People on this board dissing Marrone, Hackett, et al | Page 4 |

People on this board dissing Marrone, Hackett, et al

Well once you're done listening to your Alanis Morissette CD 10 more times, you'll be fine. j/k

It was Adele and I'm all better now. ;)

Seriously, I made my 1 or 2 posts about the situation, not nearly the ranting some on here are undertaking but I'm done with this. Doug's departure sucks, the assistants leaving sucks, and losing Zach Allen sucks, but the reality is none of us can change any of it. I'm not going to keep posting and venting. I was never a Bills fan and certainly won't be now either. I'll still be in my seats next year cheering for the team, whoever the staff is, whoever the QB is and Doug leaving won't change that. I just wish it didn't feel like a bomb was dropped on the program.
I'll tell you the person I have the most respect for out of this entire situation is Barry Alvarez. He gets left suddenly with a head coach opening at Wisconsin and actually does the ethical thing and doesn't poach the first guy on his list - Paul Chryst.

Instead he comes out an says "I just helped him get that job, I'm not going to screw Pitt over just to benefit myself."
Exactly the point I was trying to make. Doug was one of us but in the end treated us the same way any outsider would have, as a stepping stone and nothing more.

People are pissed because they thought this was different? That's a 'they' problem then.

Your girlfriend or better yet your wife, is part of the team to, whispering her undying love in your ear right up until the time she bails (and takes the kids just like Marrone did.)

People need to except reality and thank god this is only a football coach (and not actually your wife). Life goes on, we'll hire some new coaches and move forward. It's football it's fun. People need to be @hardnosed.
Yeah it does stink but maybe this is what we needed to turn it to the next level, who knows but like you I'll be in the dome rooting for the Orange.

Everybody is going to take the time needed to get over this and for some I'm sure they hated Marrone anyways so this is a chance to keep lobbing written jabs at the guy. It is what it is and I think we'll be better for it overall in the big picture.

Oh and Adele is a darn good choice.
I met a coach that coached with Doug at SUNY Cortland right around the time Doug was hired at SU he said most of the coaching staff did not like him and he was arrogant and impossible to work with. At the time I just chalked it up as him being a hater, now I wonder.
Just look at what he did to Dan Conley & his family three days before Christmas. Sure, it's never a good time to fire anyone but just before Christmas? Dan Conley is more heart and soul Syracuse football than anyone in the programs history. That was the day my feelings for Doug Marrone, the man, changed for good. I took down the Orange Kool-Aid drinking logo and stopped attending his luncheons.

Look at what he did to Donnie Webb, one of this sites favorite football writers. That move has never been explained.

He also blindsided Rob Spence. That was over an issue which has never been made public.

This whole episode reminds me of a couple breaking up and one partner going out with all of the other partners best friends and relatives.

Doug Marrone's reign of terror on Syracuse Football is in full gear and this will be his legacy to many.
Just look at what he did to Dan Conley & his family three days before Christmas. Sure, it's never a good time to fire anyone but just before Christmas? Dan Conley is more heart and soul Syracuse football than anyone in the programs history. That was the day my feelings for Doug Marrone, the man, changed for good. I took down the Orange Kool-Aid drinking logo and stopped attending his luncheons.

Look at what he did to Donnie Webb, one of this sites favorite football writers. That move has never been explained.

This whole episode reminds me of a couple breaking up and one partner going out with all of the other partners best friends and relatives.

Doug Marrone's reign of terror on Syracuse Football is in full gear and this will be his legacy to many.
the totality of it all is starting to make sense. Conley, Webb, Casullo, unceremoniously kicking the kids off the team when he got here (know this needed to be done but just like his exit here it could have been done with better tact and class). Narcisstic self absorbtion along with it's deceit come in all stripes and colors and this guy is a unique case. When you and cto are on the same page it's pretty conclusive. There's a lot of bad karma going around due to DM and usually at some point that stuff comes around to bite one back in a big way. I for one will look forward to when it happens, hopefully along the lines of Millhouses dream scenario.
Well at the time, he was only there as a stepping stone to get to his final destination, Syracuse. He said that several times in early 2009, and even used Cortland as an example by name.
I just spoke with a high school coach today and he said the same. I think it's just his personality.
This is quite a thread.. wow. Putting it all together, it's a very stark picture.

