Something that drives me nuts... | Page 2 |

Something that drives me nuts...

So, does Duke lose credit because Kentucky is unbanked?
Or that they played Louisville without their center, the same UL team that got bailed out of a game a few days later against an inferior team. We tend to look passed those things when its A team like Duke.
everybody here knows that SDSU is a perimeter oriented team and was much more adversely effected by the wind than was SU, who is full of bigs and slashers.

not only does everyone know it, the consensus before the game on this very board was that the wind would play to SU's favor.

you know it, everyone knows it, and if you really wanted to honestly discuss our favorite team, you would drop this petulant act of yours. but you would rather complain about lack of respect, because you get off on it even when it isn't true.

Gotta agree on this. I'm not sure you just throw the SD State game out entirely, but I would weigh it less. We are much better suited to a play game outside with 10-15 MPH winds, and we're not going to play a game in those conditions for the rest of the year, if not for the rest of the history of the program. (For whatever it's worth, San Diego State has played one other team in the Pomeroy top 100 this year, UCLA, and beat them. So it's also possible they aren't a top 20 team.)

But anyway, where I disagree is here. I think it is possible for both statements to be true
A) our schedule hasn't been challenging
B) we have killed everyone on our schedule

This is where the advanced metrics like Sagarin and Pomeroy can come into play. Sagarin has us 4th, Pomeroy 5th. A great team is expected to kill a schedule of not so good teams. That's exactly what we have done, pretty much without exception. I'd feel more confident in saying I thought we were one of the 5-7 best teams if we had beaten a top 15 team or something already, but at the same time I'm pretty confident we're one of the best teams in the country.

tl;dr road games are overrated

I uynderstand the point, particularly the idea that there are no true roadies in the NCAA tournament, but I still think it is useful for evaluation purposes.
So, does Duke lose credit because Kentucky is unbanked?

Fair or not, you get more credit for bearing an unranked Kentucky than a top 20 SDSU.

Plus we got credit for beating a UNC team that went to the NIT.

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You and Ottomets sound like a broken record with this crap. We won the game but it doesn't matter? If and but? Why is there no doubt? Because you two say so? We are too big for SD St. and I've already said I 'd play them on the moon and whip their ass. There is only doubt if they could ever handle our length.

Your inferiority complex makes for very nice reading.
I don't care what these dorks who never played past Junior High say. I trust my eyes. SD State...the conditions hurt us just as much, and we were clearly on another level, which is why we basically mauled them. I knew I hated that stupid gimmick ship game right from the start, and here's another reason. It gives these dorks another "out" to doubt us. We'd beat that team by 10 or more in their own gym.

These dorks can keep hyping Indiana because of Hoosiers and Bobby Knight and the 1980's and some cool buzzer beater upset last year but they really aren't THAT great(GTown almost beat them), and Duke because they're used to Duke, but I'll take our squad over anyone I've seen. Who else is there? Louisville, with that out of control, untalented spaz as their best player? Who else is good?

We're winning it all. Period.

If you think that the conditions hurt San Diego State as much as they hurt Syracuse, you may not know as much about basketball as you claim. Neither you nor anyone else should trust those eyes.
If you think that the conditions hurt San Diego State as much as they hurt Syracuse, you may not know as much about basketball as you claim. Neither you nor anyone else should trust those eyes.

I feel like that one doesn't pass the smell test even. If every game was played in those conditions we'd be the favoite to win the title.

Edit: Not exactly, because teams would change their strategy
I feel like that one doesn't pass the smell test even. If every game was played in those conditions we'd be the favoite to win the title.

Based on everyone I've seen in this young season, we'd be my pick.

These threads drive me more nuts than whatever perceived ESPN slight that compelled this original post. The inferiority complex shared by a significant chunk of the posters on here is stunning. "We play as many road games as every other team. We play a strong non-conference schedule. If our non-conference schedule doesn't appear strong, that's because our coach is a genius and wants to get playing time for the freshmen." Don't get it.
If you think that the conditions hurt San Diego State as much as they hurt Syracuse, you may not know as much about basketball as you claim. Neither you nor anyone else should trust those eyes.

SD State was smaller, less talented, less athletic, less disciplined, and DUMB. Keep chucking, good luck. Our team adjusted, they didn't even try.

