Now that it's over... |

Now that it's over...


Sep 14, 2011
Despite the love-hate relationship that we all had with Scoop over the years, this has to be the most painful SU basketball-related photo I've ever seen...

I wanted to bawl my eyes out after seeing that pic, and it made me realize just how much I'll miss Scoop next season, despite all of the "Scoopid" moments we all collected during his time on the Hill. The same goes for Kris too. Both of those guys really made me want to bash my head against the wall at times, but in the end, I'll definitely miss them. Both of them were upstanding individuals during their time at SU. Can't help but give them major props for all of the positive moments they've given us fans. The pain of losing just shy of the Final Four, just shy of the goal the team had set from the very beginning of the season, is rough. But this team fought through an incredible amount of adversity throughout the entire season to accumulate the most impressive record of any SU basketball team I've had the pleasure of watching. 34-3 is nothing to shake your head at, regardless of how far they made it in the NCAA tournament. While I have to admit that I did feel more attached to the 2009-10 team than this one, I'll definitely remember this one forever. I'm glad I have one of the team posters being mailed to me from the marketing department as we speak. It's the first time I've ever gotten a team poster. I'll be proud to hang that puppy on my wall as soon as I get it.

Here's to the 2011-12 squad, especially Scoop, Kris, Dion, and Fab! I'll miss you guys!
Of the (possible) 4 players we will never see don a SU uniform again, I think Scoop had the most heart of any of them. That indeed is a painful photo for me to look at, and what makes me a bit upset about people talking about next season moments after this loss. This culture doesn't seem to cherish the moment all that often any more.
Fans look to next season because it's available to us... We want to see something better if it ends badly. Only the Champion's fans want to cherish the moment. We would rather move on to our championship moment, when it happens...

These seniors don't have that option.
That photo kills me. Scoop was such a good kid for the program and worked his tail off. I am going to miss him and how much he meant for the team.
So many people like to remind me..."It's just a game" when I'm distraught after a loss...and all I do is go and buy the latest T-Shirt and watch the games. Scoop has driven me nuts for over 1/5th of my life...but this picture made it clear to me that I have little reason to bitch about much. This guy has given days upon days to improve his help the Orange team...and he as he probably feels - nothing to show for it. take on the rest of your life like you did the might make a few "Scoopid" decisions but you'll be a much better man than me my friend. This pic kills me.
Great post. In the end this is just basketball and these are young men who played with a ton of heart through an extremely difficult season. How many of us would hold up as well as Scoop has and would remain as loyal as Scoop has in the face of such extreme criticism. And Kris has been nothing but an extremely fine and classy representative of our university and helped lead our team to the largest win total of any SU player ever. I for one have had a great ride this season. Am I disappointed? Sure, a little, but I am also extremely proud of what these kids have accomplished.
Love those kids. Kjo was consistent for the most part from start to finish. Scoop grew a lot. There were only a handful of bad Scoop moments this year. Both kids won games for us over the course of their careers. If only Arinze had not been injured and Fab had gone missing, they might have won 2 championships. I hope they come back to campus plenty of times in the future.

Good luck Scoop and Kjo - you've been excellent representatives of the Syracuse Orangemen!!!
I know he feels like there is nothing to show, but they did plenty in his time with CUSE. This team broke the record for wins in a season, & they swept UCONN into oblivion... Just that last thing is enough for me right now... LOL
Fab doesn't deserve to be mentioned with the other 3 IMO.

Kris and Scoop gave us a great 4-5 year run with 8 NCAA wins over their career. I love those guys despite their obvious flaws.

Dion's whole year was gravy after last year. He was a pleasure to watch.

Fab let his team down when they needed him most. I never like to blame the season on the guys who were on the court when there was a notable one off the court for his own dumb reasons. Same way I felt with Billy in 04&05 when he let down two great teams.
Bad Scoop. Loved to hate him.
Good Scoop. Loved to love him.
Scoop. I will always remember this kid as the heart and soul of this team: the voice: the humor: the smile. Of all the kids that have come through the doors of SU (Yes, including Melo and I loved his engagiing smile) not one has given more of himself to the team than Scoop. I would love to hear at the first home game next year (and maybe every game) the fans stand up and yell, "SCOOOOOOP" ... to remember this kid who is more than the heart of the OrangeNation.

Love you Scoop ... We will miss you.:noidea:
Oh man, that's just tough to look at. Kid was a gamer, and he'll be missed.
SWC, wow, that was well put. Great perspective. We get caught up in our personal reactions and in the end it is about the kids and their hopes/dreams. They are the ones putting in the countless hours so they can perform at their best on the big stage.
You don't root for the kids to make your dreams come true. You root for their dreams to come true. We are along for the ride.

This is perfectly said. Watching kris during the presser an seeing this scoop photo tears me up. I will miss them both though Scoop will go down as one of my all time faves. Really really gonna miss that guy.

This team worked their butts off and never stopped fighting. And they never let the off court distractions bother them.
You don't root for the kids to make your dreams come true. You root for their dreams to come true. We are along for the ride.

Amen. It's a bit vicariously through others...see it all the time with some parents, etc. at my son's travel baseball games. Oh Lord
Scoop will always be one of my favorites. No kid gave more of himself to the program, worked harder, or cared more. He made a ton of great plays. I'll miss him...OrangeNation will miss him.
One of the things I'll remember most about Scoop is how he was the player that hosted DaJuan Coleman on his official visit to Cuse this year. The 5th year senior, who could have been "too cool" to do such a thing & easily could have pawned off the high schooler on another player...but no, there is Scoop, showing DaJuan around campus the entire weekend, making him feel apart of the team already, and ensuring that he had a great time & realized what it's like to play basketball for SU and be loved by the community like Scoop is.

Even as a 5th year senior, Scoop was still focused on helping out the program and ensuring it's success long after he is finished playing. Self-less act right there & I know I am extremely appreciative of all he's done for the program.
I stay away from Twitter and Facebook, but I'm almost tempted to get a Twitter account just to tell Scoop how much I appreciate his years at SU.

I hope the athletic department finds a spot for him. He's one guy that should be a permanent fixture at Syracuse University.
Reading this thread while watching Kentucky play makes me feel sad for Kentucky's fans...sad that they will never get to experience the kind of love and respect for a 4-5 year player like Scoop, a guy who gave so generously of himself and his time to help the program be successful. Kentucky fans just cannot have the same feelings about their players...players that come there fully expecting to be gone in 8 months and off to the NBA. How can they really get to know and love these kids? Do their players even have the time to get familiar with the community? Just seems so impersonal. Like a business arangement.

(although, the way Syracuse feels about Carmelo may negate my thought, lol...)
I stay away from Twitter and Facebook, but I'm almost tempted to get a Twitter account just to tell Scoop how much I appreciate his years at SU.

I hope the athletic department finds a spot for him. He's one guy that should be a permanent fixture at Syracuse University.
I agree. I'd love to see him come back in a few years as a grad assistant, ala G-Mac. One of the things that makes Scoop's situation especially sad to me is that, more than any other player I can remember, he seemed to have the perspective and insight to understand just how special his time at SU has been and how much he'll lose when it's over. I think that's a big part of why he ended up becoming a great leader and face of the team, willing to sacrifice for the greater good. But the fact that he seems to cherish this place and his teammates so much just makes the end that much harder to take.
I look back on my own college experience, & realize how special that time was & how much I miss it. I worked in the athletic department of my school, & became part of the teams there, from practices to games, I was in on the action.

A student-athlete & any student who is involved in the athletic programs has the opportunity to be more intimately attached to the University, with all those connections...

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