Serious question: Is it a generational thing? | Page 3 |

Serious question: Is it a generational thing?

Lawyers say that if the facts are on your side, you go with the facts. if not, you go with the emotions. If I get into it with people, I try to stick with the facts.

"Facts" are not our fan bases strong suit. And I'm talking about going back several years (and several boards).

Good call, Pearl. Can't go wrong with either album. Love the darker Neil stuff.

But what a catalog! Personally, I'm partial to OTB, Zuma, EKTIN and Ragged Glory. And the aging, sappy me likes Harvest Moon and Prairie Wind more each year. :)
yep, for recent ones, both Harvest Moon and Prairie Wind are quite good.
And let's not forget Rust Never Sleeps or After the Gold Rush.
I'd probably have to say that NY is my top musical hero. :)
JB, that young whippersnapper, can out snark most people half his age. And he's been known to use a little sarcasm now and then.


He is just trying to relate!
Go to Maryland's Board, spend a day reading posts there, and then see if your opinion here is the same.

But really I do love the annual "this board was better in 1997 speech."
I do OK with them. :cool:

In some ways, that's exactly my point. Your NetPoints posts are a good example. They don't really draw much commentary but are tremendously informative.

I don't know if it's cultural or generational. But I am increasingly of the opinion that people just don't have enough respect for other people, their viewpoints, their jobs. That and there is a general decrease in humility. Fewer people consider the possibility that they may be wrong -- that theirs is an opinion, not a fact. This is not universal, of course, but the numbers appear to be shifting that direction.

Just my opinion...
It's a fact that your opinion is wrong.

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I knew that if I lobbed that up there some would jump on it.
And I was just the for the job.

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I'm just happy to see this site let's the word "" through.
Having nothing to do with this board, but tangential to the broader discussion ... has anyone else noticed on media sites (newspapers or other media), that the level of hatefulness, racism and general ry is disgustingly unbelievable in the Comments sections? And that's the stuff that made it past moderators. Kinda scary.
Doctor Bobmbay has it right about ESPN and other media, too.
They are continuously playing to the lowest common denominator (and that's getting ever lower) in the effort to seem cool and supposedly appeal to younger male demos. Phil Mushnick has been writing about this for a long time in the NY Post.

It's also the medium someone uses. The more impersonal and anonymous it is, the easier it is to be rude, crude and lewd. And posting on the web is pretty impersonal.

But it's more than that.

Our society in general is in a sorry decline of acceptable standards in public speech and behavior.
It's a desensitization to what used to be called "common decency."

One example: I was out walking the dog this weekend and someone pulls up to a nearby light with the radio booming rap at top volume.
And it's blaring the words "m-'er" and "s--t" as clearly and loudly as could be without any regard for anyone else.
Could have been anyone nearby...little kids, senior citizens, nuns...this driver couldn't care less.
It's really not that long ago that something like this would never happen...someone wouldn't do it.
In fact those words wouldn't be in the song.
Now it's common and no one seems to care.
We have posters 20-80 years old debating sports anonymously over
the net. We unfortunately will resort to disrespect far quicker in print then we ever would face to face.
I dont think the younger set are any more disrespectful then my age group was at 20 something, it's just the older guys would never have noticed us, because we did not mingle like we do here. The internet changes us all.
We have posters 20-80 years old debating sports anonymously over
the net. We unfortunately will resort to disrespect far quicker in print then we ever would face to face.
I dont think the younger set are any more disrespectful then my age group was at 20 something, it's just the older guys would never have noticed us, because we did not mingle like we do here. The internet changes us all.

I regularly deal with people face-to-face in situations that demand courtesy and respect. The degree to which these folks will be disrespectful, rude, insulting, threatening and verbally abusive is appalling. There is no anonymity, and they are persons from 10 to 50. Males or females - makes no difference. The mouths on some of the women alone would shock many men. They obviously feel entitled to say (or do) anything they want, in spite of the consequences. Has this behavior always existed? Of course. I still believe it's worse now than it was.
"We can't bust heads like we used to, but we have our ways. One trick is to tell 'em stories that don't go anywhere - like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. Give me five bees for a quarter, you'd say.
Now where were we? Oh yeah: the important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones..."
I regularly deal with people face-to-face in situations that demands courtesy and respect. The degree to which these folks will be disrespectful, rude, insulting, threatening and verbally abusive is appalling. There is no anonymity, and they are persons from 10 to 50. Males or females - makes no difference. The mouths on some of the women alone would shock many men. They obviously feel entitled to say (or do) anything they want, in spite of the consequences. Has this behavior always existed? Of course. It still believe it's worse now than it was.

After reading this thread, I couldn't decide if the number of s (as a percentage of the population) is increasing, or if there are are just more ways for these people to identify themselves these days. Your post makes me think the percentage may be growing.
Doctor Bobmbay has it right about ESPN and other media, too.
They are continuously playing to the lowest common denominator (and that's getting ever lower) in the effort to seem cool and supposedly appeal to younger male demos. Phil Mushnick has been writing about this for a long time in the NY Post.

