Bell gets open when he moves. His problem is he misses his first and disappears. No other player besides Moore have shown the ability to even shoot a 3. There are plenty that have had wide open 3's but just plain missed. And you know why they are open? Because everyone knows they can't shoot! No coach can force a player, who may make the shots in practice, make them in a game.
This was true early in the year but they have done a much better job-provided again they stay active. Switching isn't the defensive problem anyhow, it is the lack of ability to play above the rim that is killing us. We can not rebound, and opponents just shoot over us.
No coach can make the players suddenly have a 40 inch vertical. Even a 30 would be a huge help. Sure a different coach may come up with a different scheme to try and hide this better, but there is no one that can make it go away. We would just end up frustrated because doubling down low opens up their shooters for easy looks. Is a loss easier for you because their 3's are dropping? Did you suddenly forget about how the zone became ineffective because we didn't push it far enough out? Pick your coach, pick your poison on how this team is going to lose.
In the end, if it makes you feel better to lay this all at the feet of Red, so be it. The man is in year 2 of his first ever head coaching job and has for sure made mistakes. No one is saying he has been the perfect coach, because that is far from the truth. What is the truth is putting the 4 best coaches to ever coach the game together to coach this team could not make them win. The talent is simply not there. But again, if blaming Red for the whole thing makes you feel better, have at it!