Look, SU is not a state school. The pot of money is not, tell the state legislature we need more. I am not sure we want to be paying two head coach salaries at this time. These are bad times for hoops. By all accounts we have an excellent women's coach who does not have the resources to keep or get most of the players she wants. The men's team does not have the alumni support to compete dollar wise with Duke, or the Big or SEC Schools. I have no idea how our overall NIL compares to peer schools like BC, Pitt, or the other non- state schools with hoops and football. The boosters have really gotten behind football which is the economic reality of college sports now. Don't want to be left out in the cold, you better have good football with resources to sustain it.
Why do we always fall for this line of thinking? If we were debt collectors, we would all walk away saying "Sorry, boss, nothing we can do... the guy said he was broke."
Syracuse wastes more money every year than most of us will every earn or need in a lifetime. They do not need taxpayer dollars to run a program. And, if it is true that we are this broke, let's just stop the pretending altogether... drop down to MAAC...compete with Canisius again and charge $15 for tickets, etc. You cannot have it both ways.
The ACC teams average 11,000 per game in 2023-2024. Syracuse averaged... 20,288. 9,000 extra per game over 16 games = nearly $3M at $20/ticket (after all, only low-life losers who can only afford cheap seats stop going to games because the team stinks). Explain to me, again, why we are lacking money???
UConn averaged 13k per game. That is 7,000 less tickets sold. $2.5M difference. I get that this money does not get funneled into NIL. But it absolutely gets funneled into the coaching hire. We should have a very expensive coach relative to our peers. Not LESS expensive. And it is not like UConn gets the ACC revenue that we do.
Official attendance is already down 2,000 per game. That is $500,000 at $20/ticket. When we are down to 15,000/game next year, will it wake someone up???
We need to put the pressure on them to make the right moves... and not just blindly accept their crying poor. The leadership made this stupid decision to hire Red... they have to find/eat the money to undo it. The fans did not hire Red. If our ticket money does not matter, then stop charging us.