OK - so now I know a number of people on this board and people they know use the expression "no homo."
It appears these folks don't think it's a big deal from an offensive perspective. Of course, as we all know, how offensive a comment is depends on the person hearing it.
But let's put that debate aside for the moment. I assume the people who use it think it's a cool and funny thing to say. But have you ever considered that many people probably think you sound like an idiot when doing so? Of course, from some comments I've seen on this board, a number of folks could care less what others think and would gladly flip those people off.
To me, it sounds like a stupid expression to use. And while you may be able to use it around your 18-29 year old buddies, I'd caution using it anywhere else. If you used this expression in a work environment, in many places you'd be out on your butt. And as Roy just learned, your pocket book can get a little lighter too.
To each their own though. Far be it for me to tell others what they can say or not say. Just thought I'd give another perspective even if it makes me sound like an old fuddy duddy