Parents of players... | Page 4 |

Parents of players...

I dont think I missed the point at all. I was simply saying you can't protect the kids on a Fan forum that way if you are a parent. The reality is fans will voice their displeasure with how a player is playing. Honestly some of the players just aren't ready yet this year. I don't see any improvement in Patterson, Robertson, Johnson. I think this class reminds me a lot of terrance roberts group 2.o. And Roberts may have been more talented than these guys.
I have a bit of unique perspective as I covered high school sports and had the pleasure (mostly) and absolute brutal misery (less frequently but not exactly rarely) of interacting with athletes' parents.

I think this boils down to a few really simple facts that everyone needs to bare in mind at all times before coming to this board:

1) These kids aren't amateurs nor are they minors. They're not. Anyone who feels otherwise needs take a breath, step back and realize that this is professional sports. Obviously this doesn't really excuse people from saying completely hurtful personal things, but it DOES mean that these kids and their parents get plenty of perks for their efforts. Message boards, unfortunately, can be a major downside, but this is not like cursing out an 8-year-old pop warner kid who dropped a touchdown.

2) All parents are biased. And before people flip out, this is the WHOLE POINT OF BEING A PARENT!!! Loving your kid unconditionally and being incredibly proud of him (or her) are extremely important things about parenting. But let's also be realistic and understand that maybe weighing in on playing time decisions and team strategy aren't your best option as a parent.

3) The Interwebs are full of d-bags. This is not written to excuse anyone's behavior but I think it's safe to say that basically anyone who has an account on this board cares far too much about a bunch of 18-22 year olds who happen to wear orange jerseys and play basketball. We embarrass ourselves with every loss (some more than others) but pretty much everyone knows there are two basic facts about any internet message board poster: We know everything and we definitely know what everyone else should be doing.

Bottom line is this: YES, I am absolutely in favor of telling any athlete's parents not to come to this board. Is there really any argument to the contrary? If your kid is Melo, then fine, but otherwise go find other stuff to do. This is not going to end well.
Normally I keep to myself on this board, better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool,... That being said, I cried For OGBJ when I saw his son start a few games back, SU basketball has always been about family I was proud for OGBJ, so when tough times come which they do in New York we need to stick together and pat each other on the back, so way to go OGBJ, I am a HUGE!! BJ Johnson fan!!
Normally I keep to myself on this board, better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool,... That being said, I cried For OGBJ when I saw his son start a few games back, SU basketball has always been about family I was proud for OGBJ, so when tough times come which they do in New York we need to stick together and pat each other on the back, so way to go OGBJ, I am a HUGE!! BJ Johnson fan!!
sinceseven please don't keep to yourself. We need posts like that!
So, my post offended him? I can see why it would. For the record, I had no idea this person was a player's parent. I do not pay any attention to that stuff. I don't really know how I would know that. If I had known he was a player-parent, I would have posted a similar sentiment, but in a less snarky fashion. That said, I felt my level of snarkiness did not exceed his ('so called fans' etc).

This is unfortunate. There are few paths we could take:
  1. Treat everyone the same. Put your big boy pants on when you come here. Ban people for being egregiously disagreeable
  2. Treat player's parents in some special way. To do that, they would need to be flagged as such (caution, handle with care)
  3. Ban people like me
  4. Discourage player parent posting. I know 'Bees has done this in the past.

The issue is this. I dislike posts which call out the whole board for not being positive enough, or not posting a certain way. I find it offensive to be told to post a certain way, with insinuations that I am not a fan, etc. They are 'disagreeable' to me, assuming my opinion matters. My response has always been to make a post like the one above.

Now, I am being called out as the one whom drove this person away. Irony is, I came to the thread very late. I am unsure if I had even posted in the 12+ hours leading up to it. And I certainly haven't said anything about BJ specifically in a long while. Whatever caused him to make that post in the first place was not me. I was responding to the call for more PollyAnna-ism, which has been a frequently-recurring sore point during my 16+ years here. And again, I had no idea whom he is, and I'm not sure I need to know that.

I've tried very hard to be kinder and gentler. I failed. I jumped into a conversation I had no business jumping into all b/c of the call for pollyannism, the 'so-called-fan' comment, and the '2-years' qualifier, and I dredged up my old snarkiness.

Epic fail all around.

I've always felt these OPs which bemoan the state of the board, but are not referring to anything specific should be deleted.
never in a million years would i have guessed you to be the author of that.

part of me wants to commend you, for theres some good digs in there...but yeah, over the top my friend.

in a way, its classic swish...missing the big picture ie: who it was. (but lets be clear, at some point this year i guaran-Fn-tee you i will tell you to go and take your cockamamie thoughts to the my little pony forum...thats gold)

another part of me wants to tell you that ive been telling you for 16 years that you shouldnt be posting on here. :crazy: ;)

im also not surprised you outed yourself and owned up to it, good man.

romper room here has always been a little nuts during and after losses, especially when it comes to people believing that this is a place where they have a right to lose their shlit at the drop of a dime and go all napalm on players and inturn at posters.

all the board asks...and im speaking to everyone that if you dont have a strong enough grasp of the english language with the skill and mental capacity(heres where im back talkin to you for sure, swish;)) to get your point accross...then keep it to yourself.

for at that point all you are doing is embarrassing yourself and cluttering up the board with nonsense that nobody cares about.

Oh Lord
if you dont have a strong enough grasp of the english language with the skill and mental capacity(heres where im back talkin to you for sure, swish;)) to get your point accross...

Kaiser, it's spelled "across."
Kaiser, it's spelled "across."
the level below infantile where you find the spell check police.
People need to relax and get some perspective. Its freaking basketball. Not even professional basketball. Its supposed to be fun and something to take your mind off the BS you are dealing with in your real life. If it gets to the point where you are either stressing out others, or causing yourself stress over it, its time for another pursuit. Of course its taken me about 30 years and several children to gain this perspective.

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