Rehfuss entering the transfer portal | Page 4 |

Rehfuss entering the transfer portal

So the punishment was adjusted UP? That sounds like repeat violations, or warnings that went unheeded.

I am not privy to the particulars of this situation but in my experience, stuff like this rarely gets overturned on appeal. I would expect to be without Rehfuss and the unnamed other players for 2021, whether they remain enrolled at Syracuse or not.

Appears to be 7 players. We’ll see.
I’m not a student on campus, I’m only relaying what I have heard, without providing all details and names of those involved. I heard earlier that Rehfuss and others were involved in a situation and would be suspended the first 4 games. I have not heard what has happened since. Obviously this is a fluid situation and things can change.
Just passing along info
If they were notified of a suspension of 4 games, then went on to commit another covid related infraction, then they did this to themselves and I don't even want someone on the team who is so undisciplined and reckless when already in hot water.

If the university had it at 4 games and then later decided they were going to up it to the season, then that is complete and total BS and Wildhack and co. should never hear the end of it, especially considering that SU overall had an excellent semester in terms of limiting the spread of covid. Whatever they did clearly did not lead to some massive horrible spike.

If they are going to suspend our entire starting offense for the season I better hear exactly what horrible things they did.
Every SU student was required to read and acknowledge the "Stay Safe Pledge".

Evidence that an individual and/or group has violated the University’s guidance and expectations related to COVID-19 may result in serious consequences. Suspected violations that are deemed to be egregious, such as violating quarantine and/or isolation requirements, may result in an immediate interim suspension, followed by a process on the merits of the case. In addition, multiple violations across different categories - even if they are first-time violations for any category - may result in a referral to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Is there really "stuff like this" that has happened in the past from which you can assume this will not get overturned? COVID safety protocols are an entirely new scenario compared to trying to appeal a student punished for some other partying related infraction.

How many students have you heard about successfully appealing a university suspension for any reason? COVID is unprecedented, but what is very much not unprecedented is a university's stubbornness once it's doled out punishment. Perhaps you've had different experiences but I rarely hear about them changing their minds about anything discipline related. Not saying it can't happen. Just that I wouldn't put money on this working out in the players' favor. Hopefully they're able to arrange something that doesn't torpedo their whole seasons.
Pardon my pessimism, while I insist that the 2021 season be cancelled. My fervent wish is that if the COVID rules have been broken by anyone, all the people traced for contact remain healthy, players included. Lacrosse be damned. Have you watched the current college football season. It is a monument to greed, selfishness, corporate indifference and several other corruptions I might add. Get angry. Get angry at universities who hypocritically open their schools to residential living while trying to enforce strict rules on adolescent idiots and adults some of whom are hide bound to break them. Close these damn schools. Close them now, until the population is effectively immunized. Then let's enjoy the useless pursuits we all love. This stuff is lethal. People die in agony. Deny that at your peril. But don't tell me universities should continue to promote money making activities while claiming virtue in their institutional regulations.
Just when did this party occur?
It's ongoing. They have been partying for 45 straight days. The original suspension was 1 quarter, but it keeps growing as long as they keep partying.
I don't have any reliable sources, but since it's 2020, i'm hoping this story might grow some legs and go the distance.

What are the consequences for failing to comply?

Non-compliant gatherings pose an immediate public health risk and jeopardize the safety and well-being of our community. Behavior and actions that violate these guidelines and expectations will result in disciplinary action, including:

  • If you organize or host an off-campus party or gathering at your residence or other venue that does not comply with New York State Department of Health COVID-19 guidance, and/or the provisions of the Stay Safe Pledge, you risk suspension and possibly expulsion from the University.
  • If you organize or host a party or gathering at your on-campus residence that does not comply with New York State Department of Health COVID-19 guidance, and/or the provisions of the Stay Safe Pledge, you will be removed from University-owned campus housing and will be subject to suspension and possibly expulsion from the University.
  • If you attend a gathering that does not comply with New York State Department of Health COVID-19 guidance, and/or the provisions of the Stay Safe Pledge—whether on campus or off campus—you risk substantial disciplinary action under the Code of Student Conduct.
  • Other violations of Syracuse University’s health and safety guidelines related to physical distancing, mask wearing, contact tracing and the like—whether on campus or off campus—could result in substantial disciplinary action under the Code of Student Conduct.

