Shafer's compensation |

Shafer's compensation


Living Legend
May 21, 2012
As far as I can tell Shafer gets 62% of the average compensation of ACC HCs and is the 68th highest paid FBS/FCS head coach. He gets 47% of what Paul Johnson at GT gets and about $300,000 less than Addazio.

TGD needs to stay on top of this and not let things drag on too long and get out of hand.
and about $300,000 less than Addazio.

Ugh! Really? Hope he loves this frickin' town. Step up, Doc.
Crusty said:
As far as I can tell Shafer gets 62% of the average compensation of ACC HCs and is the 68th highest paid FBS/FCS head coach. He gets 47% of what Paul Johnson at GT gets and about $300,000 less than Addazio. TGD needs to stay on top of this and not let things drag on too long and get out of hand.

I think you have to wait at least one more year before revisiting the contract.
I think you have to wait at least one more year before revisiting the contract.

Normally I would agree but he is so far below his peers it is silly. We can't let this go on too long. Besides, 7-6, 3rd place in the Division and a Bowl Victory ought to be enough for a raise of some kind for credibility if nothing else.
From a pure business perspective, DG should let Shafer dictate when his salary is raised. Shafer would seem petty asking for a raise after year one, but if he has another good year, he could ask for one.

Why give a guy more money (out of the schools pocket when we are trying to find additional funds for new facilities across the board) if he isn't even asking for it? It's not like he is an icon in coaching like JB.

Shafer doesn't have the clout yet, and if he does in the near future, Gross shouldn't feel obligated just because, only if Shafer asks should he give.
really it could all fall apart in year 2, 7-6 and a bowl is great but not earth shattering. if you get to back to back to back bowl games and you start to show something.
It is always better to stay ahead of these things because it is cheaper in the long run. Extending his contract by a year and adding $100,000 may prove to be wiser than waiting until he feels it is an issue. Remember the whole staff keys off of the HC comp.

I always found it was better to stay ahead of the comp situation rather than waiting for valuable staff to come to me. After all, if I didn't know what they were worth how could I run my business?

Anyway, I certainly don't want an Indiana, Illinois or Purdue to come calling. These guys all know they are hired to be fired and that makes it about money.
I don't know what the annual numbers are, but the more important issue here IMHO is to ensure he has a contract that gives recruits a sense of stability. If the Coach has only one year left on his contract, as a recruit I might be concerned about who my coach would be two years from now.

It would not be out of order to offer HCSS a 5 year contract at this point.
It would not be out of order to offer HCSS a 5 year contract at this point.
Good god no! And I like the guy but no. You don't give a 1st year head coach a raise and an extension after 1 season. I like the guy but that is bad business. Bad precedent to start.
Shafer won't ask for a raise and doc won't offer nor should they. Let's see 9-4 next year before we start offering raises and extensions. Shafer isn't going anywhere. On my drive down to Florida yesterday I did here somebody on xm mention that Shafer could be a good fit at MSU or other Big 10 schools if a job did open up. Their words not mine.

I don't see Shafer leaving anytime soon, 5-6 years at least if not longer, he remembers what it's like to be run out of town by factory places. He loves this freaking town
I don't know what the annual numbers are, but the more important issue here IMHO is to ensure he has a contract that gives recruits a sense of stability. If the Coach has only one year left on his contract, as a recruit I might be concerned about who my coach would be two years from now.

It would not be out of order to offer HCSS a 5 year contract at this point.
The recruits sense of stability is the university, just like everywhere else. Any bump we give Shafer doesn't make him any more stable is MSU or someone similar comes calling next year. Same deal at every other school. Let's put money into where it needs to go functionally versus deciding where it goes based on recruit's perceived perceptions.
Not to be Johnny Raincloud, but one 7-6 season doesn't deserve a huge raise for a first year coach. I appreciate a job well done and the improvement shown over the course of the season in both the players and the coaching, but $300k less than Addazio (in a far more expensive real estate market) doesn't scream unfair to me. Let's see what happens next year before we rip up the contract.
Good god no! And I like the guy but no. You don't give a 1st year head coach a raise and an extension after 1 season. I like the guy but that is bad business. Bad precedent to start.

Not to be Johnny Raincloud, but one 7-6 season doesn't deserve a huge raise for a first year coach. I appreciate a job well done and the improvement shown over the course of the season in both the players and the coaching, but $300k less than Addazio (in a far more expensive real estate market) doesn't scream unfair to me. Let's see what happens next year before we rip up the contract.

Has nothing to do with real estate in Boston. Next year will cost more. We are not talking about just any 7-6 first season either. The problem is that we are always trying to get coaches on the cheap and we are not going to keep our guys with the SU pay scales of the past.

