Some Thoughts..... |

Some Thoughts.....


All Conference
Aug 15, 2011
This was my first look at our team. Hard to draw conclusions from one game against an over-matched foe, but here are a few thoughts:

1. Dion is hugely improved and much more fit. He has a chance to be our most improved and perhaps even our go to guy before all is said & done.

2. Scoop - he showed nothing tonight, but don't write him off. He will step it up when he has to.

3. Kris & Brandon - both looked like solid upperclassmen. Kris has a chance to be our go to guy. Brandon - maybe some games he will be the man, but I just don't see it happening consistantly.

4. CJ - I just love this kids game. He looks more confident in his stroke. Excuse me, but why is he not starting ???

5. The bigs - much talk about Melo & I am on board with all of it. I liked what I saw from Keita. He deserves some more minutes. XMas - sorry, but this kid is should not be starting on this team He will be a a year or two. For now, he is too raw. I think Keita, at this stage of the game is XMas's equal or better on O & I think Keita is also a better rebounder & defender.

6. James - very impressed tonight. Last season he allowed himself to be intimidated when playing aginst physically stronger opponents. Time will tell as to whether that is now a thing of the past.

7. MCW - I liked his instincts. Tons of potential & he will be part of the rotation. Good chance he might really break out as a soph.

8. TC - appears he will be shirting. That is a good thing - too many guys who deserve 20+ minutes ahead of him.
I think Christmas and Keita are interchangeable right now, but Christmas has the upside so I'd imagine that will keep him starting or at least getting more minutes than Keita.
Christmas is starting and getting minutes because big guys need to be on the floor to improve. We will need him, so JB is doing the right thing in getting him ready. Melo is getting minutes because he is playing well, but he also needs them to learn. Keita is losing minutes, but I think that JB already recognizes that Baye gets it, so he does not need as much learning time.
Christmas is getting minutes over Keita because in the long run (over the course of this season), I think Christmas has the greater potential to be a big contributor - especially rebounding and defensively if he can get over the initial hurdle of getting used to playing at the high D1 level. While Keita can be a contributor he doesn't have nearly the upside that Christmas does.

I didn't see much out of James that we haven't seen in small runs here and there against weaker competition. I hope what we did see is the start of him consistently playing at that level and not just more tease.

I hesitate to assign much significance to anything we saw last night because Manhattan appeared to be really really poor.
I think Christmas and Keita are interchangeable right now, but Christmas has the upside so I'd imagine that will keep him starting or at least getting more minutes than Keita.
I am not sold that XMas has a higher upside than Keita. What are you basing that opinion on other than HS rankings ?? Yeah, XMas has the better bod, but Keita has the better instincts and the better motor plus more experience. No question we will need all three bigs to contribute during the course of the season. I have no argument with XMas being part of the rotation. My issue is that I want to see guys earn their PT.

IMHO, Fair should clearly be the PF starter. Keita should be getting more minutes overall than XMas at this point in time. He is the upper classman, the frosh has to prove he is better to take his minutes. Not yet...maybe later. Xmas will be needed as a big body during the course of the season, but that doesn't mean that he should be handed a starter's role and more minutes than Keita. Let XMas & Keita battle it out for the lion's share of big man minutes behind Fab....let the better man win.
CJ Fair is everywhere! I like this kid, he just plays hard and fills the stat sheet.
I am not sold that XMas has a higher upside than Keita. What are you basing that opinion on other than HS rankings ?? Yeah, XMas has the better bod, but Keita has the better instincts and the better motor plus more experience. No question we will need all three bigs to contribute during the course of the season. I have no argument with XMas being part of the rotation. My issue is that I want to see guys earn their PT.

IMHO, Fair should clearly be the PF starter. Keita should be getting more minutes overall than XMas at this point in time. He is the upper classman, the frosh has to prove he is better to take his minutes. Not yet...maybe later. Xmas will be needed as a big body during the course of the season, but that doesn't mean that he should be handed a starter's role and more minutes than Keita. Let XMas & Keita battle it out for the lion's share of big man minutes behind Fab....let the better man win.

