OT: Catholics Splitting from NNBE? | Syracusefan.com

OT: Catholics Splitting from NNBE?

I suspect there's still more money for the hoops schools in being affiliated with the football schools, but I'm wondering if they think its worth the hassle at this point.

I read that Mike Arresco was at the meeting to field questions.
Under consideration



Have no idea what options they are considering, but with the loss of SU, Pitt, ND and UL, aside from UConn, have to wonder why the BB schools would want to be associated with Houston, SMU, USF, UCF, San Diego, Boise and whoever else.

It's not just about money or BB competition: it's about who these schools want to be associated with as Universities. It's just a big mess at this point.

Further, the football schools would be better off from an identity perspective, since UCF, USF, Temple, ECU, Cin, Memphis, Houston, SMU, Tulane, San Diego and Boise might feel they are in an interesting conference of comparable schools.
Doubt they're leaving. They'd need to pay exit fees. But if they vote to dissolve the league while they still have the votes, everybody gets to keep everything. And we'd get out of having to pay our final installment, I think. Can't pay something that doesn't exist, right? Plus, we might get to keep our NCAA credits...
Under consideration


It seems to me the hoops schools want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to break away from the conference but keep its name and NCAA credits. Isn't that not "breaking away" but kicking out all the football schools you've just invited?

This one will not end well - either the Big East hoops schools will be sued by the remaining football schools with no place to play, or else the Big East hoops schools will forfeit the name. Then good luck with a TV contract, which would only be worth about $1.6M per school. Ouch.

The bigger news to me is at the end of the linked article about MSG potentially getting out of the BET if teams continue to leave. I said it at the time of its announcement that I thought the ACC Tourney would eventually be at the Garden. That possibility seems more likely by the day. How great would that be?

It would be amazing. Thinking of how impossible getting a ticket for the Fri/Sat games is now, and thats with half the BE having no discernable fanbase. Imagine when fanbases from UNC and Duke join SU's, ND and Louisville.
It would be amazing. Thinking of how impossible getting a ticket for the Fri/Sat games is now, and thats with half the BE having no discernable fanbase. Imagine when fanbases from UNC and Duke join SU's, ND and Louisville.

I don't ever see the ACC going to MSG on a long term contract. The NC Mafia love having the games in Greensboro. At best the ACC could try for 2 years in NC and 2 years in MSG in a long-term rotation.

Having UConn in the ACC would help in this case...what the ACC can't afford is to have the B1G get any part of MSG.
Note what is missing?

"Those schools are concerned about the defection of the core of the Big East basketball conference–Syracuse, Pittsburgh, Louisville and Notre Dame..."

It is ironic that Rutgers will not be missed, that perennial powerhouse of athletics so close to NYC. I know this is referring to hoops, but if Rutgers was half of what the B1G thinks they are, shouldn't their defection have caused some concern with the hoops schools?

For the longest time I didn't think the hoops schools would break away, but now it looks quite possible. Cannot say I blame them, only Temple, Memphis and Houston bring anything to the hoops table and certainly not enough for close ties (maybe over 20-25 years they could develop real rivalries to cover the distances, but anytime soon). If the hoops schools break away, they could add a few more hoops schools and overtake the A10 for regional dominance, too. In the end, it would probably be a wash for the hoops schools to break away or stay, they have all the big markets for hoops.
I hope they do break away. And if they do, I hope they take the Big East name (and associated credits) with them. At least this "Group of 7" would give the Big East name the respect it deserves.
I don't ever see the ACC going to MSG on a long term contract. The NC Mafia love having the games in Greensboro. At best the ACC could try for 2 years in NC and 2 years in MSG in a long-term rotation.

Having UConn in the ACC would help in this case...what the ACC can't afford is to have the B1G get any part of MSG.

From an ACC standpoint, MSG should not be the perm. site for the ACC tourney. It would turn off too many fans. On the other hand, I think the southern fans may actually enjoy a periodic trip to MSG. As long as they know the ACC tournament was in the south most of the time, they'd be ok with a periodic (e.g. every 3rd year at MSG) MSG tourney. I can't see the B10 ever going to MSG. It's not like Rutgers hoops has any sway and that would be the only reason for a move like that.
I don't ever see the ACC going to MSG on a long term contract. The NC Mafia love having the games in Greensboro. At best the ACC could try for 2 years in NC and 2 years in MSG in a long-term rotation.

