ND, Wake, UNC and FSU Games Postponed / Pitt rescheduled | Page 11 | Syracusefan.com

ND, Wake, UNC and FSU Games Postponed / Pitt rescheduled

All FYI. I have been battling Covid since Dec 11. On Nov 30 i had emergency oral surgery and started feeling sick about Dec 8-9. Tested positive Dec 11 and until 2 days ago have been as sick as i have ever been. Basically the worst flu symptoms of my life. At this point other than severe fatigue i feel as if im getting better. Docs have scheduled test for Jan 5 at which point i guess ill find out if i have any covid related issues.
This is nothing to fool with. It attacks in so many different ways. Im very lucky.
Get well soon, my friend.
So the players were wearing the devices—in their pockets. Mystery solved. But SU administrators cheaped out and didn’t supply them to Buffalo! And now we’re possibly going to lose three games because they didn’t take the extra precaution.

Per Post Standard:
“For Syracuse’s men’s basketball players, the chips are slipped into pockets and attached to uniform shorts via Velcro. SU administrators talked earlier in the year about potentially supplying microchips to non-conference opponents; Buffalo was not wearing chips last Saturday.”
SU basketball programs must abide by strictest Covid-19 quarantines in ACC (NY sets the rules)

SUAD is spending low 6 figures a month on COVID. But yeah if they did that we would likely be in the clear going forward.
This is largely accurate but not entirely - here is a longer answer if anyone cares:

Generally, CDC guidance is 14 day quarantine after last close contact exposure (provided no symptoms). On December 2, the CDC provided options to shorten quarantine for those who experience no symptoms (1) after 10 days w/o test or (2) after 7 days w/ negative test (must be collected and tested within 48 hours before the end of the 7-day period). The states fall into 3 general categories (1) some states have specifically adopted this guidance in full (others like CA and AL only adopted the 10 day part), (2) other states have generally adopted CDC guidance and/or dont have their own 14 day requirement in the first place (essentially allowing employers to move to 10/7 based on the revised guidance) and (3) other states that do have the 14 day requirement (via regulation, executive order, etc.) have either been silent or affirmatively elected to stay at 14. NY falls in this latter category so, while its technically correct to say they have generally adopted the CDC guidance, they have not -- unlike many other states -- adopted the 10/7 piece of the guidance. For that reason, employers who are electing to move to 10/7 where permitted are generally not doing so in NY and a handful of other states and are sticking with the straight 14.

that’s an article not the cdc guideline. It does have good info as to what different states are doing. But they use the word generally which doesn’t appear in the Cdc guidelines.

“CDC currently recommends a quarantine period of 14 days.”

I really thought we could get to at least early January without another Covid pause. The team was just starting to get some rhythm and was looking like a possible tourney team. Cuse’s KenPom and BPI numbers are top 30. This NYS 14 day quarantine, with no possibility to test out, is no good. Even Massachusetts, where I live, follows the CDC and allows testing out. Ah well, there are more important things—like kcsu’s health! Get well soon!
that’s an article not the cdc guideline. It does have good info as to what different states are doing. But they use the word generally which doesn’t appear in the Cdc guidelines.

“CDC currently recommends a quarantine period
that’s an article not the cdc guideline. It does have good info as to what different states are doing. But they use the word generally which doesn’t appear in the Cdc guidelines.

“CDC currently recommends a quarantine period of 14 days.”

Article? Trust me please I understand this topic. Yes that quote is accurate, but the 12-2 change was a significant change in guidance for employers even though the underlying recommendation was the same. But whether employers can and should make the change varies state to state. It makes sense why schools are taking different approaches based on their state.
Brutal, hope you feel better and stay better. Years back I had my wisdom teeth removed, and then got the flu. It was crappy, and I imagine this has been worse for you.
Had a root canal done last year and it wasn’t a week or so later I got pneumonia.
All FYI. I have been battling Covid since Dec 11. On Nov 30 i had emergency oral surgery and started feeling sick about Dec 8-9. Tested positive Dec 11 and until 2 days ago have been as sick as i have ever been. Basically the worst flu symptoms of my life. At this point other than severe fatigue i feel as if im getting better. Docs have scheduled test for Jan 5 at which point i guess ill find out if i have any covid related issues.
This is nothing to fool with. It attacks in so many different ways. Im very lucky.
Hang in there, kcsu.
Just curious- were you serious & cautious with the mask wearing, 6-ft distancing, hand washing and all, before you got sick? I only ask because I know its gotten harder for me to stay alert and on-point these last few weeks. I'm just so tired of the protocols, the masks, hand-sanitizers, etc.
I've been working the entire time so I'm in an environment of mandated temperature checks to enter the premises, plus mask wearing at all times. along w/ repeated washings, sprayings, wiping of surfaces, doorknobs, computer screens & keyboards, you name it.
There are times I honestly just forget and walk around maskless, or don't wash my hands as much or as thoroughly as I should. So, yeah- I worry I could foolishly catch this thing just due to pandemic fatigue.
Covid truly sucks.

