So I can see how some get caught up in the "my version of reality is better than your version of reality." When that degenerates into insults, I give those posts a pass.
That makes sense to me. We are all products of the environments we grew up in.Without question, the board was more fun back in the days of Raoul Duke, Viva Peru, WSO, Lil Joe and many other posters who seem to have disappeared. Heck, even Tristan's feigned elitism was more fun than a lot of what appears on the board now. I had not thought of the ESPN analogy, but I think it has some merit. For those of us who grew up prior to talk radio and 1000 television channels, the airwaves represented a kinder, more thoughtful, more intellectual world. Think Dick Schaap or Marty Glickman or Red Barber or Walter Cronkite. Today, it sometimes seems that the broadcast media are nothing but people yelling at each other and tossing out snarky comments. And sometimes, this board seems that way, too. It may well be generational... on the part of some who grew up with the loud, snarky, combative broadcast media.
I would add that the generational divide also includes reality TV shows. Their appeal totally escapes me (52 y.0. male), and I think that generally speaking, they have introduced all new levels of coarseness, vulgarity and rudeness to others as something not only acceptable, but to be celebrated. I would also add in how the Sunday morning "news" shows have similarly turned into shout-a-thons, where lying is acceptable for the course. The only repercussions for lying as a policy maker these days are getting caught, and then you aren't branded a liar and discredited, it's simply "partisan" politics.
Thats funny you say that about people on the board and in real life , cause in real life im the most laid back, calm , easy going person you will meet. I respect everyone and how they treat me after that is how i respond.That makes sense to me. We are all products of the environments we grew up in.
Maybe part of it is that the board is so much bigger now. Back 8 or 9 years ago, I felt I knew pretty much everyone on the board, even if I hadn't met them in person. But a lot of us had met, and I find that changes things a lot. People who are confrontational and bombastic on the board often tend to be laid back and easy going in real life. Once you met someone in person, I find that both people tend to be more understanding and more tolerant of each other.
If I had one wish for this site, it would be for people to be more tolerant of the viewpoints of other people on the board. If you think the rotation for next year is going to be X, and I think it is going to be Y, that shouldn't drive us to insult each other and call each other names.
We all love SU hoops (and football and lacrosse, etc., etc.). That should be enough to allow us to get along and see past our differences amicably.
War Damn Otto and yes, Georgetown...still sucks.
yo, hey, LOVE your new avatar. OTB is one of the great and overlooked albums of the '70s. Not quite as good as Tonight's The Night, but still great.DoctorBombay, you raise a lot of interesting questions in your OP.
As someone who generally sees things in shades of gray, I'd say there are multiple factors at play here but I'd like to give all of this more thought.
And FWIW, I'm from the same demographic as you.
Good call, Pearl. Can't go wrong with either album. Love the darker Neil stuff.yo, hey, LOVE your new avatar. OTB is one of the great and overlooked albums of the '70s. Not quite as good as Tonight's The Night, but still great.
If you really want to make this fun, identify some of the data points other than's not a generational thing, it's a mediocrity thing. Talent is positively skewed, regardless of age
and what is so wrong with a little bit of snark, anyway?
Kids are a joke these days.
So says every generation about every generation younger than them since the dawn of mankind.![]()
Part of the problem on msg boards, is anonymity. I took care of people's problems on the phone at UPS for 28 years. For 6 yrs sold power tools at Sears. There is a great difference between what people say,and how they treat you on the phone or in person. Thats why whenI post something, and someone happens to dislike it, I try to just leave it alone. This msg board generally is the most civil I have ever seen.
Haha very true, but I'm only 20 and realize that the kids in my age group are messed.So says every generation about every generation younger than them since the dawn of mankind.![]()