Class of 2018 - SG Eric Ayala (DE/IMG) to Maryland | Page 42 |

Class of 2018 SG Eric Ayala (DE/IMG) to Maryland

I saw your post when you first wrote it, and wanted to give it the time and respect it warranted before responding.

I will attempt to respond politely and respectfully. First and foremost, I was, as most Syracuse fans were upon learning that Ayala was not coming in 2017, profoundly disappointed. I have been a fan for over 40 years.

It brought up the same emotions that many of us had when we Quade chose Kentucky over Syracuse not that long ago. Many people including guys on this board seemed positive he was all Orange... until he wasn't.

I think it was only a week ago I voiced concern that EA might not reclassify, let alone sign with us. Instead of saying I heard from a viable source that he's coming, and I'm optimistic, you said "you're wrong."

After allowing some time to elapse, I'm guessing that you are as disappointed as I am.

I appreciate that you have inside knowledge AND that you share it. I'm not suggesting that you stop, and I hope that you don't. Clearly many other people in this board think very highly of you.

I think what I was trying to say, and did a really crappy job of doing it... is that WE all need to be more careful how we state things. In hindsight, i don't think your remark was inflammatory towards me.

I think you went with information that you were entrusted with, and tried to calm us down by giving us hope that you had heard from good authority that EA was indeed coming.

I think what I took offense to was the declaration, "you are wrong." Why not just say, "After talking with some people that I trust, I'm more optimistic. I think you could be wrong."

I think you may be in a very difficult position on this board because you want to share what you have been told but you can't name your sources, so when you write it sounds rather authoritative.

All I'm asking is for you to be more careful with your wording. Lots of posters on this board write about their beliefs, in such a fashion that it comes off as factual. I think we, myself included, could spend a bit more time thinking about how a post sounds before we hit the submit button. I should've on my last post. I didn't make that mistake with this one.
Fair point. My you're wrong post was certainly not meant to be a slam. Just that at the time, it was wrong. just as right now, if Ayala does re classify and verbal to Cuse, I wasn't right. Because as it turns out, it wasn't a done deal (even though he told the coaches it was. Or at the very least, the coaches thought he had). On the Monday night of the week that Green went to Kentucky, he called the Syracuse coaches and told them he was going to Syracuse. He called back on Tuesday and said he changed his mind. Now, if you told G-mac on Monday night of that week, that Green was going to Kentucky, he would have said you're wrong. On Tuesday, you would have been right. I have no hard feelings. I just want a 1 and a 3 that will help us win next year.
You guys need to HUG!
Fair point. My you're wrong post was certainly not meant to be a slam. Just that at the time, it was wrong. just as right now, if Ayala does re classify and verbal to Cuse, I wasn't right. Because as it turns out, it wasn't a done deal (even though he told the coaches it was. Or at the very least, the coaches thought he had). On the Monday night of the week that Green went to Kentucky, he called the Syracuse coaches and told them he was going to Syracuse. He called back on Tuesday and said he changed his mind. Now, if you told G-mac on Monday night of that week, that Green was going to Kentucky, he would have said you're wrong. On Tuesday, you would have been right. I have no hard feelings. I just want a 1 and a 3 that will help us win next year.
These kids need to learn about something called integrity.
First Time poster. Been following this board for about a year now, right around the TT and AWIII threads, since I graduated and found out about it. I've accepted my unhealthy addiction to cuse bball and recruiting. It's people like you Dash (and 2-3 others who the true followers know who to listen to), that make me want to come back and constantly check this site to an obsessive degree. Won't get into names or point fingers, but the obvious pessimists and immature, egotistical, keyboard warriors has become exhausting.

Please don't let that prevent you from posting what you know and when you know. Some people like to think they're in the heads of these recruits and mislead followers. You're one of the only solid providers of concrete and informed content. Without you, this board would be a cluster of worries and incoherent whining without an inkling of insider info and would simply not be worth coming to. I as well as many others GREATLY appreciate what you do. Please don't let a couple naysayers bring down this whole board. Sry for the rant, hopefully my second post will be regarding something actually involving the Cuse.

As for myself, I am no insider, but have a couple friends that are highly involved in AAU/EYBL and provide me with some solid info around the College BB landscape (One recently got to hangout with Trae Young and Michael Porter). Hopefully, becoming involved myself in the not so distant future. I'll be looking to post more moving forward.
Agree with all of this especially the part about dasher and others. I remember years ago there were more insiders. We've lost quite a few it seems. Jake posted way more and I really valued his info. So please keep posting dasher and others.

