The NCAA cannot take anything away, that is a false premise. The player gives away the right to his image and name while playing for an NCAA school. The kids may do as he likes and forgo the NCAA stage to showcase his talents and get a free ride to college, but he chooses to give away the right to make a few bucks for a $400K education (after full benefits and tax advantages are calculated into the entire deal) and the chance to showcase their talents in hopes of the bigger Pro contract.
The whole premise of kids making money off their likeness is a fraud of an argument because the kid cannot be made to sign a letter of intent. Several people like to bring up Zion, guess what, he made the decision to skip the Blaezly route, showcase his talents for a year and make a huge contract. It stinks that he has no loyalty to his school, but that is his option to exercise. Does anyone not think SU could have won another title (or two or three) had Carmello Anthony stayed in school?
The NBA refuses to take kids fresh out of HS. The NFL refuses to take kids under 20. The kids have several options, just because you do not like the options does not mean the kid is forced into anything. Most of us agree that the NCAA is the best option Conveniently, most of us are college educated and most of us understand staying in the lime light makes it easier to attack attention from the pros than working in construction trades, retail, driving trucks, etc. However, that does not lessen the fact that the kid has a choice.
Ironically, you and others have refused to acknowledge that the kid gets the "right most other Americans have" once he leaves school. This reinforces the point that the kid has a choice, weighed his options and chose to sign away the right while in school.
I would like the system changed to give kids a little more. However, I do NOT want the Congress, a looney state legislature, or the courts to make the decision, I want the parties involved to make the decision. Our whole economy is based on private parties and entities making contracts WITHOUT government involvement and it works pretty good. People seem to make decisions in their own best interest (NOTE: NOT your best interest or my best interest, but in their own best interest, whether common sense agrees or not.)