I don't think there's any question that Rak has a much higher ceiling than Keita. Christmas is raw, but you can tell he's much more advanced on the offensive end. He knows how to finish when he gets the ball at the rim, Keita not so much. I like Keita and this isn't a knock on him, but Rak is definitely the better prospect in the long run.
Christmas is getting minutes over Keita because in the long run (over the course of this season), I think Christmas has the greater potential to be a big contributor - especially rebounding and defensively if he can get over the initial hurdle of getting used to playing at the high D1 level. While Keita can be a contributor he doesn't have nearly the upside that Christmas does.

I didn't see much out of James that we haven't seen in small runs here and there against weaker competition. I hope what we did see is the start of him consistently playing at that level and not just more tease.

I hesitate to assign much significance to anything we saw last night because Manhattan appeared to be really really poor.
I agree on James... We've seen this before... basically every year right around this time. He'll have to do this against a PITT, before I feel he can be a consistent weapon. If so, he is an immensely important player...
I agree on James... We've seen this before... basically every year right around this time. He'll have to do this against a PITT, before I feel he can be a consistent weapon. If so, he is an immensely important player...

I'd like to see a lot of the players on SU play better against pitt. The bump and grind and high low pass kill SU.
I'd like to see a lot of the players on SU play better against pitt. The bump and grind and high low pass kill SU.
PITT and Louisville... They have had our number lately
I am not sold that XMas has a higher upside than Keita. What are you basing that opinion on other than HS rankings ?? Yeah, XMas has the better bod, but Keita has the better instincts and the better motor plus more experience. No question we will need all three bigs to contribute during the course of the season. I have no argument with XMas being part of the rotation. My issue is that I want to see guys earn their PT.

IMHO, Fair should clearly be the PF starter. Keita should be getting more minutes overall than XMas at this point in time. He is the upper classman, the frosh has to prove he is better to take his minutes. Not yet...maybe later. Xmas will be needed as a big body during the course of the season, but that doesn't mean that he should be handed a starter's role and more minutes than Keita. Let XMas & Keita battle it out for the lion's share of big man minutes behind Fab....let the better man win.

Christmas having greater upside is based on a number of things:

1. He can play the 4 and the 5; Keita is really only going to play the 5.
2. JB has determined that he will not only play more than Keita, but he will start on one of the deepest teams we've had in maybe forever. JB has watched both players more than any of us ever will and has presumably been at and watched all of the practices to date.
Less reliable, but also telling:
3. Christmas was a 5 star McD's AA, Keita a 4 star less highly regarded recruit.

In my view you, if all things are equal (and I'm not sure they are) you don't give the older player the nod over the younger player you actually go the other way because the younger player is younger, is at an equal position with less experience and has more potential to develop beyond the older player with similar experience under his belt.

Nothing that JB is doing today is being done for yesterday or tonight's games. We should be able to beat Manhattan and probably Albany as well, with any combination of five players from among our top 10. The things being done now are being done so that the team is in the best position to win the tough games down the road.
I agree on James... We've seen this before... basically every year right around this time. He'll have to do this against a PITT, before I feel he can be a consistent weapon. If so, he is an immensely important player...
Not to be overly critical but it is funny to watch some people look at the change of Dion and say he has improved. That the few times he did it at the end of last season are the real deal. Then they turn around and say that they want to wait and see about James to see if he plays like last year where he was fine early then lost it later. To me James has shown improvement on his defense and that he scores more than just from 3 pt range. Until I saw the minutes played, I actaull thought he was playing more the Fair. As the color announcer said, Dion is getting away doing things against lesser talented kids that he might not be able to get away with in the BE.
PITT and Louisville... They have had our number lately

They know how to execute vs the zone and have the players to do it. I'd venture a guess that Boeheim has this in mind with the man d and the guys that can play it...again to those who jump to hyperbole not just pitt or louisville but a defense that gives a solid change vs a team that can execute and hurt the 2-3.
Not to be overly critical but it is funny to watch some people look at the change of Dion and say he has improved. That the few times he did it at the end of last season are the real deal. Then they turn around and say that they want to wait and see about James to see if he plays like last year where he was fine early then lost it later. To me James has shown improvement on his defense and that he scores more than just from 3 pt range. Until I saw the minutes played, I actaull thought he was playing more the Fair. As the color announcer said, Dion is getting away doing things against lesser talented kids that he might not be able to get away with in the BE.

