Parents of players... |

Parents of players...


Aug 26, 2011
Over the years, we've had many parents both here and on the football board. When their son commits, they post here... and it's a big love-in. Then, as soon as the player does not live up to a poster's expectations (realistic or not), the player starts getting criticized (sometimes brutally). The parent (with few exceptions) leaves... with a bad taste of SU fandom in his SU memory bank.

In addition to the parents who post here, there are many more who start to read the board when their son commits... and they, too, enjoy the initial love-in. In their case also, reality soon sets in ... and, if they're smart, they stop reading the board.

The problem, as seen in the instant case, is that everyone enjoyed OGBJ20's posts... and treated OGBJ20 as their best friend ... until BJ's play did not meet their expectations. The result was one very sad and unhappy father. Not only was he disappointed by his son's play; he was also wounded by the comments from those he considered his friends.

Maybe we should just tell parents at the beginning that they should not come here.
Over the years, we've had many parents both here and on the football board. When their son commits, they post here... and it's a big love-in. Then, as soon as the player does not live up to a poster's expectations (realistic or not), the player starts getting criticized (sometimes brutally). The parent (with few exceptions) leaves... with a bad taste of SU fandom in his SU memory bank.

In addition to the parents who post here, there are many more who start to read the board when their son commits... and they, too, enjoy the initial love-in. In their case also, reality soon sets in ... and, if they're smart, they stop reading the board.

The problem, as seen in the instant case, is that everyone enjoyed OGBJ20's posts... and treated OGBJ20 as their best friend ... until BJ's play did not meet their expectations. The result was one very sad and unhappy father. Not only was he disappointed by his son's play; he was also wounded by the comments from those he considered his friends.

Maybe we should just tell parents at the beginning that they should not come here.
Probably wise.
Maybe we should just tell parents at the beginning that they should not come here.

Just tell them it's an Internet fan message board. It's like any other community. It's moderated as well as possible but emotions run high. There will negative sentiment. Sometimes that sentiment manifests itself in repetitive posts or personal attacks, both of which are dealt with by the mods.

If they can't handle that, then the recommendation should be to stay away.

I really don't understand why this is a big deal.

This is SOP for any healthy message board. Just be fair and consistent.

You want to see a delicate moderation job, you should see the people participating in the Serial Subreddit discussing a murder 1 conviction. Family members, friends of the accused, etc.

If those mods can handle it, I think we can continue to do well here.
Over the years, we've had many parents both here and on the football board. When their son commits, they post here... and it's a big love-in. Then, as soon as the player does not live up to a poster's expectations (realistic or not), the player starts getting criticized (sometimes brutally). The parent (with few exceptions) leaves... with a bad taste of SU fandom in his SU memory bank.

In addition to the parents who post here, there are many more who start to read the board when their son commits... and they, too, enjoy the initial love-in. In their case also, reality soon sets in ... and, if they're smart, they stop reading the board.

The problem, as seen in the instant case, is that everyone enjoyed OGBJ20's posts... and treated OGBJ20 as their best friend ... until BJ's play did not meet their expectations. The result was one very sad and unhappy father. Not only was he disappointed by his son's play; he was also wounded by the comments from those he considered his friends.

Maybe we should just tell parents at the beginning that they should not come here.

I think they have to use caution. When we play poorly some people react very quickly and yo be honest at times immaturely. There is a fair level of stupidity on here after a loss. We also have the resident doom and bloomers who will never change. Reality is parents need to understand that will exist on every fan board.
I really don't understand why this is a big deal.


This is an example of why it is a big deal. This is a verbatim ad hominem response to BJOB (which was deleted -- and it was not the only response to him that was deleted):

"Oh great spawn of Polly and Anna, I have been viewing posts on variations of this forum since at least 1997. What you've witnessed today is nothing.

"To be your clear, your worldview of fandom is just that, your own. So, take your 'so called' and 'fair weather' qualifiers, and warnings of pending contradictions and desire to bark when your personal worldviews are not parroted by complete strangers on the internet, and find some My Little Pony forum to post 'em on.

