"Please step away from the ledge!". My God people... | Syracusefan.com

"Please step away from the ledge!". My God people...


Scout Team
Sep 9, 2011
I always find it amazing that people can so easily jump to the conclusion that someone is capable of molesting young children, yet it seems a stretch for people to believe some could make accusations up for financial gain of some sort. Far more people in society are capable of falsely accusing others than there re people who would do something so monstrous.

Seriously, people need to take a deep breath. There isn't one thing in any article that suggests any truth to the allegations. Does that mean they aren't true? No. But there isn't a shrewd of evidence that says "true."

Reading the articles, I see a couple indisputable facts.

A) The allegations were first made in 2003. Convieniently the same year Syracuse won the championship. The allegations wren't made in a down year, or a mediocre year. They came at a time when Syracuse was most in the spotlight.

B) The police declined to investigate then. ( I won't mention the subsequent 4 month investigation by the school or the one by ESPN which found no evidence suggesting it happened, as I can't speak to the true facts of that investigation)

C) The individual comes forward again, many years later, when the country is in a feeding frenzy about sexual abuse allegations at PSU. There is a presumption of guilt for everyone.

D) this time around the accuser does have someone willing to support the allegations, another allergen victim. Conveniently, it's a step-brother.

Those are the indisputable facts that the public has at this point. It seems a bit suspicious to me that the alleged victim comes forward at arguably the most opportune times in the past 10 years, and that his step-brother felt inspired by the Penn State scandal to finally come forward. Forget the inspiration that should have come from all the years of preceding priest abuse scandals...
Not sure if I'm reading this right, but didn't this step brother who is now coming out, deny any truth to this individual's claims of molestation back when the university, ESPN, and the Post Standard investigated? If true, how can this individual have any credibility?
Not sure if I'm reading this right, but didn't this step brother who is now coming out, deny any truth to this individual's claims of molestation back when the university, ESPN, and the Post Standard investigated? If true, how can this individual have any credibility?

I personally hadn't seen that yet. If that is the case, you can bet the explanation would be that he was still in a state of denial back then, or he was afraid.

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