There are certain things that hold kids back. Dion's issue is can he maintain a team and defense first focus ? Brandon has the issue of really wanting to step up and take the pressure to be the man every game. James has the issue of showing that he will mix it up with physically strong players, and still be able to play his game.

I do not think anybody is saying that Dion is the real deal beacause of what he did in a few games last season. They are saying he is the real deal because of the work he put in over the summer and what he is showing this season, and I for one am buying into that now. I will buy into James later when I see him mix it up with strong foes & come away with his 5 boards per game. I will buy into Brandon when I see him demand the ball consistantly when big buckets are needed in close games. Until I see those things from James and Brandon, I leave it that they are both nice players who will have their moments in the sun, but will leave the stardom to others.
IMHO, Fair should clearly be the PF starter. Keita should be getting more minutes overall than XMas at this point in time. He is the upper classman, the frosh has to prove he is better to take his minutes. Not yet...maybe later. Xmas will be needed as a big body during the course of the season, but that doesn't mean that he should be handed a starter's role and more minutes than Keita. Let XMas & Keita battle it out for the lion's share of big man minutes behind Fab....let the better man win.

Fair starting at the four would work well now, but would leave us high and dry come Big East season. This is a nice instance of Boeheim doling out minutes with an eye toward later in the season (when we'll need the guy who's built as a power forward to have some starting experience as our power forward).
He knows how to finish when he gets the ball at the rim, Keita not so much.

A little difficult to judge - I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen a healthy Keita get the ball at the rim.
A little difficult to judge - I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen a healthy Keita get the ball at the rim.

Keita is a lot of things, a scorer isn't one of them. Rak won't be confused with Olajuwon anytime soon, but I think it's clear that he's just more advanced than Keita. That said, there's a few things he could learn from Keita on the defensive end.
Christmas is starting and getting minutes because big guys need to be on the floor to improve. We will need him, so JB is doing the right thing in getting him ready. Melo is getting minutes because he is playing well, but he also needs them to learn. Keita is losing minutes, but I think that JB already recognizes that Baye gets it, so he does not need as much learning time.
I agree with this, I think he is not worried about Keita attitude or ability and is giving Xmas the chances to prove he deserves minutes going forward. JB knows Keita can handle the rigurs of the big east and hold his own on D and rebounding. Even Melo needs the time because last year he didn't play many meaningful minutes.
They know how to execute vs the zone and have the players to do it. I'd venture a guess that Boeheim has this in mind with the man d and the guys that can play it...again to those who jump to hyperbole not just pitt or louisville but a defense that gives a solid change vs a team that can execute and hurt the 2-3.
Fair starting at the four would work well now, but would leave us high and dry come Big East season. This is a nice instance of Boeheim doling out minutes with an eye toward later in the season (when we'll need the guy who's built as a power forward to have some starting experience as our power forward).
also as has been discussed on this board before, having Fair on the bench gives JB the flexibility to sub him in for Fab, XMas, or KJo. Fair is going to be in the game very early but this gives JB the chance to see how those 3 matchup against whoever we are playing, or to see if Fab or Xmas get a couple quick fouls

same with the guards he can bring in Dion for whoever is struggling to start that game.

Them too! I'd be surprised if Boeheim plays man in the big east unless he real really has too. I think it'll help in the ncaa's as well if they face a solid zone busting good fundamental passing/shooting team.
I think people put way too much emphasis on the whole "starting" thing. Sure it's cool to have your name called and be labeled a starter, but at the end of the day I can easily see Fair and Waiters playing more minutes than some starters and contributing more and that's what really matters.

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