So much for a drama less season - ugh!!!! | Page 5 |

So much for a drama less season - ugh!!!!

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This rumor is on twitter/ instagram. Nothing said here is going to make a hill of beans difference. I mean mcw himself addressed the matter on his own twitter account.
Question for you locals. Can you confirm that the background in those pictures is, indeed, Carousel Mall? I know the security guy would have to be very tall for this work out, but that really looks like MCW.
Given that I haven't been back to that mall in a while, it did look like Carousel.
No one knows the story here ... the photo simply shows someone being detained. We don't know it was MCW ... although there's a resemblance and an unverified 'tweet' purportedly from him about the incident.

But more importantly, whether it's MCW or not, being 'detained' is legally meaningless. Store security may have thought he (the individual took) something but after being detained he produced a receipt. Or he may have been returning something they thought he took. Or he may have been shopping with a second person who took something ... (yes they do that if they're not sure where the item is and there are two shoppers together). Or about ten other things could have happened. The photos are all after the fact and don't tell us much.

However, they do seem to reveal that the guy/MCW (whoever) is still inside the store. It's not impossible to be arrested for stealing while still inside the establishment (if there's an act inconsistent with the store's ownership) ... but the usual practice is to detain the person at or just beyond the door. Then intent is easier to prove. This photo appears to have been taken inside the store (hard to tell).

So lots of questions ... and no (apparent) arrest. I'd give the person (MCW or whoever) the presumption he's entitled to and move onto the 'climb to 900'.
Not necessarily...what about a law suit filing on behalf of the detainee?
Those are the escalators in the mall just outside the entrance to Lord and Taylor.

However, I'm not buying that the security guard is 7'1.

The handrail of the escalator only comes up to the waist of the "perp" That makes him barely 6'.
And clearly (in the photo as I see it), the security guy is 3-4 inches inches taller than the detainee ... putting the security guard (if it's MCW in cuffs) at 6'8 at least. On the other hand, if you're right and it's someone else, this is all pretty silly.
Not necessarily...what about a law suit filing on behalf of the detainee?
I meant for purposes of determining (or assuming) the likely 'guilt' of the person detained (being detained is not much different than being questioned - so what). You're talking about a subsequent civil action by the detainee (which isn't an issue at this stage and would be pretty rare -- and not what I was referring to).
You go girl.

I'm waiting to pass judgement until our newly designated sideline reporter weighs in. I believe miss Amanda Busick has tweeted she has a hot tip and is gonna sweat it out of him.

How the hell are we gonna beat Canisus without MCW? we're screwed!
On the bright side ... MCW didn't get hurt in a "go kart" accident at the mall today. :p
This thread is so irresponsible, I'm reluctant to comment.
But I will.

The "sources" here appear to be the a friend of the original poster's niece and one of his daughter's friends and a dubious photo.
Nothing firsthand, nothing from anyone identifiable, nothing from anyone in a position to know and nothing official.
So based on that alone, people are willing to trash the reputation and judgement of a kid who has never given anyone any reason to question his character (let alone arguably being the best player in the country at the moment).

Someone asked whether the "media" will pick up the story if there's no arrest.
The "media" already have picked it up.
What do you think this public forum is?

It's true that MCW appears to have published something himself on Twitter.
So I can't say that there is now no basis for discussion.
But most comments were made before that occurred.
The next time anyone wants to trash ESPN for its behavior, think about what's been said here.
This thread is so irresponsible, I'm reluctant to comment.
But I will.

The "sources" here appear to be the a friend of the original poster's niece and one of his daughter's friends and a dubious photo.
Nothing firsthand, nothing from anyone identifiable, nothing from anyone in a position to know and nothing official.
So based on that alone, people are willing to trash the reputation and judgement of a kid who has never given anyone any reason to question his character (let alone arguably being the best player in the country at the moment).

Someone asked whether the "media" will pick up the story if there's no arrest.
The "media" already have picked it up.
What do you think this public forum is?