*NVM- I just read the post where you said you probably caught it because of a surgical procedure.
Hang in there, kcsu.
Just curious- were you serious & cautious with the mask wearing, 6-ft distancing, hand washing and all, before you got sick? I only ask because I know its gotten harder for me to stay alert and on-point these last few weeks. I'm just so tired of the protocols, the masks, hand-sanitizers, etc.
I've been working the entire time so I'm in an environment of mandated temperature checks to enter the premises, plus mask wearing at all times. along w/ repeated washings, sprayings, wiping of surfaces, doorknobs, computer screens & keyboards, you name it.
There are times I honestly just forget and walk around maskless, or don't wash my hands as much or as thoroughly as I should. So, yeah- I worry I could foolishly catch this thing just due to pandemic fatigue.
Covid truly sucks.
Yes as much as possible. Of course i wasn't perfect but id give myself a B+. Regardless of what we do nothing is fool proof. I had a root canal go bad. Tooth split and i got a very bad infection. 10 days of Amoxicillin then surgery didn't help. Again im lucky as my breathing is good. Just wiped out.
Article? Trust me please I understand this topic. Yes that quote is accurate, but the 12-2 change was a significant change in guidance for employers even though the underlying recommendation was the same. But whether employers can and should make the change varies state to state. It makes sense why schools are taking different approaches based on their state.

I didn’t know if it was something written someplace or your words. I assumed wrong. Like you, I too understand this topic. I only posted what the cdc site says. But I actually think we agree.
JB declined comment when asked tonight if any SU players have tested positive. Read into that what you will.

that kind of question is answered no if the answer is no. It’s answered no comment if the answer is yes. He was put between a rock and a hard place with that question.
Yes as much as possible. Of course i wasn't perfect but id give myself a B+. Regardless of what we do nothing is fool proof. I had a root canal go bad. Tooth split and i got a very bad infection. 10 days of Amoxicillin then surgery didn't help. Again im lucky as my breathing is good. Just wiped out.

I wish you a speedy recovery, kcsu.

And you're right nothing is fool proof. The CDC did a survey where 85% of covid patients said they used masks all or most of the time. And the quality of the mask used is also very important. Cloth masks are notoriously ineffective. Of course walking around with an n95 mask all day long is not all that feasible either.
that kind of question is answered no if the answer is no. It’s answered no comment if the answer is yes. He was put between a rock and a hard place with that question.

And it was a fair question.
Selfishly I hope the entire team has Tested positive and of course recover quickly with no lasting effects to eliminate the risks so we can restart with zero fear of another pause and cancellations. I don't believe there is clear guidance for someone that has tested positive and recovered. Although I have heard of some getting COVID 2x I'm not sure anyone knows if that is true as the initial diagnosis might have been a false positive. They are giving a vaccine which I assume that exposure would not require quarantine but I am not sure as I have not read anything that has started that. If in fact, that is the case then a positive case with recovery should be handled in the same way I would assume. From what I know about vaccines in simple terms you're injected with the virus along with some other items that greatly reduce the likelihood of getting COVID or the virus the vaccine is targeting or if you do get it the virus that symptoms and risks are much less severe. A positive diagnosis I would assume provides more protection than any vaccine although I'm not a doctor and I'm simply speculating and basing this on similar viruses such as the flu and flu vaccine.

If a doctor or someone with more knowledge than I can provide feedback on my thoughts above it would be appreciated.

I was diagnosed positive around 4 weeks ago. After 1 day with 101 fever and 18 hours of almost continuous sleep, I did not have any symptoms after The initial 24 hours other than being tired but I suspect being in bed or sitting in a chair in a room with no human contact was as much of a factor as COVID was. I run a min of 3m 5 days a week. After 5 days I put I a medical-grade mask and drove to an area with no one within 500 yds and walked 3 miles. My energy level increased immediately after to The point I was going nuts with 5 more days remaining, I was out of quarantine after 10 days and took another week off from running as I was told getting heart rate elevated is strongly discouraged and was prohibited by my doctor which I followed. I did walk daily. It has been difficult to get back to the shape I was in pre COVID but I am 90% back and I suspect 3 full weeks without any cardio I would have similar challenges getting back into my same shape pre-covid even without having the virus. I'm 52 and I have found extended breaks ( 3 weeks or more) which I have had twice or so over the last 5 years I experienced very similar challenges getting back as it's incredible how quickly you lose your cardio shape as well as my motivation possibly due to the ”runners high” withdrawal has passed.

