NCAA threatens to boot the whole state of California if bill becomes law | Page 7 |

NCAA threatens to boot the whole state of California if bill becomes law

There is also the argument for the good of the game vs the good of some small number of individuals.. no doubt some kids probably could get and perhaps deserve some money.. but if doing so damages the sport is it really for the better good.

Many laws are like that... for me driving 90 on the thruway gets me there quicker.. is it safe if we all do it?
I’m not arguing against military members being paid more, please stay on topic.

Ok, I will say that military members should be able to profit off their likeness too! Oh wait, THEY ALREADY CAN!

You have not made a good argument why student athletes who risk their bodies and future careers to play sports and make billions of dollars for the NCAA and their respective schools should not be allowed to make money off their own likeness.

I had a full academic scholarship, I worked off campus as well and if for some reason a company wanted to pay for my likeness there was no reason they couldn’t. Olympic sport athletes also receive full scholarships and they are allowed to make money off their likeness. Kyler Murray received a 4.7 million baseball signing bonus and was still eligible to play football because it wasn’t “football money”. These rules are only in place for the revenue sports of football and basketball. How is this equal to other students and athletes?

You are arguing and confusing issues that aren’t relevant: payment from schools (this isn’t that) vs free market and title ix (this isn’t that) vs NCAA rules.

Also your “think of the other athletes!” argument is a fallacy. Other sports existed before billion dollar tv contracts and university apparel deals would continue to exist if this goes through.

What is your bias? Employed by ncaa or university? Have a daughter whose athletic scholarship is subsidized by football or basketball money? Some perverse satisfaction of white ncaa/college administration controlling black student athletes? Just don’t like change?

Read the entire thread. I agree with your position that kids should be able to make money off their likeness, you are wasting time and making false arguments. Move on.

If you wish to get rid of Title IX, do so, call your congressman and senators. Don't hold your breath, though.

You have confused the issues, I merely used your argument in a parallel situation. That you cannot understand this is on you.

As to your argument that apparel deals will continue as is, that is a fallacy. Nike has budgets, as does UA and others. If they have to pay athletes, that money comes from higher prices (you, me and other fans) or they take monies from another fund within the budget. Under your argument, Nike is now paying athletes, that money is most likely going to come from the apparel agreements. It certainly isn't coming from executive pay, employees' pay or shareholders. Nor are we fans likely to pay more for gear to pay players, the gear is already priced at maximum revenue or it would already have been increased. That leaves the apparel agreements. In Nike's world, the money gets to the kids one way or the other, so they may not care whether they pay kids directly and reduce apparel agreements or keep things as is.

Schools, on the other hand, have a vested interest in apparel money. Apparel money helps fund their ADs. Most ADs are losing money. Decreasing apparel revenue decreases the AD's budget. The AD's budget pays for ALL athletes, equally, based on Title IX. Also, the schools are the "shareholders" in the NCAA, that is the NCAA exists for their benefit. If the schools don't approve of rule changes, the rules don't change. Most schools will not vote against their interest. Schools have the option of defunding programs and many would have to follow this path if they lose revenue on top of their current losses (recall that most schools lose money on their ADs). The NCAA also requires that schools have 16 (if I recall) teams for D1 schools.

Title IX is the elephant in the room. As football offers 85 scholarships (D1/FBS level) and requires an equivalent number of womens sports scholarships (this is based on a ratio of male/female student population so it is not always equal; i.e. GATech, mostly male, can have proportionately more male scholarships). If sports are cut, less students get a free ride for athletics. If teams are cut too much, schools drop down in competitive level, too.

Regarding your scenario for academic scholars, athletes receive a stipend to offset earning capacity because sports and classes make up the bulk of their time. Doing this also helps ensure kids are not getting non-market pay for phony jobs.

As to your accusation that I have a bias, again, read everything: I AGREE WITH YOUR PERSPECTVE! There are seven pages of discussion and I have not opposed your perspective in principal, only in analysis of what is. My other posts on this topic have been consistent with this thread. I merely admit that I have no pull in Congress to change Title IX, I have no say in what the NCAA rules are, and I have no influence with the apparel companies. As to your numerous false and strawman questions of bias, the answer is categorically, "no". The only bias I have is the Orange tint through which I filter my college sports fandom.