That squad would not beat ours on any court.
SD State was smaller, less talented, less athletic, less disciplined, and DUMB. Keep chucking, good luck. Our team adjusted, they didn't even try.

That squad would not beat ours on any court.

That might be correct, but none of that suggests that the weather and sun conditions affected both teams equally. Neither did anything that played out on the court that day.
That might be correct, but none of that suggests that the weather and sun conditions affected both teams equally. Neither did anything that played out on the court that day.

Well, the conditions were the same for both teams. We've just got quite a few more bullets in our arsenal. So maybe the conditions did affect the lesser team more...that's usually how it goes though. I mean, the conditions took away our leading scorer's biggest strength too. No big deal. We can beat teams in many different ways.
I'm just glad we'll have all our questions about this team answered soon. Maybe well even have a complete team in March, but that's a lot to ask.
I'm just glad we'll have all our questions about this team answered soon. Maybe well even have a complete team in March, but that's a lot to ask.
At least we can all say that MCW is the real deal now.
Well, the conditions were the same for both teams. We've just got quite a few more bullets in our arsenal. So maybe the conditions did affect the lesser team more...that's usually how it goes though. I mean, the conditions took away our leading scorer's biggest strength too. No big deal. We can beat teams in many different ways.

That's fair. Actually, all of that is true.
...every ESPN expert, like Jason King in a chat today, says it is hard to tell how good we are because we "haven't played anyone."

This is pretty standard and has been discussed, but seriously, give me a break. No, our schedule is not great right now. But didn't we dominate a team currently ranked #17 in their own city? Didn't we go down to Arkansas and beat a team most thought would give us fits? Eastern Michigan and Long Beach will also probably challenge for their respective conference titles.

It is just so tiresome, largely due to the SDSU thing. We dominated a top 20 team on the road, but we still haven't played anyone.

Who cares what anyone else thinks about our team. The games are played on the hardwood court not in the court of public opinion. Should anyone really be surprised that conversation about Syracuse is always littered with the same old tired cliches? It's always stated that Syracuse never plays any road games in the early part of the season, it's hard to get a fix on how good we are since we haven't played anyone yet, Syracuse players don't do well in the NBA because they don't learn how to play defense having their defensive liabilities hidden by the zone... it goes on and on and on.

True fans of Syracuse and those who know about the game of college basketball know better and it shouldn't bother anyone when this senseless dialogue filling drivel is brought up over and over again. There are many aspects about our program which set it apart from every other program in the land. We play a defense of which no other team in the Nation understands, can copy, and can consistently defeat. We have stability with our coaching unlike any other team in the Country. We have a head coach who has won more games than any other coach in the history of the game save for 2 others, only one of which is currently active. We play before the largest home crowds on the planet with the one exception occasionally being Kentucky. We currently, arguably have the best point guard in the Country, the best 6th man in the Country, have the highest player efficiency in the Country, are ranked in the top 4 and are rising, and we will likely kick anyone's a$$ who we are going to play for the balance of the per-conference season, conference season, and post season. And by the way, it's going to be like that well into the foreseeable future because we have a pipeline of incredible talent on tap to lace 'em up for the Orange in the coming years.

I don't know about anyone else, but it doesn't bother me one iota when I hear these a$$hats spew the pre-packaged, worn out, trite, delusional, partisan, uniformed, offbase, and generally senseless Syracuse Basketball myths. And to all those who must continue to choke up such moronic pabum... we'll see you at the title game in April.
SDSU win was valuable in that it counts in the standings and helps our RPI as they are a good team. But we learned next to nothing about either team. If we play them in the tourney, I doubt JB would waste his time by even reviewing the footage.
First, who cares? let the chattering class chat and we can just focus on enjoying a great team.

Second, they are right that we havent played anyone. Our schedule sort of sucks from a fan's perspective. This yr in general, our schedule is a bit easy. But thats ok because usually our schedule is incredibly challenging given the strength of the BE. Also, its good to give cooney + coleman a chance to have some run against weaker teams before the BE starts.

Don't look now, but you are the chattering class
Who cares what anyone else thinks about our team. The games are played on the hardwood court not in the court of public opinion. Should anyone really be surprised that conversation about Syracuse is always littered with the same old tired cliches? It's always stated that Syracuse never plays any road games in the early part of the season, it's hard to get a fix on how good we are since we haven't played anyone yet, Syracuse players don't do well in the NBA because they don't learn how to play defense having their defensive liabilities hidden by the zone... it goes on and on and on.