My fear of stopping my work out scheduled routine And the challenges of getting back into shape has provided a lot of motivation and I believe it's why I have been so disciplined with my workouts. FYI up until I began working out around 7 years ago I rarely walked into a gym and never worked out ever. My only exercise has always come from playing sports basketball, ”softball” ( in my 40s) paddle boarding, easy hikes ext.and those opportunities become reduced greatly as you age.

Sorry if i bored anyone with my story but if you are in your 30s or 40s and not currently working out regularly I can not stress enough the change it creates with almost every aspect of your health possibly the most important being mental health and stress relief reduction, energy levels, confidence ( and likely helps fight of viruses especially those that are considered respiratory)

Back the Quarantine rules in NY

It's incredible that if you test positive you need to quarantine for 10 days as long as you are symptom-free for anywhere for 24 to 72 hours before the 10th day. ( things have changed so often don't recall if it's 24 or 72). No additional test is needed just symptom free with specific stress on no fever for ” x” hours without the use of l fever-reducing medication. ( I am referring to the CDC reducing guidlines not tyrant Cuomo. Do we have special doctors in Ny that the Cdc does not have access too or is this political with accusations that President Trump Controls CDC recommendations even though Thr while house door will kick him in the as in approx 32 days. If that is the case then everyone that works at The CDC with any influence or knowledge of a direction from the white house and changed guidance Based on any white house threat, not science should be fired immediately

What I find most amazing.
My wife and children needed to quarantine for 14 days even though they had taken 3 tests over the 14 days. It's almost certain I was exposed for at least 2 or 3 days before I had any symptoms but their quarantine starts at the onset of symptoms.

This was before the CDC changed the guiidlines again where you can test out after 7 days but we live in NY so not sure what they would have done. They are not high profile basketball players with the public and media watching you and A 14-day quarantine when you feel perfectly fine is tremendously difficult. When the CDC has guidance that cuts the quarantine to 7 days it makes it almost impossible to follow. Is there any science that backs up that someone can develop COVID 14 days after exposure? It's possible but I doing believe that is the case. They did not have to make that decision and would they have visited my parents or my inlaws who are both in their mid to late 70s or anyone high rusk. Of course not but being under house arrest when the CDC & other states follow a different protocol is insanity.
Last edited:
I didn’t know if it was something written someplace or your words. I assumed wrong. Like you, I too understand this topic. I only posted what the cdc site says. But I actually think we agree.

All good. I just wanted folks to understand why New York employers are in a different place than employers in most other states with respect to 14 v 10/7.
Selfishly I hope the entire team has Tested positive and of course recover quickly with no lasting effects to eliminate the risks so we can restart with zero fear of another pause and cancellations. I don't believe there is clear guidance for someone that has tested positive and recovered. Although I have heard of some getting COVID 2x I'm not sure anyone knows if that is true as the initial diagnosis might have been a false positive. They are giving a vaccine which I assume that exposure would not require quarantine but I am not sure as I have not read anything that has started that. If in fact, that is the case then a positive case with recovery should be handled in the same way I would assume. From what I know about vaccines in simple terms you're injected with the virus along with some other items that greatly reduce the likelihood of getting COVID or the virus the vaccine is targeting or if you do get it the virus that symptoms and risks are much less severe. A positive diagnosis I would assume provides more protection than any vaccine although I'm not a doctor and I'm simply speculating and basing this on similar viruses such as the flu and flu vaccine.

If a doctor or someone with more knowledge than I can provide feedback on my thoughts above it would be appreciated.

I was diagnosed positive around 4 weeks ago. After 1 day with 101 fever and 18 hours of almost continuous sleep, I did not have any symptoms after The initial 24 hours other than being tired but I suspect being in bed or sitting in a chair in a room with no human contact was as much of a factor as COVID was. I run a min of 3m 5 days a week. After 5 days I put I a medical-grade mask and drove to an area with no one within 500 yds and walked 3 miles. My energy level increased immediately after to The point I was going nuts with 5 more days remaining, I was out of quarantine after 10 days and took another week off from running as I was told getting heart rate elevated is strongly discouraged and was prohibited by my doctor which I followed. I did walk daily. It has been difficult to get back to the shape I was in pre COVID but I am 90% back and I suspect 3 full weeks without any cardio I would have similar challenges getting back into my same shape pre-covid even without having the virus. I'm 52 and I have found extended breaks ( 3 weeks or more) which I have had twice or so over the last 5 years I experienced very similar challenges getting back as it's incredible how quickly you lose your cardio shape as well as my motivation possibly due to the ”runners high” withdrawal has passed.