"Surprise! It's the internet. Here you will find billions of people whose opinions and coping mechanisms differ from yours."
The problem, as seen in the instant case, is that everyone enjoyed OGBJ20's posts... and treated OGBJ20 as their best friend ... until BJ's play did not meet their expectations. The result was one very sad and unhappy father. Not only was he disappointed by his son's play; he was also wounded by the comments from those he considered his friends.
This part. I too would be hurt if people were being a little too mean hearted in their posts if it were my son. Especially the fact that most started off welcoming and ended in that fashion. We are not playing well this year. We might not finish well given the sample to this point. I understand this. Just some of you should go back to your recent posts, look at some of the comments directed not only at BJ but at OGBJ20 too. I hope you had the sense to delete some sarcastic, nasty posts. There were a few. All you need to do is ask yourself: would you talk like that to anyone in person? I doubt it. So it's the internet. Doesn't mean you need to be a tough guy behind a firewall. Treat people with respect. It's not me talking down, preaching, an order what have you. It's just civil and not being a douche. Sorry, but I know a lot of good posters that feel similarly lately. Bobby never posted anything but value here. I would like to keep it that way, have no problem with parents who post and are never out of line. Maybe it's the out of line people who need to rethink themselves.
This is an example of why it is a big deal. This is a verbatim ad hominem response to BJOB (which was deleted -- and it was not the only response to him that was deleted:

Oh great spawn of Polly and Anna, I have been viewing posts on variations of this forum since at least 1997. What you've witnessed today is nothing.

To be your clear, your worldview of fandom is just that, your own. So, take your 'so called' and 'fair weather' qualifiers, and warnings of pending contradictions and desire to bark when your personal worldviews are not parroted by complete strangers on the internet, and find some My Little Pony forum to post 'em on.

Surprise! It's the internet. Here you will find billions of people whose opinions and coping mechanisms differ from yours.

So delete it, ban the member and, if you feel it deserves the attention, send OGBJ a message or do a public post apologizing but reiterating that there are idiots that come to this site, but the majority love his participation.

We can't protect everyone from everything.

I love that he posts here. But this is what happens. There are trolls, idiots and just mean people. They are the minority.

Again, you all do a solid job. But you can't bat 1.000 with this stuff.

If he wants to participate, it will be applauded and appreciated by the majority, but there will be idiots that need to be dealt with strongly and swiftly. But it will be here and on any other message board he goes to.

I don't mean to sound insensitive, but mods can only do so much to protect people and make the board hospitable.

Let the armchair get their rocks off and then ban them and delete the crap they spew.
cto said:
This is an example of why it is a big deal. This is a verbatim ad hominem response to BJOB (which was deleted -- and it was not the only response to him that was deleted): "Oh great spawn of Polly and Anna, I have been viewing posts on variations of this forum since at least 1997. What you've witnessed today is nothing. "To be your clear, your worldview of fandom is just that, your own. So, take your 'so called' and 'fair weather' qualifiers, and warnings of pending contradictions and desire to bark when your personal worldviews are not parroted by complete strangers on the internet, and find some My Little Pony forum to post 'em on. "Surprise! It's the internet. Here you will find billions of people whose opinions and coping mechanisms differ from yours."
The internet is full of douchebags...

OG, I hope BJ starts going drano every game!
Maybe I'm just not a sensitive person, but i have yet to read anything on this board that I thought was out of line. If you can't constructively criticize then what is the point of having a message board? People are always going to differ on opinions.I have yet to see anyone call another poster an idiot or moron or anything like that. If it wasn't for the rain...would we ever appreciate the sunny days?
Maybe I'm just not a sensitive person, but i have yet to read anything on this board that I thought was out of line. If

You don't see a lot of the really bad posts. There is usually at least one Mod around to nuke the most egregious stuff. (Stuff much worse than that post telling BJ's Dad to take his thoughts to a "My Little Pony" forum).
I don't get attacking players personally, and I certainly don't see the point of attacking parents or family members, especially when they've been as great as BJ's dad.

Now, I've been critical of BJ but only to say that I just don't think he's physically ready yet, and he doesn't have a great grasp of the defense yet. I hope that's not considered out of line, because I would say that about anyone if I thought it was true, and it's not an attack on the kid because I hope like hell he can become a great player.

I for one love that BJ's dad has been posting, and I've enjoyed his being here. I hope this hasn't put too sour a taste in his mouth for Syracuse fans, and Syracusefan.
OGBJ has 800 posts, and 4200 likes. Isn't that evidence that the community has welcomed him with open arms and the overall sentiment towards him and his son have been quite positive?
That is exactly my point... he was welcomed into a love-in here...everything he said was "liked,"... and he felt he was among his new best friends. Then, BJ's play did not live up to the expectations of some... and suddenly all the warm feelings disappeared.
Over the years, we've had many parents both here and on the football board. When their son commits, they post here... and it's a big love-in. Then, as soon as the player does not live up to a poster's expectations (realistic or not), the player starts getting criticized (sometimes brutally). The parent (with few exceptions) leaves... with a bad taste of SU fandom in his SU memory bank.