Having UConn in the ACC would help in this case...what the ACC can't afford is to have the B1G get any part of MSG.
I expect that, eventually, MSG will be part of the rotation. But probably not as frequently as 2 out of 4 years. Maybe rotate Charlotte, Greensboro, Atlanta, NYC?
I hope they do break away. And if they do, I hope they take the Big East name (and associated credits) with them. At least this "Group of 7" would give the Big East name the respect it deserves.
If they keep the name, they are not breaking away...they are kicking the other teams out.
I hope they find a way to break away ( or kick the other teams out ) as well. They are the BigEast not Tulane, Houston, SMU, etc. The BigEast is a total mess right now.
I don't think anyone is going to 'break away'. That leaves too much $$$ on the table. If they're smart, they will vote to dissolve the conference while they still have a majority of votes. That way everyone can just walk. Maybe they can pay a settlement of some sort to keep the name in some reconstituted form...

The question then becomes, what happens to all the money from exit fees? Equally distributed among remaining members? Maybe even more important - what happens to the credits from the NCAA tournament (that are paid several years in arrears)? Those payments are made, IIRC, to conferences and not individual schools.
I don't ever see the ACC going to MSG on a long term contract. The NC Mafia love having the games in Greensboro. At best the ACC could try for 2 years in NC and 2 years in MSG in a long-term rotation.

Having UConn in the ACC would help in this case...what the ACC can't afford is to have the B1G get any part of MSG.

Yeah, not permanent. Once on a while would be fun.

I think a great location for a bunch of ACC tourneys is D.C. Fun town, big market, close proximity for most schools, lots of alums in the area.
I don't think anyone is going to 'break away'. That leaves too much $$$ on the table. If they're smart, they will vote to dissolve the conference while they still have a majority of votes. That way everyone can just walk. Maybe they can pay a settlement of some sort to keep the name in some reconstituted form...

The question then becomes, what happens to all the money from exit fees? Equally distributed among remaining members? Maybe even more important - what happens to the credits from the NCAA tournament (that are paid several years in arrears)? Those payments are made, IIRC, to conferences and not individual schools.
Good point. The name is the biggest asset they have right now. And maybe it would be best for them to milk the exit fees until they they have the conference they want :)
From the ESPN article: "The basketball schools are not thrilled with Tulane and what they will do to the league's RPI," said a league source from a football-playing member. "They were not all that excited with that addition."

Yet the basketball schools had no problem forcing the football schools to take Villanova.
Uconn and Temple should go with them and play football in the MAC.

The bigger news to me is at the end of the linked article about MSG potentially getting out of the BET if teams continue to leave. I said it at the time of its announcement that I thought the ACC Tourney would eventually be at the Garden. That possibility seems more likely by the day. How great would that be?

MSG would want a decent commitment. Having the MAAC every year is better than having the ACC every four years. IMO the ACC should rotate with Greensboro and MSG. Then MSG can go to the BE Catholic schools and offer to let them play in MSG when the ACC is in Greensboro. When those schools are not in MSG they can play in Philly or DC. Would be a win for the ACC, New New New BE, and MSG.
MSG would want a decent commitment. Having the MAAC every year is better than having the ACC every four years. IMO the ACC should rotate with Greensboro and MSG. Then MSG can go to the BE Catholic schools and offer to let them play in MSG when the ACC is in Greensboro. When those schools are not in MSG they can play in Philly or DC. Would be a win for the ACC, New New New BE, and MSG.

Wouldn't shock me for the Big 10 to swoop in and commit to MSG every year, effectively cutting off any plans the ACC might have to rotate there. Which BE Catholic school is going to fills the stands at MSG? Seton Hall? DePaul? Having that tourney at MSG is not even remotely a "win" for MSG - which is part of why they would jump at the chance to host the Big 10 tourney every year.
I hope they do break away. And if they do, I hope they take the Big East name (and associated credits) with them. At least this "Group of 7" would give the Big East name the respect it deserves.

I'd rather see the conference dissolve into history, like the Southwest Conference did.
Wouldn't shock me for the Big 10 to swoop in and commit to MSG every year, effectively cutting off any plans the ACC might have to rotate there.

Never happen.
The ACC should move its hoops tournament to DC on a permanent basis. It's a destination city filled with hotels, bars and restaurants. DC is the bridge between north and south. Having the tournament there would kill the Maryland fanbase. And it would help cement the DC market for the future ACC network. It would easily grow into a major annual event. I think it's a no-brainer.
Wouldn't shock me for the Big 10 to swoop in and commit to MSG every year, effectively cutting off any plans the ACC might have to rotate there. Which BE Catholic school is going to fills the stands at MSG? Seton Hall? DePaul? Having that tourney at MSG is not even remotely a "win" for MSG - which is part of why they would jump at the chance to host the Big 10 tourney every year.

1. Last time I checked the B1G is Midwestern and run by those schools. No way do they want to play in NYC.

2. MSG doesn't care about fannies in seats but tickets sold. If a 10-12 team league has to buy 1250 seats each, it doesn't matter if no one shows. Having that league every other year beats having no tourney at all or having that league every year.

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