My fear of stopping my work out scheduled routine And the challenges of getting back into shape has provided a lot of motivation and I believe it's why I have been so disciplined with my workouts. FYI up until I began working out around 7 years ago I rarely walked into a gym and never worked out ever. My only exercise has always come from playing sports basketball, ”softball” ( in my 40s) paddle boarding, easy hikes ext.and those opportunities become reduced greatly as you age.

Sorry if i bored anyone with my story but if you are in your 30s or 40s and not currently working out regularly I can not stress enough the change it creates with almost every aspect of your health possibly the most important being mental health and stress relief reduction, energy levels, confidence ( and likely helps fight of viruses especially those that are considered respiratory)

Back the Quarantine rules in NY

It's incredible that if you test positive you need to quarantine for 10 days as long as you are symptom-free for anywhere for 24 to 72 hours before the 10th day. ( things have changed so often don't recall if it's 24 or 72). No additional test is needed just symptom free with specific stress on no fever for ” x” hours without the use of l fever-reducing medication. ( I am referring to the CDC reducing guidlines not tyrant Cuomo. Do we have special doctors in Ny that the Cdc does not have access too or is this political with accusations that President Trump Controls CDC recommendations even though Thr while house door will kick him in the as in approx 32 days. If that is the case then everyone that works at The CDC with any influence or knowledge of a direction from the white house and changed guidance Based on any white house threat, not science should be fired immediately

What I find most amazing.
My wife and children needed to quarantine for 14 days even though they had taken 3 tests over the 14 days. It's almost certain I was exposed for at least 2 or 3 days before I had any symptoms but their quarantine starts at the onset of symptoms.

This was before the CDC changed the guiidlines again where you can test out after 7 days but we live in NY so not sure what they would have done. They are not high profile basketball players with the public and media watching you and A 14-day quarantine when you feel perfectly fine is tremendously difficult. When the CDC has guidance that cuts the quarantine to 7 days it makes it almost impossible to follow. Is there any science that backs up that someone can develop COVID 14 days after exposure? It's possible but I doing believe that is the case. They did not have to make that decision and would they have visited my parents or my inlaws who are both in their mid to late 70s or anyone high rusk. Of course not but being under house arrest when the CDC & other states follow a different protocol is insanity.
You broke isolation to go for a walk?
I wish you a speedy recovery, kcsu.

And you're right nothing is fool proof. The CDC did a survey where 85% of covid patients said they used masks all or most of the time. And the quality of the mask used is also very important. Cloth masks are notoriously ineffective. Of course walking around with an n95 mask all day long is not all that feasible either.

Well you can’t wear it during oral surgery
Thanks everyone. A couple of things i have learned. This is from a very good friend very brilliant Doc from The Mayo in Rochester.
Aspirin. Never advil or Motrin. Tylenol is ok if you are allergic to aspirin. If not 100% aspirin.
1000 IU D3 daily
Limit dairy while you have symptoms.
Stay upright. The first 5 nights i basically stayed in a chair.
I have a doc appointment each day via their portal. Im currently at my home in Asheville which is fortunate as the Vail hospital is good for ortho stuff not so hot for other things.
The main hospital here is Mission and my experience has been A+. Im really impressed.
Im positive i picked this up as a result of my surgery but you never really know. Im fortunate in that i dont have any medical conditions that put me at risk and i have access to great health care and advise. Im grateful that this hit me vs my daughters or Dad. This will be my 1st Christmas without my family still we will be together in spirit. Last point this forum has always been a blessing. What a great eclectic community of opinions, debates, and great discussions with our love of Syracuse the glue.
Hope SU gets back to playing soon so i can drag one of my 20 SU fan personalities out:)
Wear your mask. Wash your hands.
Go Orange!

Aspirin isn’t anything to play with either .. it increases risk of bleeding... for those that may have a condition that may put them At increased risk of hemorrhage...
After getting a taste of Kadary Richmond playing bball, I feel like those old MTV commercials (yes, I'm dating myself), where the band members come on and say; "I want my MTV"!
"I want my Kadary Richmond"! Call your cable provider now"!


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