So much for a drama less season - ugh!!!! | Page 4 |

So much for a drama less season - ugh!!!!

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Regardless of whether the picture is legit (I think it is, that's the outfit he wears around campus and the body type is almost the same-- the only thing in question is the height ****) , it's pretty likely that he did it.

Why would a completely random SU chick tweet "just saw Michael Carter Williams get arrested" and then confirm the story multiple times? Did she just want some attention? Did the illuminati create a dupe SU student account, maintain it for years JUST to break this fake story?

Why would MCW himself start tweeting denying that he'd been arrested? If it was just made up and it never happened, what is he neurotically defending himself from. Why would he tweet and delete tweets regarding it?

Why would you come here and your first three posts are advocating that we believe this??? Go grind your axe somewhere else.
Said the same thing

I couldn't bear to read to the end before responding, the cold sweats stopped as soon as I saw the picture.
jake is right on.. if it was.. good lesson learned ala a scoops uncle scenario and the path to maturity. mcw is flying high right now.. a bit of humbling cannot hurt if he did indeed slip up.. if it was handled by the mall.. i doubt it will ever see the light of day.
So if no arrest does media pick up this story ?
Good question. Probably not. This happens to dozens of kids daily. However, none of them are the starting pg at SU. Would think that if this happened to nba pg it is a story, but college kids get benefit of doubt and youth.

Sunday newsrooms are also filled with people who don't have the power to make this decision. Story might be delayed til Monday, if it runs at all.
security guard is two escalator steps higher, it could be a 6'9 security guard. stop racial profiling on the security guard.
The issue real is the following: If he was not arrested, it is a non-story. People get questioned all the time for shop-lifting at the mall and even those that get caught red handed are often sent away with a warning. They take them to a room, scare the bejesus out of them and let them go, especially if its a small item and the kid has no record.

Is shoplifting stupid? Yes. Do kids do it all the time? Yes.

If he did it, I'm glad he got caught. He'll never do it again. If nothing else, he's learned what life as a celebrity is like and that his every step may be instantaneously documented on social media.
No one knows the story here ... the photo simply shows someone being detained. We don't know it was MCW ... although there's a resemblance and an unverified 'tweet' purportedly from him about the incident.

But more importantly, whether it's MCW or not, being 'detained' is legally meaningless. Store security may have thought he (the individual took) something but after being detained he produced a receipt. Or he may have been returning something they thought he took. Or he may have been shopping with a second person who took something ... (yes they do that if they're not sure where the item is and there are two shoppers together). Or about ten other things could have happened. The photos are all after the fact and don't tell us much.

Is he/MCW inside the store at the time of the photo? That's an interesting issue (need other's thoughts here). It's not impossible to be arrested for stealing while still inside the establishment (if there's an act inconsistent with the store's ownership) ... but the usual practice is to detain the person at or just beyond the door. Then intent is easier to prove.

So lots of questions ... and no (apparent) arrest. I'd give the person (MCW or whoever) the presumption he's entitled to and move onto the 'climb to 900'.
No one knows the story here ... the photo simply shows someone being detained. We don't know it was MCW ... although there's a resemblance and an unverified 'tweet' purportedly from him about the incident.

But more importantly, if it is MCW, being 'detained' is legally meaningless. Store security may have thought he (the individual took) something but he produced a receipt. Or he may have been with someone who took something ... (yes they do that if they're not sure where the item is and there are two shoppers together). Or about ten other things could have happened. The photos are all after the fact.

Something else is also being left unmentioned. From the photo it seems like he's still inside the store. It's not impossible to be arrested for stealing while still inside the establishment (if there's an act inconsistent with the store's ownership) ... but the usual practice is to detain the person at or just beyond the door. Then intent is easier to prove. This photo appears to have been taken inside the store (hard to tell).

So lots of questions ... and no (apparent) arrest. I'd give the person (MCW or whoever) the presumption he's entitled to and move onto the 'climb to 900'.
But a random girl said it more than once, what more confirmation do you need?!
Man that security guard must be quite the gumshoe. who would have thought someone at the mall with a backpack that size would put stolen items in it? Are we sure this isn't a strength exercise where MCW carries Gmac on his back all day.

It looks enough like him to be concerned IMO. Yes the dark spot on his cheek indicate he has sunken cheekbones or something. However, strange lighting inide could cause that look. Who knows?

Check the police records for shoplifting in the mall for Sunday, then find the dudes on facebook?
Let's just hope we wasn't shoplifting to acquire Mrs.Fine's Christmas gift. I'm guessing it's the wrong store for Laurie.
Question for you locals. Can you confirm that the background in those pictures is, indeed, Carousel Mall? I know the security guy would have to be very tall for this work out, but that really looks like MCW.
Question for you locals. Can you confirm that the background in those pictures is, indeed, Carousel Mall? I know the security guy would have to be very tall for this work out, but that really looks like MCW.

Those are the escalators in the mall just outside the entrance to Lord and Taylor.

However, I'm not buying that the security guard is 7'1.

The handrail of the escalator only comes up to the waist of the "perp" That makes him barely 6'.
That is definitely destiny USA. Those green padded benches are unmistakable.
if this is true what does it say for our pg's decision making, who is easily one of the most recognizable people in the city, shoplifting during holiday season at lord&taylor.
I'm waiting to pass judgement until our newly designated sideline reporter weighs in. I believe miss Amanda Busick has tweeted she has a hot tip and is gonna sweat it out of him.

mods should delete this thread so the university can complete the cover up. i'm sure schwarts and company are trolling these sites as i type
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