In addition to the parents who post here, there are many more who start to read the board when their son commits... and they, too, enjoy the initial love-in. In their case also, reality soon sets in ... and, if they're smart, they stop reading the board.

The problem, as seen in the instant case, is that everyone enjoyed OGBJ20's posts... and treated OGBJ20 as their best friend ... until BJ's play did not meet their expectations. The result was one very sad and unhappy father. Not only was he disappointed by his son's play; he was also wounded by the comments from those he considered his friends.

Maybe we should just tell parents at the beginning that they should not come here.

And Grandparents.
Admins: I, for one, am thankful that you delete the really bad posts before I see them. I avoid coming here for quite a while after a loss because I am a non-violent person and don't like it when I feel like punching someone in the nose.
BJ's play did not live up to the expectations of some... and suddenly all the warm feelings disappeared.

50 people and counting have liked the thread that he started earlier this afternoon. That certainly doesn't seem to me like warm feelings disappearing.

And your point about regular posters not being able to see the worst posts that the mods delete is fair and well-taken.
Treat people with respect. It's not me talking down, preaching, an order what have you. It's just civil and not being a douche. Sorry, but I know a lot of good posters that feel similarly lately. Bobby never posted anything but value here. I would like to keep it that way, have no problem with parents who post and are never out of line. Maybe it's the out of line people who need to rethink themselves.
Sadly, the detractors often are more vocal than those that respect BJ and his dad. It's a big deal that kids like BJ choose to come to SU and a real treat to have his dad chat with us. The perspective is wonderful for many fans and gives great insight into the lives of these talented kids. Fascinating stuff really. It's hard enough for OGBJ20 to critique his own son without having too much help from most of us. In the end we all see room for improvement by the team and BJ can help with that. I'm glad he's here and hope the best for him and what he can do for this team. Anything can happen at this point. Our championship team lost games and grew over time. Hope this group grows similarly and develops a rhythm.
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You don't see a lot of the really bad posts. There is usually at least one Mod around to nuke the most egregious stuff. (Stuff much worse than that post telling BJ's Dad to take his thoughts to a "My Little Pony" forum).
then you guys and gals have been doing a great job cleaning up the mess.
I think a lot of people use this forum to vent after dissapointments just like we overreact to accomplishments. people need to go hit a punching bag after we lose instead of using this forum as a punching bag. There condescending tones of some posters on here is out of control. Theres a mod on here whose guilty of it too. Im sure i have had my moments but we all need to put away the internet muscles.
CTO with all due respect a fan has the right to express how they feel on this board or any board. These players are playing for free at a major university and the fans of the bball team has high expectations of the program. We are used to excellence these past 30 years and unfortunately things have changed this year because of early draft entrees. This is what kids sign up for. To come and play at a high level. My only hope is people don't demean the kids because they are young and its difficult to take, but I would never tell anybody how to act on here (Unless they are vulgar in posting). Honestly if anything it shows we are passionate about the team.

I will voice my displeasure with how we have recruited players who play great D (way way too many players who are projects) and not capitalizing more on the higher level recruits such as Isiah Whitehead who is headed for stardom. We should of absolutely recruited him and not recruited anyone else and made him top priority, but we didn't.
CTO with all due respect a fan has the right to express how they feel on this board or any board. These players are playing for free at a major university and the fans of the bball team has high expectations of the program. We are used to excellence these past 30 years and unfortunately things have changed this year because of early draft entrees. This is what kids sign up for. To come and play at a high level. My only hope is people don't demean the kids because they are young and its difficult to take, but I would never tell anybody how to act on here (Unless they are vulgar in posting). Honestly if anything it shows we are passionate about the team.

I will voice my displeasure with how we have recruited players who play great D (way way too many players who are projects) and not capitalizing more on the higher level recruits such as Isiah Whitehead who is headed for stardom. We should of absolutely recruited him and not recruited anyone else and made him top priority, but we didn't.
You may have missed the premise of my post... It was asking whether we should suggest to parents that they do not post here. It had nothing to do with whether or not fans should/could express opinions about players.
cto said:
You may have missed the premise of my post... It was asking whether we should suggest to parents that they do not post here. It had nothing to do with whether or not fans should/could express opinions about players.

I think parents need to decide whether they want to post here. Only few have had the courage to do.
Was a lurker for awhile before coming on board. Listen, this board can be great and has been and will continue too.

That being said. This board is negative. With more and more doom n gloom and knee jerk reaction posters.

I also think some have forgotten what being a fan is. "If you are a fan of the team then you should ride with them WIN or lose".

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