will be abuses that can't even be imagined right now that will make the current unlevel playing field look like a shiny flat table top.
The NCAA and Congress need to find a way to exempt revenue from non-revenue sports. If they can then revenue sports could have some compensation while allowing schools to keep non revenue sports.
This bill though protects the individuals who are why schools make a lot of money.