Just my opinion but after watching this and hearing dasher and others say he told cuse he would reclass and come to cuse, I feel like he without a doubt played our staff or is toying around with them. Probably a kid getting pulled in a million different directions and has people in his corner telling him to hold off for the big fish...i just find it crazy that he would pass on a opportunity to play at cuse with the playing time he would get right away and the impact he could make. Guess we have lost some of our prestige or something because this recruiting cycle is just nuts. Passing on our program for another year of prep to work on his game. Maybe he will still come but i for one am now looking forward to whatever else we have dasher said hopefully we will know more in a few days.
Why can't we be good next year? Battle is a special player and everyone else will improve. If we can get a competent PG and the chemistry is good, we have enough athletes and a star player, it could be a solid squad next year.

Is Battle special? We don't know that. I feel like we expect it, but it's not guaranteed.

We still have no shooting, no pg and weak interior D. If you compare our roster/prospects with the rest of the ACC we are a bottom 5 team in the conference.

Just my opinion but after watching this and hearing dasher and others say he told cuse he would reclass and come to cuse, I feel like he without a doubt played our staff or is toying around with them. Probably a kid getting pulled in a million different directions and has people in his corner telling him to hold off for the big fish...i just find it crazy that he would pass on a opportunity to play at cuse with the playing time he would get right away and the impact he could make. Guess we have lost some of our prestige or something because this recruiting cycle is just nuts. Passing on our program for another year of prep to work on his game. Maybe he will still come but i for one am now looking forward to whatever else we have dasher said hopefully we will know more in a few days.
Honestly Ayala is probably waiting for a Duke or UK offer
Is Battle special? We don't know that. I feel like we expect it, but it's not guaranteed

We still have no shooting, no pg and weak interior D. If you compare our roster/prospects with the rest of the ACC we are a bottom 5 team in the conference.
Yes, Battle is special, that much is obvious about this year.
First Time poster. Been following this board for about a year now, right around the TT and AWIII threads, since I graduated and found out about it. I've accepted my unhealthy addiction to cuse bball and recruiting. It's people like you Dash (and 2-3 others who the true followers know who to listen to), that make me want to come back and constantly check this site to an obsessive degree. Won't get into names or point fingers, but the obvious pessimists and immature, egotistical, keyboard warriors has become exhausting.

Please don't let that prevent you from posting what you know and when you know. Some people like to think they're in the heads of these recruits and mislead followers. You're one of the only solid providers of concrete and informed content. Without you, this board would be a cluster of worries and incoherent whining without an inkling of insider info and would simply not be worth coming to. I as well as many others GREATLY appreciate what you do. Please don't let a couple naysayers bring down this whole board. Sry for the rant, hopefully my second post will be regarding something actually involving the Cuse.

As for myself, I am no insider, but have a couple friends that are highly involved in AAU/EYBL and provide me with some solid info around the College BB landscape (One recently got to hangout with Trae Young and Michael Porter). Hopefully, becoming involved myself in the not so distant future. I'll be looking to post more moving forward.
Thank you very much.
I hear that it is iffy with Ayala. At least for now. Ayala has loyalty to a AAU guy. Having said that, our plan B is pretty good. We will all be hearing about it soon.

There are people that posted on this board that have stopped giving information because of people like jazz. I stopped for a while after getting thrashed because of the Hopkins information. you can only give the information that is correct at the time. and the thing is, Ayala still might come here, this year. The Coaches haven't given up on him. Ayala is loyal to a person he really shouldn't be at this time.

This guy? In the ears of WeR1 guys. Has UK in his bio. "Friend/Coach"
Bottom line, we (SU) should not allow kids to hold us hostage while they play games waiting for other offers , bright lights of social media and the power plays by the HS and AAU coaches, it's all a game and when everyone knows that we stand there waiting for them to say yes , more will do it

If a kid is playing games, move on, there will always be another young man to put on the Jersey, I agree, we should have had Wash up to school and Green would have signed in a heartbeat and if not we would have gotten the better player anyway, Wash is the real deal. Luckily Minn not in ACC or on ESPN

it's all about optics like dating a girl, are you going to stand at her door and tell her u love her and wait and wait and wait, while she's running around bc she know u are waiting! No , you grow a set of u know u know what and walk away.