Best of luck to HCSS, his eventual staff, and the kids.
This is quite a thread.. wow. Putting it all together, it's a very stark picture.

Best of luck to HCSS, his eventual staff, and the kids.
his dickheadedness also explain why he was so bad at raising money from rich people in the know
Disagree. We aren't idiots. We know its a JOB. The reason people are reacting like this is because of DOUG's own words. To HIM, it wasn't just a job... At least that's what he tried to get us to believe. Now you can say we are all naive for believing him, but I also have the right to just say the guy is full of and I wouldn't take him at his word ever again.

For some reason people seem to miss the point that this is a job and a career for these people. For us it's a hobby. Fans get emotionally invested for a lifetime, for most of these guys it's a couple year period on a resume.
Disagree. We aren't idiots. We know its a JOB. The reason people are reacting like this is because of DOUG's own words. To HIM, it wasn't just a job... At least that's what he tried to get us to believe. Now you can say we are all naive for believing him, but I also have the right to just say the guy is full of **** and I wouldn't take him at his word ever again.
don't know if you follow hockey at all but SU thought we had our own Terry Pegula (the owner). Guy started crying talking about how Perrault was his hero. one of my best memories was being there for his 500th goal (you can't believe how loud it was there). former season ticket holder, got rich, buys the team.

go misses the point that no one calls a couple year period on a resume a dream job.
People are pissed because they thought this was different? That's a 'they' problem then.

Your girlfriend or better yet your wife, is part of the team to, whispering her undying love in your ear right up until the time she bails (and takes the kids just like Marrone did.)

People need to except reality and thank god this is only a football coach (and not actually your wife). Life goes on, we'll hire some new coaches and move forward. It's football it's fun. People need to be @hardnosed.
Right because cto doesn't know anything about the real world. I have had my go rounds with Go over this. Marrone was a good football coach here. He just wasn't much of a man. And it turns out, I was more right than I thought.
Right because cto doesn't know anything about the real world. I have had my go rounds with Go over this. Marrone was a good football coach here. He just wasn't much of a man. And it turns out, I was more right than I thought.

DM did not adapt his management style to college. He was far more cutthroat than I would have thought. He ran the program like an NFL head coach.
Right because cto doesn't know anything about the real world. I have had my go rounds with Go over this. Marrone was a good football coach here. He just wasn't much of a man. And it turns out, I was more right than I thought.

No idea what you're talking about with regards to CTO.

It's amusing that people offer up their opinions as fact like they're in the room. Questioning Marrone's manhood like you're privy to all the information.

Nobody questioned Marrone's manhood when he purged the program of 30 some players.

You even called Floyd Little a liar and then tried to back track by asking if everybody is stupid because you know Little didn't lie but but but...
DM did not adapt his management style to college. He was far more cutthroat than I would have thought. He ran the program like an NFL head coach.

Interesting. They often say JB runs his program like an NBA coach. Of course, cutthroat is not the adjective most folks think of when it comes to NBA coaches.
Look at what he did to Donnie Webb, one of this sites favorite football writers. That move has never been explained.

What's the story on Donnie Webb. I've seen it referenced a few times in the past week but have never heard about it before.
What's the story on Donnie Webb. I've seen it referenced a few times in the past week but have never heard about it before.
One day Donnie shows up at the Carrier Dome while the team was going through it's stretching. He heads down to the field to speak with Marrone as he always did. Suddenly, a staffer gets between he and Marrone and says where are you going? He tells them, to do an interview with Doug. The staffer says you are no longer on the list. There were many attempts to get an explanation but Marrone never responded. Donnie had in effect been black balled from covering Syracuse football without ever been given an explanation.
I am a graduate of Syracuse University. My grandmother went to SU and graduated in 1928. Her daughter graduated in 1964. I Graduated in 1988. Our blood is Orange, not red.

I work in the investment business. I am at the top of my field. If I were asked to manage a portion of the SU endowment, I would do it in a second and do it for life. I wouldn't leave to manage the Harvard endowment, which is like leaving to be the coach of the Patriots in the NFL, a real step up. I'd follow my heart.

Doug's heart isn't in Syracuse, I question if it ever was. I feel like I just watched a remake of The Music Man. How fitting we are being asked to kick in for band uniforms.

