One gripe I have with the interview, and I say this respectfully because I like the podcast and the hosts, is that I hope SU podcast hosts work on asking questions in a positive, instead of negative, light when interviewing recruits. Lots of questions focused on how he felt about things that could be perceived as negative for SU, which means he'll walk away with negative things on his mind. Since the hosts are fans, I wish the show was used to further pitch him.
I've never interviewed someone for a show and I'm sure it's not easy, but as a litigation attorney I've had to learn the art of asking questions. The subject should walk away thinking exactly what you want him to think. Mind--- them into having the thoughts you want them to think. Spin negative questions in a positive light, so instead of asking if he's worried JB is going to retire, which you know he's worried about, ask how he feels about having an opportunity to be one of the last to play and learn from a legendary HOFer before he retires, and how he feels about potentially being able to go forward after his NBA career ends and tell everyone he played for the legendary JB before he hung it up. Then he'd be thinking about the biggest negative factor for SU in a positive way.
In any event, I appreciate the podcast and was excited to get the information from JP. Just saying this because I hope the shows can be used to help pitch high-end recruits in the future. Hope i don't sound unappreciative.