Ayala wasn't even a name for us 1 year ago, he's a a good player, but folks, he's not worth the chatter, he is no pro I promise you that. He's not worth all of the coverage we are giving him and guess what, he doesn't deserve to wear Orange, it's his loss, think about it, why would we want a kid to come here when he's basically telling us he's not good enough to play right away, that's what he's saying by adding an extra year IN SCHOOL, if he is so good why is he delaying his time in the NBA?

Tucker 50/50, from what I hear, his father wants him to get the call from Duke, they are going to let the dust settle before jumping.

Forget Ayala, his loss and whomever he is listening to does not have his best interests. It makes zero common sense.

the staff has a plan, it's been chaotic for 3 years with the sanctions and the 3 years in advance with a Jeter tour for JB. Yes it hurt us, blame the School, Why they told the world he was retiring in 3 years was so dumb.

JB is now back in the saddle and I think we are in for a very exciting run 18 19 and 20 maybe surprise us next year

The chatter about the zone is nuts, we will have 3 more kids in the 1st round in 17 and 18, our track record is only getting better. If we had gotten Green or even better Wash or Coleman that wouldn't be mentioned

Re future core, the freshman are much better than the threads say, Oshae is very good and has tons of upside, same for Bourama and Wash is going to be very solid , how would we be doing if Diallo was our key recruit? Forget the ESPN rankings, look at 2008 thru 2014, how many of the top 50 do u know?

Frank will turn it around , Moyer should be good and tbd with Chu

Battle is special , he will be ready to be the man, just as special is TT. He is going to be a monster for us. Might be the best offensive player in the country next year at his position (PF), not Pure stats, but just the best, he can score, his hands are great, he needs to bulk up get stronger and his stock will skyrocket on the draft boards.

We will bring in a few more kids, I would rather get better talent in 18 than settle now, meaning don't give away the tickets , every scholorship counts, so if it's 5th year guys again so be it, there are a few good ones in play

You watch 17 tbd, but lookout for 18 19 and 20 we are about to see the final chapter of JB's storied career, which 194 out of 200 schools would sign up for NOW, as he coaches the kids including his son Buddy and they win one together.

Dasher keep it coming, u r the man

In JB we trust!

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I doubt he ever wears orange. If he doesnt come in 17
If he doesn't come in 2017, there is way too much talent in 2018 to just hand a scholarship to Ayala. He talked about loyalty? We showed him that. If he doesn't commit for 2017, we have every right to look at other options just like he is right now
May take a little heat for this but what the heck. I personally don't care to have ayala on our team for 18. I feel like he has every opportunity to pull the trigger right now and come into a good situation on a hell of a basketball program for 17 and he is choosing not to. Why?? To me it's quite obvious he must be looking for something different. I could understand more I guess if he has to work on his body etc or was on the younger side but this kid is ready to come right now and he's choosing not to. Maybe he doesn't feel like he is mentally ready idk but I feel like that's a cop out especially after listening to his interview. Now there will be posters that will get on here and say the kids got to do what's best for him and enjoy the process and he's going to do what he wants etc and that's all fine...he should do that but we as a program need to do what's best for us and I just can't get over the feeling of if a kid doesn't want to be here and jump at the opportunity he has in front of them then we don't need them. I want kids that want to be here and I get the feeling that ayalas heart isn't set on cuse otherwise he would have signed on the dotted line by now. He is getting more exposure now and schools are showing interest in him that weren't before and he's enjoying that and waiting for something else. Which is fine. Would I like to have him this year absolutely. But I'm sure we have given him all the love and affection we could possibly give him to get him here this year and he isn't why keep that up for another year just for him to crap on us in the end. Move on and find someone else. I guess if we stay in touch and keep him in the loop for 18 just in case then that's fine but if the full court press on him isn't working now I don't see it working next year. Just my thoughts on it. Just tired of kids playing us which I guess is expected when it comes to 18 year olds making life decisions but I'm ready for some good news for a change. I Would bet if it were the UKs and dukes that were after him for 17 that he wouldn't be thinking about reclassing or not and whoever is giving him advice would be telling him the same. Guess I need to come to grips with the fact that SU just doesn't seem to have the luster and pull that I thought it once had. You would think some of these kids would like absolutely nothing more then to come here and play...
Looks like we didn't send anyone to UA event in NYC.

We go visit him in person Thursday morning of last week, that night he apparently tells Zags that he's staying in 2018, then we don't go watch him that weekend.

