RIP Fab Melo. | Page 5 |

RIP Fab Melo.


One of my favorite quotes from the movie Barry Lydon. Seems appropriate in this very moment.

No one life is more important than another. Fab was not a monster, he cost us some basketball game. Not that important...
Attending an NBA Draft in person is something I will do once and only once, but I'm happy to say I vividly remember going wild when I heard David Stern announce Fab's name in Newark.
I remember thinking (and posting) late November/early December of Fab's sophomore year.

He had improved so much from his freshman year he was a lock to leave and get a nice NBA contract. From that point on I guessed that the academic side of college was not going to be his top priority.

If I was him I would have done the same thing. No doubt in my mind. Twenty years old.
My favorite Fab moment occurred during an interview he gave with a teammate on the radio. I believe he was asked about growing up in Brazil and he stated that Brazil had many beautiful beaches...but it did not sound quite like beaches. Both his teammate and the radio broadcaster cut him off & told him you can't say that on the radio.
Even to this day, I still smile when I think about the interview. It was much funnier then how I presented it.

Thank you Obie, much needed laugh there.
I remember his block fest against Seton Hall I believe, that was amazing.
I now regret that my first participation in this thread was for That purpose... I learned of this late, and with shock and sadness.

I really liked that kid. Maybe because of my connection to Brazil? For years before he committed, I used to pass out Syracuse basketball and lacrosse shirts to kids in Brazil and I jokingly congratulated myself on the successful propaganda campaign that landed us Fab Melo.

I loved his game. I loved his smile. He made the games fun and exciting. I don't think he liked Chuck's any more than I did. I do think he enjoyed it all more than I did,but that's the Brazilian zest for life at play.

Peace, Fab.
Fab had a great smile that I will remember. and boy he made an astonishing leap between his freshman and sophomore seasons...he was part of the family and I will never forget his contributions to Syracuse basketball.
Fab had a great smile that I will remember. and boy he made an astonishing leap between his freshman and sophomore seasons...he was part of the family and I will never forget his contributions to Syracuse basketball.

Many players had "that smile" that have come through here. Carmelo had one, Fab did as well. Just a magical year and smiles to be had throughout the regular season. Have said it 1000 times and will say it again, loved that team with a passion.

Makes me incredibly sad looking at this. Imagine how JB feels. The man gets on dudes from time to time, but he loves his players.
Incredibly sad news. He was my neighbor and the first basketball player I saw when I first moved to Winding Ridge on South Campus my junior year. Rest In Peace big fella.
One of my favorite things about Fab Melo's improvement as a basketball player from year 1 to year 2 wasn't just his significantly increased shot-blocking prowess (as evidenced in this thread with the Seton Hall 10 block mentions), but his ability to take charges as shot blocking center in the zone too. He just seemed to find that perfect balance of when to contest and when to stay on his feet and take in the chest. Maybe one of the best ever to do so at that position in the zone, at least for a year? I've found myself thinking about that some this season, I don't feel like Lydon or Thompson ever take charges... miss that about Fab the player.

This thread seems like it odd turn.

Haven't read through everything but in case this hasn't been posted (I'm sure it has), I just wanted to post my favorite Fab moment -- just like him it's pretty goofy, a bit of a head scratcher, and incredibly entertaining