Finally, you have not addressed why kids are not accountable for the actions. They sign to play for schools and agree to the free education. Most kids cannot pay for their own education, athletes can. They get a $65K free ride, plus gear, plus enhanced diet plan, plus no taxes, essentially, a $100K package in exchange for playing sports. The kids agree to the rules knowing what they can and cannot do. The kids are not forced to play for a colleges. The kids make the choice and they generally choose to do what is in their best interest. Kids are as much

Market principles are in play, as are governmental regulations (Title IX) and institutional interests. Can it be tweaked? Yes. Will it be tweaked by California? No. Federal law trumps state law. Is there an equilibrium point where all parties can be reasonably content? Yes. Are we at that point? No. The issue of paying kids for their likenesses is not a decision that can be made in a vacuum, all parties will have to be at the discussion table. The big money in college sports is relatively new. Large organizations (government, schools, NCAA) move slow but they do move. Change will come.
Here is the thing about the rule people ignore it helps pretty much every P5 school.

Syracuse could recruit a 4 star kid who would be able to sold on the idea if he came here he would be the bigger fish in a small pond and able to make some money in local endorsements rather go to Florida or Florida State and be just one of top guys getting that money if they become good.

This rule doesn’t help the teams with deep boosters it helps the kids.

I don't agree with that at all. That scenario assumes to some degree that every pool of money available to give to athletes is the same at each school, or moderately equivalent. It's not. The boosters at schools with huge amounts of $ would still be able to pay 4 - 5 star players, 50 deep on the roster, similar amounts of money as the local car dealership in Syracuse is willing to fork over. If anything, I believe, because those boosters will have free reign to spend as much as they want it'll increase the factory schools ability to reel in all the best kids around the country.
Can we just boot the NCAA, asking for a friend...
There’s a lot of confusion about what the NCAA really is and who controls it.

Some seem to think it’s a free-standing, independent organization that makes its own decisions.

It is NOT.

The NCAA is the agent of the University and College presidents. That’s who they take their orders from. If the college presidents don’t like it, the NCAA can’t do it.

Think of the college presidents as the owners who have hired some guys to administer the system for them. Every important thing they do has to have the support of the college presidents. What the NCAA executives think or want to do counts for almost nothing on an important issue like this.

The tension in the NCAA has always been between the big schools and the small schools. There are lots of smaller schools and on many things each gets a vote.

If a majority of college presidents don’t like what California is doing, they can get their agents, the NCAA to attempt to punish them.
The NCAA was founded to protect players, most notably football. It long ago ceased to do that and morphed into a revenue engine for it's college members.

Players should have the right to their likenesses, endorsements, appearances etc just like other scholarship holders.

California could care less about the NCAA.

Without the largest state NCAA championships will ultimately crumble. Other states could join CA and where would that leave the NCAA?

College presidents have overplayed their hand and are now on the wrong side of history.

It remains to be seen whether boosterism beats massive population advantage.

What do the Networks have to say about their NCAA contracts?

This story isn't going away anytime soon.

Just my thoughts - I could be wrong!
Would the proposed California law force schools to pay their “student athletes” or merely allow them to do so? In case of the latter, I could see many schools sticking with the NCAA rules instead.
Would the proposed California law force schools to pay their “student athletes” or merely allow them to do so? In case of the latter, I could see many schools sticking with the NCAA rules instead.
The bill would allow athletes at California schools to hire agents and be paid for the use of their name, image or likeness. It would stop universities and the NCAA from banning athletes that take the money.
I doubt the college football world will come to an end because of this bill.
  1. This doesn't come out of a school's pocket.
  2. There is a limit to the regional and national marketplace for such endorsements. NFL players have tough times on the national stage.
  3. Seems to me this is a local market, which means population matters. That changes the paradigm. Dungey would have been on every station, billboard and poster in the city before any other college player.
  4. This is great for California recruitment. It may force Washington and Oregon to pass similar legislation. If that happens the NCAA is outflanked and will have to change or die.
  5. The next sound you hear will be the NCAA trying to work something out. Good luck with that.
There is also the argument for the good of the game vs the good of some small number of individuals.. no doubt some kids probably could get and perhaps deserve some money.. but if doing so damages the sport is it really for the better good.

Many laws are like that... for me driving 90 on the thruway gets me there quicker.. is it safe if we all do it?
It's not going to damage the sport. There's no greater good here.
So what’s to stop Stephen Ross from buying the rights to a player’s likeness for $30 million if he commits to Michigan?

That $300 million donation of his could buy the likenesses of a pretty damn good team.
So what’s to stop Stephen Ross from buying the rights to a player’s likeness for $30 million if he commits to Michigan?

That $300 million donation of his could buy the likenesses of a pretty damn good team.
Nothing would stop it.

It would be excellent.

This is a good outcome.
So what’s to stop Stephen Ross from buying the rights to a player’s likeness for $30 million if he commits to Michigan?