Your opinion may be different. I'm not sure how the sentiment differs from alumni versus the true fan. As an alumnus, I feel he should have, at the least, left the coaches here. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth that he's gutting the staff and the recruits, but again, I bleed Orange.

Actually, Slater, in your case, the scenario needs to be different.

If you were working in the SU office and running money for, or overseeing, the SU endowment and you were offered the opportunity to leave and start your own firm or join an already established firm at a much higher compensation level (ie. a multiple of what you were making at SU), would you go?

That would be the equivalent of what Marrone has done.

I may bleed Orange but I would make that trade in a nanosecond, which is why I have no issue with Marrone's leaving for a new opportunity.
Actually, Slater, in your case, the scenario needs to be different.

If you were working in the SU office and running money for, or overseeing, the SU endowment and you were offered the opportunity to leave and start your own firm or join an already established firm at a much higher compensation level (ie. a multiple of what you were making at SU), would you go?

That would be the equivalent of what Marrone has done.

I may bleed Orange but I would make that trade in a nanosecond, which is why I have no issue with Marrone's leaving for a new opportunity.
How about the manner in which he did it?
better not have ever changed jobs or taken outside promotions in their entire lives. Ever.
1. Dont confuse insults with criticism.
2. Whats the point of an independent message board if you cant speak your mind?
3. Many people on this board shovel out hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on su tickets, merchandise, food, fees to etc which helped pay marrones salary. Why shouldnt they have a say?
4. Would me moving from a technical job to marketing where I work impact the course of su football? I doubt it.
Apples and oranges
Just look at what he did to Dan Conley & his family three days before Christmas. Sure, it's never a good time to fire anyone but just before Christmas? Dan Conley is more heart and soul Syracuse football than anyone in the programs history. That was the day my feelings for Doug Marrone, the man, changed for good. I took down the Orange Kool-Aid drinking logo and stopped attending his luncheons.

Look at what he did to Donnie Webb, one of this sites favorite football writers. That move has never been explained.

He also blindsided Rob Spence. That was over an issue which has never been made public.

Doug Marrone's reign of terror on Syracuse Football is in full gear and this will be his legacy to many.
There have been red flags since he started. That's why I've been so confused by all the man love for the guy, and why I took my criticism of him up to 11.
Be more specific. What aspect or aspects are you talking about?
The denials to recruits that he was interviewing which were reported in the priemium articles.


"This is an excellent post. I would add just one thing to it. After that "Love, Coach Marrone" letter he sent to the players..... he then turned around and immediately started to poach the staff,,,,causing resulting damage to the recruiting class. I have zero respect for him. Zero. Scott has been left in a very difficult position. He has to hire a new O staff and hold together what is left of the recruiting class. He needs the support of all SU fans going forward... in terms of attending games, financial support and showing some love in the media. Within the space of two days...he lost a lot of what he thought he was signing on for. He needs our support."

how about some of the points raised by CTO such as poaching the staff which hurt the recruiting efforts.
The denials to recruits that he was interviewing which were reported in the priemium articles.


"This is an excellent post. I would add just one thing to it. After that "Love, Coach Marrone" letter he sent to the players..... he then turned around and immediately started to poach the staff,,,,causing resulting damage to the recruiting class. I have zero respect for him. Zero. Scott has been left in a very difficult position. He has to hire a new O staff and hold together what is left of the recruiting class. He needs the support of all SU fans going forward... in terms of attending games, financial support and showing some love in the media. Within the space of two days...he lost a lot of what he thought he was signing on for. He needs our support."

how about some of the points raised by CTO such as poaching the staff which hurt the recruiting efforts.
or telling Gross and or the powers that be, which we've confirmed, that he isn't going to take any of the coordinators and will only hire one with vast NFL experience as he said the Buff. press conference prompting TDG to give NH a raise and in the 11th hr as he was soon to sign it, he/they get wind that DM wants to hire NH. Sorry SU forget what I've said and don't believe your lying ears/eyes, and NH says close call, gotta take the $.
However, being a head coach of an NFL team. Doug has a lot of options in terms of hiring a staff. I do have a problem with him saying he's going to make sure the program stays on course and then soliciting the FB staff on the SU payroll.


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