What are the consequences for failing to comply?

Non-compliant gatherings pose an immediate public health risk and jeopardize the safety and well-being of our community. Behavior and actions that violate these guidelines and expectations will result in disciplinary action, including:

  • If you organize or host an off-campus party or gathering at your residence or other venue that does not comply with New York State Department of Health COVID-19 guidance, and/or the provisions of the Stay Safe Pledge, you risk suspension and possibly expulsion from the University.
  • If you organize or host a party or gathering at your on-campus residence that does not comply with New York State Department of Health COVID-19 guidance, and/or the provisions of the Stay Safe Pledge, you will be removed from University-owned campus housing and will be subject to suspension and possibly expulsion from the University.
  • If you attend a gathering that does not comply with New York State Department of Health COVID-19 guidance, and/or the provisions of the Stay Safe Pledge—whether on campus or off campus—you risk substantial disciplinary action under the Code of Student Conduct.
  • Other violations of Syracuse University’s health and safety guidelines related to physical distancing, mask wearing, contact tracing and the like—whether on campus or off campus—could result in substantial disciplinary action under the Code of Student Conduct.
Is this what it’s about? Or just speculation?

What are the consequences for failing to comply?

Non-compliant gatherings pose an immediate public health risk and jeopardize the safety and well-being of our community. Behavior and actions that violate these guidelines and expectations will result in disciplinary action, including:

  • If you organize or host an off-campus party or gathering at your residence or other venue that does not comply with New York State Department of Health COVID-19 guidance, and/or the provisions of the Stay Safe Pledge, you risk suspension and possibly expulsion from the University.
  • If you organize or host a party or gathering at your on-campus residence that does not comply with New York State Department of Health COVID-19 guidance, and/or the provisions of the Stay Safe Pledge, you will be removed from University-owned campus housing and will be subject to suspension and possibly expulsion from the University.
  • If you attend a gathering that does not comply with New York State Department of Health COVID-19 guidance, and/or the provisions of the Stay Safe Pledge—whether on campus or off campus—you risk substantial disciplinary action under the Code of Student Conduct.
  • Other violations of Syracuse University’s health and safety guidelines related to physical distancing, mask wearing, contact tracing and the like—whether on campus or off campus—could result in substantial disciplinary action under the Code of Student Conduct.

The first and 3rd bullet point are crazy imo. I would never let my kid sign that and would have transferred out immediately to a school without that absurdity. The check was probably already in the mail though when that was written. The quad gathering was a joke and I'm sure if any of these kids had gathered in marches or protests things would be hunky dory.
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SU discussion begins at around the nine minute mark -

Everyone has to follow these rules. They could have transferred when the rules were made. They stayed so they have to follow them
Everyone has to follow these rules. They could have transferred when the rules were made. They stayed so they have to follow them

Agreed it’s tough, but the investment the school has made to have kids on campus was massive. We’re talking 30-50 million easy on PPE, etc. As was proven during Halloween a random party created a spike which closed down everything. That could only be prevented with compliant students. Totally get the frustration students felt as a result of these rules, but we’re living in a crazy time. Those who broke the rules need to be held accountable. Why should students who are being compliant suffer because others want to party. It’s just tough all over.
The first and 3rd bullet point are crazy imo. I would never let my kid sign that and would have transferred out immediately to a school without that absurdity. The check was probably already in the mail though when that was written. The quad gathering was a joke and I'm sure if any of these kids gathered in marches or protests things would be hunky dory.

1, well people need to take responsibility for their property. 3 can simply be wrong place / wrong time, which can be needlessly punitive.
There has to be some difference in punishment for a gathering of a couple people over the limit for a low key night (what Ivory Tower and others are saying they got punished for) and an all out, **** the police rager, with drinking, packed rooms, people from other schools, etc. One is far less dangerous than the other and obviously happening all the damn time whether the school likes it or not, and one has far more potential to truly become a super spreader event. They are undisciplined idiots for crossing the line and getting caught, but I would have a great deal more sympathy if they are punishing them with a semester suspension for the former rather than the latter.

