All of his posts in this thread have been bizarre. I mean, he ranted about migrants in Sweden at one point, which he knows nothing about just like he knows nothing about this incident.
Please show me one post that has been bizarre. And what makes you think I know nothing about migrants in Sweden? Have you spent multiple weeks there, or other EU nations that have taken in millions of economic migrants, in the past 3-5 years? Is it your opinion that the assimilation has been a success? Do you think most of them have been integrated into the educational and economic system, and are contributing to society? I'd love to hear your opinion on that, but that's another topic. My comment was related to this discussion about alleged racism.
My comment was in reply to another poster (an academic at SU) who claims that, in his/her own words, that:
"white people are the only people capable of being racist."
How can people honestly believe this? At some point in the very recent past, the definition of racism was conveniently changed to include "systemic power". This changed it from an objective definition to a subjective definition, only applicable to whites in the US. The inter-sectional victim groups applauded this, and it now allows them to think they can say or do anything they want, as long as they claim they're victims, because, as you well know, it's impossible for them to be racist. According to some in this thread, Chinese Americans can not be racist towards Korean Americans because, according to the same posters, Chinese don't hold "systemic power".
What is the threshold for systemic power? If an ethnic group holds 51% of the systemic power, are they still racist? What if it drops to 49% overnight, are they suddenly not racist? Do you see how ridiculous your belief is now?
The poster further went on to explain that whether or not an individual is a racist is a function of the country the individual currently lives in. So, if a white racist American moved to Indonesia, are they no longer a racist? That is nonsense.