It's also the medium someone uses. The more impersonal and anonymous it is, the easier it is to be rude, crude and lewd. And posting on the web is pretty impersonal.

But it's more than that.

Our society in general is in a sorry decline of acceptable standards in public speech and behavior.
It's a desensitization to what used to be called "common decency."

One example: I was out walking the dog this weekend and someone pulls up to a nearby light with the radio booming rap at top volume.
And it's blaring the words "m-'er" and "s--t" as clearly and loudly as could be without any regard for anyone else.
Could have been anyone nearby...little kids, senior citizens, nuns...this driver couldn't care less.
It's really not that long ago that something like this would never happen...someone wouldn't do it.
In fact those words wouldn't be in the song.
Now its common and no one seems to care.

That last sentence pretty much sums up the frustration. If you speak up, you risk being ridiculed or ignored, or seen as old-fashioned or "quaint".
I once saw a fight taking place on the street in NY- these were relatively young, maybe Jr HS girls, just going at it.
That in itself wasn't the issue- kids have always fought "after 3 o'clock", including myself.
The "problem" was the ADULTS that were actively watching the 2 girls fighting...and cheering them on...even AFTER one girl was obviously getting beat. Finally, the girl who was losing caught my eye and gave me a look almost pleading for help and I ran over and stepped in. The other "adults" literally booed me for getting involved, like I had interrupted their entertainment or something. And it wasn't until I stepped in that someone else also helped out.
The people who were there, both kids and adults, looked at me like I was from outer space, like I had done something they just couldn't understand.
To be fair this happened a few years ago- but maybe the internet has allowed those who would "just stand there" and consider an act of common decency as strange or unfathomable, to voice their ignorance and apathy on a wider scale.
Its hard to shame someone to behave appropriately on the anonymous web. Its the perfect medium for knuckleheads to act like...knuckleheads.
Some of us lived through the transition from in certain environments would use serious swear words..sometimes to emphasize a point, sometimes in anger, sometimes to prove they were cool with their peers, other times (in school) to embarrass a female.

Some families were more liberal with the use of swearing...others not.

In the mid to late 60's public swearing started to become more common in mixed gender groups. Women seemed to disarm the power men thought they had as far as using swear words to embarrass females, by using the words themselves. On the one hand that was good..on the other maybe not so good.

Now I think it has gotten to the point that it's kind of ridiculous...and classless.

I'm getting old, but I don't see where the overly casual use of foul language is a positive reflection on where our culture/society has gone.
Video games? A sense of unreality? Depersonalization? Anonymity/feeling invisible? The entire world giving up?

Oh, heck, I'm going to bed.
I don't claim to know much, but me thinks you people are starting to show your age.

Two girls fighting with adults watching? People used to stone each other and burn "witches". They used to hang people in public in front of kids. It's society and it's always been crude and unforgiving. Terrible thing happen every day. They always have and they always will.

And even if society is becoming more tolerant of cursing/sex/whatever, it's a price we pay to advance society. The cultural, technological and ideological shifts that we've made over the last 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years are astounding. And largely positive. Message boards are littered with homophobes and racists because the world has been littered with them forever. Think how far we've come in recent times to change that way of thinking.

I guess I just don't adhere to the notion that the world is going to hell in a handbasket. And I know most people here don't really believe that either. I just felt the need to even out the discussion a bit. Feel free to disagree. :)
I don't claim to know much, but me thinks you people are starting to show your age.

Two girls fighting with adults watching? People used to stone each other and burn "witches". They used to hang people in public in front of kids. It's society and it's always been crude and unforgiving. Terrible thing happen every day. They always have and they always will.

And even if society is becoming more tolerant of cursing/sex/whatever, it's a price we pay to advance society. The cultural, technological and ideological shifts that we've made over the last 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years are astounding. And largely positive. Message boards are littered with homophobes and racists because the world has been littered with them forever. Think how far we've come in recent times to change that way of thinking.

I guess I just don't adhere to the notion that the world is going to hell in a handbasket. And I know most people here don't really believe that either. I just felt the need to even out the discussion a bit. Feel free to disagree. :)

So we are advancing society by allowing all manner of disrespect for one another? Technological advances are the prime measure of advancement of society? And what cultures are helping to make those advancements when our educational system is going in the hopper compared to other advanced countries in the world? We should just ignore "terrible things" and go on our way?
All I can say is Wow!
Admittedly, I'm one of the old folks on the board and I have to agree with a friend of mine who said, regarding growing up in the 50s and 60s, "We lived in the best of times."
So we are advancing society by allowing all manner of disrespect for one another? Technological advances are the prime measure of advancement of society? And what cultures are helping to make those advancements when our educational system is going in the hopper compared to other advanced countries in the world? We should just ignore "terrible things" and go on our way?
All I can say is Wow!
Admittedly, I'm one of the old folks on the board and I have to agree with a friend of mine who said, regarding growing up in the 50s and 60s, "We lived in the best of times."

Agreed. Let's go back to the days of special schools, bathrooms, and drinking fountains for the coloreds. BEST OF TIMES!!!!!

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