It's true that MCW appears to have published something himself on Twitter.
So I can't say that there is now no basis for discussion.
But most comments were made before that occurred.
The next time anyone wants to trash ESPN for its behavior, think about what's been said here.
Are you really comparing, and I guess you did, an internet board with espn? A board where no one uses their name? Rumors are part of the internet. It's too bad but it doesn't measure up in any way to the lack of jounalistic integrity that espn showed.
This thread is so irresponsible, I'm reluctant to comment.
But I will.

The "sources" here appear to be the a friend of the original poster's niece and one of his daughter's friends and a dubious photo.
Nothing firsthand, nothing from anyone identifiable, nothing from anyone in a position to know and nothing official.
Apparently the story has now hit youtube...
Damed if you do, damned if you dont.

If MCW ignores the rumor, he's assumed guilty simply because he didn't issue a denial.

On the other hand, if MCW flat out denies the rumor (as he has appeared to do), he's assumed guilty simply because he addressed it.
Damed if you do, damned if you dont.

If MCW ignores the rumor, he's assumed guilty simply because he didn't issue a denial.

On the other hand, if MCW flat out denies the rumor (as he has appeared to do), he's assumed guilty simply because he addressed it.
Mark is that you?
I had a feeling they had something to do with this.

I heard AJ Price secretly disguised himself as a mannequin in Lord and Taylor and framed MCW.
I heard AJ Price secretly disguised himself as a mannequin in Lord and Taylor and framed MCW.
That's impossible, unless he was a mannequin at the Apple Store. AJ loves him some technology.
I find it interesting that there is only one person detaining him in one of the worlds largest malls. And did he buy anything?? Where is the bag he bought? Mall looks pretty busy. Maybe he agreed to go somewhere to figure the mess out and the employees were to busy to go with them. I doubt they would detain him for a item he bought setting off the sensors at the door.

If he didn't do it, it would be a big time help for those who detained him or thought he did to come forward and help MCW's reputation. I hope they would go the extra distance. Hes in a role model position where charector goes a long way. If he did do it, (which seems likely) then he has to live with it.

Shoplifting is a lack of respect towards others. The thought of it makes me sick, but then again we were all young once. Its much easier to hate things like this when your older. JB always treats his kids like men, but off the court they are still invincible young adults who have barely felt regret.

I like how that one tweet is worded if it is him. It says please tell me you weren't arrested for shoplifting at the mall today. Instead of saying I wasn't, he says I didn't.
I meant for purposes of determining (or assuming) the likely 'guilt' of the person detained (being detained is not much different than being questioned - so what). You're talking about a subsequent civil action by the detainee (which isn't an issue at this stage and would be pretty rare -- and not what I was referring to).[/quote

I knew what you were referencing, just making a point about how cavalier security people can be sometimes...particularly if this was MCW or any public figure. Physically and openly parading him through the mall is not good for one's public image, especially if wrongly accused/apprehended.
The issue real is the following: If he was not arrested, it is a non-story. People get questioned all the time for shop-lifting at the mall and even those that get caught red handed are often sent away with a warning. They take them to a room, scare the bejesus out of them and let them go, especially if its a small item and the kid has no record.

Is shoplifting stupid? Yes. Do kids do it all the time? Yes.

If he did it, I'm glad he got caught. He'll never do it again. If nothing else, he's learned what life as a celebrity is like and that his every step may be instantaneously documented on social media.

My wife worked in a local mall for about 6 months and was shocked at how little the stores did to protect themselves from shoplifting. She was told never to engage the person even if she saw them take something. They had to alert the mall police, but by the time they showed up, the perps are always halfway to Idaho. The stores most hit at Carousel about ten years ago were the specialty maternity shops. The young pregger teens from the city would come in and blatantly take stuff and run out of the store. They would usually show up in a group of three or four. 1 or two would distract the staff, or try to, while the other would hook it and book it.

I would bet dollars to donuts that all these stores are on high alert for the season and are looking for people who fit the profile. I'm not saying he did or didn't do it, but I just cant believe he would be stupid enough to do that.


This goes on all the time at the mall and there may indeed have been a miscommunication. There could have been an overreactive part time holiday helper who called in Mall Cop making assumptions as to what was going on. Mall Cop shows up, detains him, finds out there was nothing to it, and it's over. Shop workers in Carousel are hit all the time and have probably hyped up the holiday help to be on the lookout for anyone who fits the "profile".
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