True fans of Syracuse and those who know about the game of college basketball know better and it shouldn't bother anyone when this senseless dialogue filling drivel is brought up over and over again. There are many aspects about our program which set it apart from every other program in the land. We play a defense of which no other team in the Nation understands, can copy, and can consistently defeat. We have stability with our coaching unlike any other team in the Country. We have a head coach who has won more games than any other coach in the history of the game save for 2 others, only one of which is currently active. We play before the largest home crowds on the planet with the one exception occasionally being Kentucky. We currently, arguably have the best point guard in the Country, the best 6th man in the Country, have the highest player efficiency in the Country, are ranked in the top 4 and are rising, and we will likely kick anyone's a$$ who we are going to play for the balance of the per-conference season, conference season, and post season. And by the way, it's going to be like that well into the foreseeable future because we have a pipeline of incredible talent on tap to lace 'em up for the Orange in the coming years.

I don't know about anyone else, but it doesn't bother me one iota when I hear these a$$hats spew the pre-packaged, worn out, trite, delusional, partisan, uniformed, offbase, and generally senseless Syracuse Basketball myths. And to all those who must continue to choke up such moronic pabum... we'll see you at the title game in April.

You are missing the point: we have good/great teams and they are wasted playing 3rd tier teams. Some fans want to see how SU plays against other elite teams.
Your inferiority complex makes for very nice reading.

Listen, I like alot of your posts but grow up. But when you talk nonsense I will disagree with you. It started when you penciled in SD St. as a loss and I disagreed. Then you called the top of our zone a sieve and I disagreed. Then you called the SD St. game a totally neutral game (ask Steve Fisher if his team had to travel 3 time zones, play on an aircraft carrier on Onondaga Lake and SU got to sleep in their dorm rooms if it would be totally neutral) and I disagreed. Now that win in SD is downplayed and I disagree. I'm not being a homer, you're just incorrect with your assessments on these points IMO. BTW, our sieve is looking pretty good.
everybody here knows that SDSU is a perimeter oriented team and was much more adversely effected by the wind than was SU, who is full of bigs and slashers.

not only does everyone know it, the consensus before the game on this very board was that the wind would play to SU's favor.

you know it, everyone knows it, and if you really wanted to honestly discuss our favorite team, you would drop this petulant act of yours. but you would rather complain about lack of respect, because you get off on it even when it isn't true.

They shoot 1.8 more 3s per game than us. They probably rely on it a bit more since they don't have our inside presence, but they're not some team that launches 30 3s a game

Edit: apparently ESPNs stats for us were a bit off, and that includes the midway game where we shot four and they shot 18. Without that game, through seven each SU has put up 166 3s, SDSU 137. We actually shoot more from deep.

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everybody here knows that SDSU is a perimeter oriented team and was much more adversely effected by the wind than was SU, who is full of bigs and slashers.

not only does everyone know it, the consensus before the game on this very board was that the wind would play to SU's favor.

you know it, everyone knows it, and if you really wanted to honestly discuss our favorite team, you would drop this petulant act of yours. but you would rather complain about lack of respect, because you get off on it even when it isn't true.

they didnt make adjustments to the conditions, we did. they didnt make their free throws, we did. we outcoached them, outplayed them, and basically dominated them. we deserve credit.

and as blackknight points out, we've shot more 3s than them in the other games. if we play them indoors dirty and cooney might combine for 10+ 3's and we win by 20, we're better than san diego st no matter where we play.
Listen, I like alot of your posts but grow up. But when you talk nonsense I will disagree with you. It started when you penciled in SD St. as a loss and I disagreed. Then you called the top of our zone a sieve and I disagreed. Then you called the SD St. game a totally neutral game (ask Steve Fisher if his team had to travel 3 time zones, play on an aircraft carrier on Onondaga Lake and SU got to sleep in their dorm rooms if it would be totally neutral) and I disagreed. Now that win in SD is downplayed and I disagree. I'm not being a homer, you're just incorrect with your assessments on these points IMO. BTW, our sieve is looking pretty good.

The "where you sleep" issue is way overblown IMO. Lets not make it seem like these guys are checking into some pay per hour motel when they travel.

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