I think TGD is smart enough to figure it out before it becomes an issue.
The recruits sense of stability is the university, just like everywhere else. Any bump we give Shafer doesn't make him any more stable is MSU or someone similar comes calling next year. Same deal at every other school. Let's put money into where it needs to go functionally versus deciding where it goes based on recruit's perceived perceptions.

Really, that's why Gus, LaRay and Malik committed last year? It has very little to do with the stability of the university, whatever that means.
Has nothing to do with real estate in Boston. Next year will cost more. We are not talking about just any 7-6 first season either. The problem is that we are always trying to get coaches on the cheap and we are not going to keep our guys with the SU pay scales of the past.

I think TGD is smart enough to figure it out before it becomes an issue.
I don't disagree with anything you said, however one 7-6 year doesn't justify a new deal. I'm confident (hopeful) Gross will step up and use some of that ACC $ when the success on the field demands it. If it was my money, I'd wait another season to start handing out raises all around. Does anybody know what if any bonus $ was in the contract for the staff?
Really, that's why Gus, LaRay and Malik committed last year? It has very little to do with the stability of the university, whatever that means.
There's no such thing as true stability at coach. Any overtures that there are is just PR. Kids need to commit to a program and a university. That goes for us, texas, bama and everyone else.

This is the reality. If these kids get Shaf to ten wins, he's gone, salary bump or not.
There's no such thing as true stability at coach. Any overtures that there are is just PR. Kids need to commit to a program and a university. That goes for us, texas, bama and everyone else.

This is the reality. If these kids get Shaf to ten wins, he's gone, salary bump or not.

But kids don't commit to a program or university and every school has learned that the hard way.
But kids don't commit to a program or university and every school has learned that the hard way.
Well if we adults all agree it's a pr game and any sense of real coaching stability is smoke and mirrors, why wouldn't we sink the money into facilities for now, which will live beyond a coach and help to recruit better coaches down the road?

If Shaf replicates this year or better in '14, raise and extend him for sure (plus up the buy out). Just think there's some better places for the money now.
There is no doubt that HCSS deserves a raise. Doug left the cupboard bare about a month before national signing day. The first thing Shaf did was to assemble a top staff. Next he brought in one heck of a class given the timing of Dougs departure and the entire staff. Next up is a very difficult schedule. Two bigs to kick things off followed by a brutal ACC schedule. Our 7-6 record is strong and we finished on an up note winning two games against two tough opponents at the last minute. Give the guy an extension now. Make it a step scale with a bonus structure for bowl games and attendance increases. Provide 250k minimum to distribute to the staff as Shaf sees fit. Get it done now lock this guy up for the next 5 years and make sure you put a hefty buy out into his deal. I would say 2m. Get it done as we will be hard pressed to find a better fit for Syracuse.
There is no doubt that HCSS deserves a raise. Doug left the cupboard bare about a month before national signing day. The first thing Shaf did was to assemble a top staff. Next he brought in one heck of a class given the timing of Dougs departure and the entire staff. Next up is a very difficult schedule. Two bigs to kick things off followed by a brutal ACC schedule. Our 7-6 record is strong and we finished on an up note winning two games against two tough opponents at the last minute. Give the guy an extension now. Make it a step scale with a bonus structure for bowl games and attendance increases. Provide 250k minimum to distribute to the staff as Shaf sees fit. Get it done now lock this guy up for the next 5 years and make sure you put a hefty buy out into his deal. I would say 2m. Get it done as we will be hard pressed to find a better fit for Syracuse.
I realize I'm the broken record, but a raise/extension doesn't lock him at su for 2 years, let alone 5. I hope he wants to be here and I agree that we should give raises as this continues...but we need to quit with the delusion that we're somehow different than everywhere else.
Well if we adults all agree it's a pr game and any sense of real coaching stability is smoke and mirrors, why wouldn't we sink the money into facilities for now, which will live beyond a coach and help to recruit better coaches down the road?

If Shaf replicates this year or better in '14, raise and extend him for sure (plus up the buy out). Just think there's some better places for the money now.
There is no doubt that HCSS deserves a raise. Doug left the cupboard bare about a month before national signing day. The first thing Shaf did was to assemble a top staff. Next he brought in one heck of a class given the timing of Dougs departure and the entire staff. Next up is a very difficult schedule. Two bigs to kick things off followed by a brutal ACC schedule. Our 7-6 record is strong and we finished on an up note winning two games against two tough opponents at the last minute. Give the guy an extension now. Make it a step scale with a bonus structure for bowl games and attendance increases. Provide 250k minimum to distribute to the staff as Shaf sees fit. Get it done now lock this guy up for the next 5 years and make sure you put a hefty buy out into his deal. I would say 2m. Get it done as we will be hard pressed to find a better fit for Syracuse.
No chance we keep this guy if and when the factories come calling. Hopefully, we can build the facilities/atmosphere that keeps him wanting to be here. In the end no coaching contract is worth a hill of beans.

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