That $300 million donation of his could buy the likenesses of a pretty damn good team.
If Stephen Ross chooses to do that congrats to that player and Michigan.
Billionaires don’t tend to be stupid with their money.

What is more likely is an Ann Arbor business would want players to endorse their products.

If Nike wanted to do a Zion March Madness commercial he could get paid for it while in college and maintain his eligibility.

Why should Samuel L. Jackson, Spike Lee, Charles Barkley get to make Capital One commercials during March madness but players can’t?
Nothing would stop it.

It would be excellent.

This is a good outcome.
If Stephen Ross chooses to do that congrats to that player and Michigan.
Billionaires don’t tend to be stupid with their money.

What is more likely is an Ann Arbor business would want players to endorse their products.

If Nike wanted to do a Zion March Madness he could get paid for it while in college and maintain his eligibility.

I don’t disagree with the premise of players being able to be compensated for their likeness, but be careful what you wish for. Billionaires spend their money on all sorts of hobbies that they don’t see as stupid - and obviously Ross, Pickens, and others have cut checks in the hundreds of millions to athletic departments already - and it’s not because they primarily want to see more academic success, or a national champion field hockey team.

I guarantee you, it will become a financial arms race, and our alumni better get a ton wealthier if we want to be competitive.
I don’t disagree with the premise of players being able to be compensated for their likeness, but be careful what you wish for. Billionaires spend their money on all sorts of hobbies that they don’t see as stupid - and obviously Ross, Pickens, and others have cut checks in the hundreds of millions to athletic departments already - and it’s not because they primarily want to see more academic success, or a national champion field hockey team.

I guarantee you, it will become a financial arms race, and our alumni better get a ton wealthier if we want to be competitive.
If the billionaires want to waste their money on likeness/endorsements for
Players That is a win/win for everyone.

Schools don’t have to pay the players and the players get paid by wealthy alums.

I think though its more likely that only the guys marketable and attractive for endorsements would take advantage of these rules.

Think Reggie Bush, Vince Young, Tim Tebow, Lamar Jackson types.
I don’t disagree with the premise of players being able to be compensated for their likeness, but be careful what you wish for. Billionaires spend their money on all sorts of hobbies that they don’t see as stupid - and obviously Ross, Pickens, and others have cut checks in the hundreds of millions to athletic departments already - and it’s not because they primarily want to see more academic success, or a national champion field hockey team.

I guarantee you, it will become a financial arms race, and our alumni better get a ton wealthier if we want to be competitive.
The schools with the biggest marketing area not boosters are the winners. Winners and losers will surprise you.
If the billionaires want to waste their money on likeness/endorsements for
Players That is a win/win for everyone.

Schools don’t have to pay the players and the players get paid by wealthy alums.

I think though its more likely that only the guys marketable and attractive for endorsements would take advantage of these rules.

Think Reggie Bush, Vince Young, Tim Tebow, Lamar Jackson types.
The schools with the biggest marketing area not boosters are the winners. Winners and losers will surprise you.

This will end up having to do with likeness value for those few athletes, but I can guarantee that beyond the top 5-stars, that the likenesses of many, many more players will be bought to gain their commitment, with zero interest in any type of marketing investment.

The winners and losers of the recruiting race will be those with the largest money cannons. It’ll only be surprising as the combination of high-value brands and alumni/boosters that are willing to open their checkbooks.
This will end up having to do with likeness value for those few athletes, but I can guarantee that beyond the top 5-stars, that the likenesses of many, many more players will be bought to gain their commitment, with zero interest in any type of marketing investment.

The winners and losers of the recruiting race will be those with the largest money cannons. It’ll only be surprising as the combination of high-value brands and alumni/boosters that are willing to open their checkbooks.
And what exactly is different than now?
I don’t disagree with the premise of players being able to be compensated for their likeness, but be careful what you wish for. Billionaires spend their money on all sorts of hobbies that they don’t see as stupid - and obviously Ross, Pickens, and others have cut checks in the hundreds of millions to athletic departments already - and it’s not because they primarily want to see more academic success, or a national champion field hockey team.

I guarantee you, it will become a financial arms race, and our alumni better get a ton wealthier if we want to be competitive.
I don't care about our alumni or what happens to Syracuse when it comes to this.

Not even a little bit.

If a kid can profit from his name and likeness, something I consider a universal right to identity in today's world, and it comes at the expense of Syracuse sports, SO BE IT.

That's the moral trade to make.
And what exactly is different than now?

The bagmen won’t be delivering to only the highest-ranked recruits. They’ll be openly delivering for a new offensive line, too.

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