I smile every time I see it
Rest in peace big fella. We Syracuse fans remember you fondly. Someone else who probably remembers you is Herb Pope. I'll never forget what you did to him for an entire game; dude couldn't get a shot off. Wish you didn't have to go so soon--that you could have lived longer and come back later in a better time like so many other wayward Syracuse sons.
Rest in peace big fella. We Syracuse fans remember you fondly. Someone else who probably remembers you is Herb Pope. I'll never forget what you did to him for an entire game; dude couldn't get a shot off. Wish you didn't have to go so soon--that you could have lived longer and come back later in a better time like so many other wayward Syracuse sons.
I think this is what you are referring to
One of my favorite things about Fab Melo's improvement as a basketball player from year 1 to year 2 wasn't just his significantly increased shot-blocking prowess (as evidenced in this thread with the Seton Hall 10 block mentions), but his ability to take charges as shot blocking center in the zone too. He just seemed to find that perfect balance of when to contest and when to stay on his feet and take in the chest. Maybe one of the best ever to do so at that position in the zone, at least for a year? I've found myself thinking about that some this season, I don't feel like Lydon or Thompson ever take charges... miss that about Fab the player.
Agree. He was the best in the middle of the zone that I have ever seen out of any of our guys. Could move laterally and take charges, block shots, rebound. That team in 2011-2012 was freaking awesome and will always be a great memory for me. Losing 3 freaking times in a loaded big east the entire season. Just special
I was out watching UFC tonight, bummed because of the SU loss and I read a Twitter exchange that seemed to be about Fab Melo. And I thought, "hmm, that's odd. What did Fab do? Why are they talking about Fab?" Then I saw another reference and I'll be honest, I thought the worst. From his checkered history at SU, I feared he was arrested or something. That's what I thought couldve been the worst. Then I heard he died. I was in shock, I was waiting for my friend to show up, so I had no one to talk to. I was in total shock. And when my friend showed up, I almost lost it, talking to him. I tend to be emotional but I was never even a big Fab just came out of me. It just hit me hard.

I wouldn't have posted that first paragraph at all if not for reading through this thread and some of the controversial things posted. I judged Fab based on what he had done off the court at SU, even in death (though I didn't know he was dead yet). I'm shocked at where this thread has gone. I also had tweeted at the bar when I found out about his passing that I was sad that Fab died. I wanted to enjoy my night without making a lengthy post. But I was beating myself up because I was one of the people who had joined in on the chorus of those who had mocked Fab for living at Chuck's and being a screwup. And of course for the academic issues which hurt our program. And I felt bad that I had joined that chorus because he made a lot of mistakes but we have made our share. I've done things I regret and I've learned from them. Hopefully, Fab did too. But when I heard he died, all I thought about was how tragic his death is. I didn't think of vacated wins or losses of scholarships or broken turn signals. I thought about a family burying a 26 year old kid.

I don't want to join the chorus now condemning cto for her comments. I was shocked by them but I get what she was trying to say. I think she meant that we know Fab made a few huge mistakes, so we shouldn't look at him like some angelic figure. The thing is: no one was doing that. He died way too young. That is all people were trying to say. Warts and all, his fate is tragic for him and his family and friends. That can't be quantified. Certainly not in wins and losses, vacated or not. Joyce is a good person but I think she just let her loyalty to JB overcome her. She did far from walk back her first post with her second one. I shouldn't be trying to talk for her (and I'm sorry if it is coming off that way) but it's nearly 3am and I'm babbling and upset as I type this. All Joyce has to do is to read JB's comments that Fab shouldn't be remembered just for one 10-page paper.

A lot to learn in this thread. I learned a lot, good and bad but I learned a lot. And then this thread went off the rails with someone trying to be funny and failing miserably. In this thread? Really? I'm a very sensitive guy, I tend to be emotional but some things in this thread really pissed me off. That's why I didn't want to wait until tomorrow to post this.

I disliked Fab. I never met the guy but I disliked him. Because I judged him. Oh, well, now I feel sad about those judgements. My friend kept asking me if I was okay tonite. I was thrown off by Fab's death and felt guilty somehow for how judgemental I've been towards him. Maybe it's ridiculous but it was my reaction.

I'm very sad. My first thought now is SU/ the team should do three things: before Louisville Monday: a moment of silence, a Fab highlight reel (not sure which be done first but should be done!) and then we should absolutely wear a "51" patch on our uni's for the rest of the season. Instead of black, maybe we could make it in the colors of the Brazilian flag. Fab would like that I think.

I hope I made some sense. It's now after 3 am and I'm half asleep. I loved reading how his ex-teammates tweeted memories and love for Fab. He was well-liked. Another thing I wouldn't have expected.

Hope Fabricio de Melo is in a better place. Goodnight, guys. My daughter will be up in a few hours, which means I will be too.

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