Could be coincidence and a fine explanation but looks telling on the surface.
I don't understand why he would take his tests and go through the trouble of getting eligible for 2017 and then not do it. As those in the know have said, he has someone in his ear. So, I agree with those that think that it is 2017 or bust for this kid and SU. If he ends up the best we can get at that position in 2018, then take him, but everyday I see a new kid pop up on our radar that is just as good or better, in my opinion.
I don't understand why he would take his tests and go through the trouble of getting eligible for 2017 and then not do it. As those in the know have said, he has someone in his ear. So, I agree with those that think that it is 2017 or bust for this kid and SU. If he ends up the best we can get at that position in 2018, then take him, but everyday I see a new kid pop up on our radar that is just as good or better, in my opinion.

I absolutely believe his AAU coach is in his ear about getting blue blood offers and encouraging him to wait. Of course, this coach gets the benefit of him remaining and keeping AAU team solid. The mis-perception of the blue bloods being the only NBA launchpad is being ridiculous. Being a Syracuse top player will get you more exposure and notoriety than being mid- pack on a blue blood bench
The link says they didn't go to UA and Griffin stayed in Syracuse.
Yes, the article doesn't directly answer why they didn't go. Just mentions where they did go and how they had to maneuver. They prioritized and chose not to go to UA. Was just supplementing your post.
Guys, if Alaya wanted to commit to Syracuse for 2017 or 2018, he could have right now. He hasn't to date. As stated earlier if he does not commit by end of this period, move on and find better prospects. There is no use waiting for a possibility. His best opportunity for playing time would be now in 2017.
Guys, if Alaya wanted to commit to Syracuse for 2017 or 2018, he could have right now. He hasn't to date. As stated earlier if he does not commit by end of this period, move on and find better prospects. There is no use waiting for a possibility. His best opportunity for playing time would be now in 2017.
Agree. If he doesn't come here in 2017, time to move on. IMO his heart is not in Syracuse. That stinks, but I want players here who want to be here.
May take a little heat for this but what the heck. I personally don't care to have ayala on our team for 18. I feel like he has every opportunity to pull the trigger right now and come into a good situation on a hell of a basketball program for 17 and he is choosing not to. Why?? To me it's quite obvious he must be looking for something different. I could understand more I guess if he has to work on his body etc or was on the younger side but this kid is ready to come right now and he's choosing not to. Maybe he doesn't feel like he is mentally ready idk but I feel like that's a cop out especially after listening to his interview. Now there will be posters that will get on here and say the kids got to do what's best for him and enjoy the process and he's going to do what he wants etc and that's all fine...he should do that but we as a program need to do what's best for us and I just can't get over the feeling of if a kid doesn't want to be here and jump at the opportunity he has in front of them then we don't need them. I want kids that want to be here and I get the feeling that ayalas heart isn't set on cuse otherwise he would have signed on the dotted line by now. He is getting more exposure now and schools are showing interest in him that weren't before and he's enjoying that and waiting for something else. Which is fine. Would I like to have him this year absolutely. But I'm sure we have given him all the love and affection we could possibly give him to get him here this year and he isn't why keep that up for another year just for him to crap on us in the end. Move on and find someone else. I guess if we stay in touch and keep him in the loop for 18 just in case then that's fine but if the full court press on him isn't working now I don't see it working next year. Just my thoughts on it. Just tired of kids playing us which I guess is expected when it comes to 18 year olds making life decisions but I'm ready for some good news for a change. I Would bet if it were the UKs and dukes that were after him for 17 that he wouldn't be thinking about reclassing or not and whoever is giving him advice would be telling him the same. Guess I need to come to grips with the fact that SU just doesn't seem to have the luster and pull that I thought it once had. You would think some of these kids would like absolutely nothing more then to come here and play...
I agree with most of what you said. I wanted Ayala in 2017 because he represents a need for us but it's not like the Green situation. I loved Green's game and that really hurt but I don't view Ayala in the same way. He is a good player that I wanted but we can target other kids in 2018 and keep tabs on him. If he is waiting for offers from UK and Duke etc I don't see that coming personally. Maybe he will continue to improve but I find it unlikely. UK has Green who will probably be a 2 year player for them and they will be going after Langford, Smart and Quickley just to name a few. It will be hard for Green to hold onto playing time in year 2 if he stays let alone for Ayala to find some.

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