Also should the fact that they are all on the same lacrosse team and working out and practicing in close proximity every day come into the equation?
There has to be some difference in punishment for a gathering of a couple people over the limit for a low key night (what Ivory Tower and others are saying they got punished for) and an all out, **** the police rager, with drinking, packed rooms, people from other schools, etc. One is far less dangerous than the other and obviously happening all the damn time whether the school likes it or not, and one has far more potential to truly become a super spreader event. They are undisciplined idiots for crossing the line and getting caught, but I would have a great deal more sympathy if they are punishing them with a semester suspension for the former rather than the latter.

We don't know enough (well I don't) but is it just a room full of players who are getting regularly tested?
1, well people need to take responsibility for their property. 3 can simply be wrong place / wrong time, which can be needlessly punitive.

Even parts of #4 I take issue with.
  • Other violations of Syracuse University’s health and safety guidelines related to physical distancing, mask wearing, contact tracing and the like—whether on campus or off campuscould result in substantial disciplinary action under the Code of Student Conduct.
We don't know enough (well I don't) but is it just a room full of players who are getting regularly tested?
Probably not getting tested regularly if this happened in the fall. But probably the same people who were working out together in fairly close proximity earlier in the day.
There has to be some difference in punishment for a gathering of a couple people over the limit for a low key night (what Ivory Tower and others are saying they got punished for) and an all out, **** the police rager, with drinking, packed rooms, people from other schools, etc. One is far less dangerous than the other and obviously happening all the damn time whether the school likes it or not, and one has far more potential to truly become a super spreader event. They are undisciplined idiots for crossing the line and getting caught, but I would have a great deal more sympathy if they are punishing them with a semester suspension for the former rather than the latter.

Also should the fact that they are all on the same lacrosse team and working out and practicing in close proximity every day come into the equation?

As the host of the party, you are ultimately responsible for the head count.

If you are only a guest, how much onus is on you to keep track?

Suppose you show up at a party at 11:00, and the host lets you in. At 11:40 the host allows more people in and puts the party over the limit. How much responsibility does each individual guest bear?
As the host of the party, you are ultimately responsible for the head count.

If you are only a guest, how much onus is on you to keep track?

Suppose you show up at a party at 11:00, and the host lets you in. At 11:40 the host allows more people in and puts the party over the limit. How much responsibility does each individual guest bear?

Exactly. And also there is no way they are punishing 7 kids as "hosts" if it truly is one party right? I feel like the next bit of news is going to make us livid in either direction. Either the school is going way overboard or the 7 kids in question did something even more idiotic than the single low key event being described.
Exactly. And also there is no way they are punishing 7 kids as "hosts" if it truly is one party right? I feel like the next bit of news is going to make us livid in either direction. Either the school is going way overboard or the 7 kids in question did something even more idiotic than the single low key event being described.
Let's not kid ourselves. We have a long history of idiotic behavior in our program.
Even parts of #4 I take issue with.
  • Other violations of Syracuse University’s health and safety guidelines related to physical distancing, mask wearing, contact tracing and the like—whether on campus or off campuscould result in substantial disciplinary action under the Code of Student Conduct.

Colleges should be respectful of the communities they inhabit. There has been correlation between people in college towns seeing much higher Covid numbers than non-college towns, due to the fact that college kids have been much more laissez faire about this situation. The entire point that people fail to realize is when you quarantine and act responsible, you might be saving the life of someone else by not spreading this disease further. Maybe you are 21 and healthy and will be fine, but you also might spread it to someone who is not, and won't make it. It's obviously a big sacrifice, but its what lots of people have been doing, trying to be responsible.

Now, personally, I think its a total money grab for colleges to invite kids back, only so they can charge room and board fees, and then basically have them locked in their rooms all day. I have no idea why you would go to college in this situation only to live in a dorm room and be on the computer all day. I think colleges need to take some responsibility for creating these totally unrealistic set of circumstances, but I don't think that will ever come.

If the punishment for most students is a semester suspension, but for a lacrosse player its a few games from the season, not sure that would be viewed fairly. Hope the situation wasn't that bad and cool head prevail, but just not sure I see it happening.

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