Olympic medal winners do profit off their wins don't they? I certainly don't think Kerrigan is unique. Cathy Rigby didn't even win an Olympic medal but made a pretty long, lucrative career from being a top American gymnast.
Not personally knowing Kerrigan my only impressions were the ones the the media presented. It's been profitable to Harding to be portrayed as some type of working class hero and to define herself as the true victim in the attack orchestrated by her own husband too. 20 years later, she's still looking outward for answers. In the past 18 years I think the public has heard much more about Tanya Harding than Nancy kerrigan.
Shouldn't they be judged for their athletic accomplishments? Kerrigan rehabbed , competed 6 weeks later and won an Olympic silver medal despite the attack and media hoopla - Harding practiced, competed, had a sub par performance coming in 8th while also dealing with the media hoopla. Those are the indisputable facts, both faced adversity and handled it in their own way. I haven't heard nor read that Kerrigan blamed Harding for the loss of an Olympic gold despite the attack, rehab and loss of practice time right before the Olympics. Only one person still blames others for her failure even 20 years later. Harding still shows the jealousy and insecurity that fueled the original attack and Kerrigan hasn't even commented, disparaged her, been involved in contraversy nor coveted public attention but simply ignored her and lived her life. I think Harding's story is sad but it has nothing at all to do with Kerrigan nor even skating.