I was told from a university source that it would cost 9-10 million to buy out Red (which corroborates with what others have said), then whatever the buyout is for the new coach, then to pay the new coach. People talk about lost revenue next season, and I totally get it (it’s likely gonna get even worse), but that is in the future. To fire red and hire a new coach you are looking at around 14-15 million conservatively, and the athletic department simply doesn’t have the money right now. Apparently Cuse only has raised around 1 million in their new 50 million dollar fundraising campaign. Usually these campaigns don’t even get announced until 50% is already raised, and Cuse announced theirs when they had 2% raised. It reeks of desperation.
Don’t shoot the messenger(s)…it’s obvious to nearly everyone that this is a sinking ship with an unqualified captain. But we all better grab our life preservers because our captain isn’t going anywhere any time soon.