Props to Wisconsin |

Props to Wisconsin


Living Legend
Aug 29, 2011
Clearly the better team tonight. They slaughtered us on the boards. Passed well. We couldn't get anything near the rim. Couldn't shake their defenders. Pretty much 1 pass 1 shot. Lots of bad Cooney and Richardson shots. Obviously we'll lose some and win some. Ethan Happ and Nigel Hayes on the inside is a formidable duo.
give us some FT's we win
play coleman we win
Clearly the better team tonight. They slaughtered us on the bToards. Passed well. We couldn't get anything near the rim. Couldn't shake their defenders. Pretty much 1 pass 1 shot. Lots of bad Cooney and Richardson shots. Obviously we'll lose some and win some. Ethan Happ and Nigel Hayes on the inside is a formidable duo.
props to Wisconsin? This is the worst post I've ever seen. Wisconsin is bad, like really bad. Their passing was awful. They are a 6 win big ten team. It is one of the worst losses I have ever seen in the dome.
Yea exactly. They really locked syracuse down defensively. We couldn't get anything. Nor make anything
yeah, that's where they won the game (and on the boards, obviously) - not on the offensive end
Eh, they flop.

All floppers should have to forfeit. That one where Lydon bumped tiny white dude, he then took a step, and flung himself to the ground was pretty offensive to watch.

I would also like a referee to explain how exactly Lydon EVER fouled Hayes. He was retreating and Hayes would just jump into him...weird set of calls on Lydon tonight.
There is no such thing as needing a win or not needing a win.
There is only such thing as playing like you need a win, and Wisconsin did that tonight we didn't.
Yay, alma mater??

-Bucky Badger Beadle (sigh)

It was an awful looking game. I am still reading the posts to find out what the hell I just watched.
And another thing - I can't believe the number of shot clock violations they had. Not because we were stellar on defense, but because Wisconsin just sits on the ball.

It bothers me that their craptastic style is rewarded and a winner for them.
Ethan Happ and Nigel Hayes on the inside is a formidable duo.

Not really. against us they are, but so were that putrid duo from Charlottel. We are going to make alot of decent to bad frontcourts look awesome.
And another thing - I can't believe the number of shot clock violations they had. Not because we were stellar on defense, but because Wisconsin just sits on the ball.

It bothers me that their craptastic style is rewarded and a winner for them.
Wisconsin is awful, I can't stand bo ryans style. basically, we can't we playing normal basketball so we will sit on the ball and take our chances with the refs. tool.
So we should've won??! Lol. Some of these responses here are shocking. I saw some clear charges from SU players and Lydon/Roberson bringing their arms down to foul Wisconsin guys. We are lucky it even reached OT.
even with Happ's 7 travels and 6 missed layups

Seriously. The layups and travels. All around the basket. That means they were generating good offense. We never were close to the basket.
Wisconsin is awful, I can't stand bo ryans style. basically, we can't we playing normal basketball so we will sit on the ball and take our chances with the refs. tool.

No sane person would say Wisconsin is awful. We WERE a good matchup for them and they did lots of things well.
Wisconsin holds the ball for as long as possible every possession and falls on the floor on purpose in hopes of tricking the referees into giving them calls. They are an abomination to this sport, and can collectively suck a fat one.
Clearly the better team tonight. They slaughtered us on the boards. Passed well. We couldn't get anything near the rim. Couldn't shake their defenders. Pretty much 1 pass 1 shot. Lots of bad Cooney and Richardson shots. Obviously we'll lose some and win some. Ethan Happ and Nigel Hayes on the inside is a formidable duo.

Good post. I think we saw the down side that accompanied the upside of Atlantis.
They are not typically pretty when they are a really good team. So they will not look good when they are just an above average P5 team. But they are still good, no matter how they look.

Respect for Ryan for sticking by his system and his way of doing things to sustain and elevate at times a very good basketball program. Getting players that fit his approach. He is not that much different than JB in that regard - stubborn in his ways and his system, and it generally proves to be sucessful year after year.

And like JB that stubbornness / confidence in how things are going to be done finds ways to irk people outside of their programs.
Wisconsin holds the ball for as long as possible every possession and falls on the floor on purpose in hopes of tricking the referees into giving them calls. They are an abomination to this sport, and can collectively suck a fat one.

I didn't see anybody complaining about Wisconsin or Ryan last year with that Kaminsky team. They were a high scoring team and exciting. I suspect this year since they aren't a very talented team, that, milk the clock and make the zone work against a Syracuse team who is woefully thin may have been the strategy.
I give anti-props to Wisconsin. I hate their style of play. They flop like crazy. Bo Ryan is the devil.

Also, no Calhoun.

Yup, why the NBA is better IMO. They play the same style as UVA. Always have. We can't speed these teams up sitting in the zone giving no pressure. Teams like this always give us trouble year after year because we get in no offensive rhythm against them and you're forced to shoot congested jumpers all day.
They aren't very good, ft shooting, and keeping Coleman on the bench killed us.
Yup, why the NBA is better IMO. They play the same style as UVA. Always have. We can't speed these teams up sitting in the zone giving no pressure. Teams like this always give us trouble year after year because we get in no offensive rhythm against them and you're forced to shoot congested jumpers all day.

Wrong. It's a misconception that Wisconsin is always like that. The last few seasons Ryan actually played lots of ISO ball with his best players and they were pushing tempo.

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