Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker | Page 13 |

Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

I hated the Snoke character. I know people say that there's always a mentor/mentee relationship in these things, but with the empire defeated I think it would have been so much more interesting to have Kylo Ren as this dude that turned on his own, that's completely reckless and off the rails trying to figure stuff by himself using whatever he thinks it is his hero Vader would be doing, and despite all that sloppiness it's actually working because other people are following it because they do see his power. Obviously that's not at all how they did it, but I hate the lingering, mysterious big bad that's a puppeteer. It's played out, y'all.

Yes! Kylo and his Boyz turning on Luke was like the elephant in the room that they never dealt with, and which would have made great video. Completely missed opportunity.
A high and clear majority of Fans don’t give about the characters race and gender.
Rey was the star she was a good character.
Finn was a star and a good character.

The problem with this trilogy was a chit story.
The fans are the reason the movie are memorable.
The fans aren’t the issue. The chitty story are the issue. Fans become apathetic the movies become less profitable. They will always make money because of merchandise and sponsorship.

They won’t create a market for new movies though.
How about instead of people writing articles about fans being the issue they look at the fact the fans are market.
The Force Awakens wasn’t criticized.
It laid a foundation.
The second movie was the problem.
A high and clear majority of Fans don’t give about the characters race and gender.
Rey was the star she was a good character.
Finn was a star and a good character.

The problem with this trilogy was a chit story.
The fans are the reason the movie are memorable.
The fans aren’t the issue. The chitty story are the issue. Fans become apathetic the movies become less profitable. They will always make money because of merchandise and sponsorship.

They won’t create a market for new movies though.
How about instead of people writing articles about fans being the issue they look at the fact the fans are market.
The Force Awakens wasn’t criticized.
It laid a foundation.
The second movie was the problem.
You had a problem with the lesbians kissing.

The fans are the reason the movies are memorable? OK...
You had a problem with the lesbians kissing.

The fans are the reason the movies are memorable? OK...
I didn’t give a chit two women kissed.
I am socially liberal.
I don’t give a chit what two people of any gender what to do with another human being.
I didn’t even notice the kiss the first time I saw the movie it’s brief at the very end.
I didn’t give a chit two women kissed.
I am socially liberal.
I don’t give a chit what two people of any gender what to do with another human being.
I didn’t even notice the kiss the first time I saw the movie it’s brief at the very end.
Then why were you going on and on about identity politics and everyone needing to feel represented?
Then why were you going on and on about identity politics and everyone needing to feel represented?
Because that stupid article you link makes the fans the issue because they don’t like the new characters.
The characters weren’t the issue. The story was the issue.
Because that stupid article you link makes the fans the issue because they don’t like the new characters.
The characters weren’t the issue. The story was the issue.
I’m referring to your reaction to the movie earlier in this thread.
I’m referring to your reaction to the movie earlier in this thread.
Shoving politics into a film annoys me.
2 girls kissing isn’t shoving politics into a movie. It’s a reaction we see in life today when people are happy.

I mean that is big difference from what I said. I don’t go to see Star Wars for political commentary.
Shoving politics into a film annoys me.
2 girls kissing isn’t shoving politics into a movie. It’s a reaction we see in life today when people are happy.

I mean that is big difference from what I said. I don’t go to see Star Wars for political commentary.
Amen the story was a pretty good children’s tale!

I loved it.

Felt great to watch, enjoy and be a kid again.

I wasn’t dissecting plot holes on the internet as a kid, because that stupid liberal al gore hadn’t invented it yet.

And I refuse to do so now.

I love Disney. I love Star Wars. The new movies didn’t disappoint.

Fluck you all.
You had a problem with the lesbians kissing.

The fans are the reason the movies are memorable? OK...

Wait a minute, they had lesbians kissing in this movie?? I totally missed that!
Wait a minute, they had lesbians kissing in this movie?? I totally missed that!
At the very end after Palpetine is defeated and the rebels are celebrating two girls kiss.
It’s in the background. It’s no big deal as that is how people celebrate.
the story was fine if people didnt expect some perfect story telling ending which very few films have every done and not any over a 10- film arc.

godfather is pretty epic but it fell done a ton from 1-2-3..

some authors have 20 books about a char.. not all of them are nearly as good

the movie was enjoyable even if not all 100 pieces of it fit together..

i will have a great time at Top Gun 2.. i dont expect the story to be the tell of a lifetime.
the story was fine if people didnt expect some perfect story telling ending which very few films have every done and not any over a 10- film arc.

godfather is pretty epic but it fell done a ton from 1-2-3..

some authors have 20 books about a char.. not all of them are nearly as good

the movie was enjoyable even if not all 100 pieces of it fit together..

i will have a great time at Top Gun 2.. i dont expect the story to be the tell of a lifetime.
Nah. Godfather 1 and 2 are legit. 3 is the drop off into the Grand Canyon
I read an article that talked about George's thoughts on the final 3 movies that he left to Disney, and that they threw in the trash.

George's idea was to go explain what The Force really was - remember that we started Episode 1 with the young boy with the insane Midichlorian count?

So, George says that Midicholorians are the plankton of deep space, fed on by invisible beings called The Whills (get it? the "will" - this is what really controls the universe. It's kind of like the Greek Fates, or the Oracle of Delphi ...) .
He could have gone a lot of ways with that, and I think that whatever George did (1) it would have been way more original than what Disney delivered, and (2) you wouldn't think it would be possible, but Lucas movies 7-9 would have had even worse dialogue than the actual Disney releases! LOL

“[The next three Star Wars films] were going to get into a microbiotic world. But there’s this world of creatures that operate differently than we do. I call them the Whills. And the Whills are the ones who actually control the universe. They feed off the Force… If I’d held onto the company I could have done it, and then it would have been done. Of course, a lot of the fans would have hated it, just like they did Phantom Menace and everything, but at least the whole story from beginning to end would be told.”

“Back in the day, I used to say ultimately what this means is we were just cars, vehicles for the Whills to travel around in….We’re vessels for them. And the conduit is the midichlorians. The midichlorians are the ones that communicate with the Whills. The Whills, in a general sense, they are the Force… All the way back to—with the Force and the Jedi and everything—the whole concept of how things happen was laid out completely from [the beginning] to the end. But I never got to finish. I never got to tell people about it.”

That would have been straight up awful. I'm glad he sold it and did not get a chance to turn the story into an alien parasite controlling the world film
Nice article looking back on the weirdness that was the original Star Wars.

"Lucas made a whole lot of extremely smart decisions when making Star Wars. He turned down an extra $500,000 in salary, for instance, to own the rights to his sequels and toys—understanding, long before the movie studios, that both of those things could be absolute goldmines."
I only just saw it last night.

Throughout most of it I kinda wished it would just end. I kept waiting for the ‘horse riding’ scene, and the longer the film went before that just meant there was going to be more film to come. But, nearer the end, i kinda liked a few scenes.

When I was a kid, I read some of the ‘auxiliary books.’ Enjoyed them then. But I’m glad I don’t remember anything from them. Prolly would make enjoying the films even more difficult, because there was so much material, and the filmmakers just can’t make everyone happy.

I hated the gravity physics. Dropping bombs, when spaceships ‘fall’ after exploding, having Fin struggling to hang on to an overturning starship, etc... Whatever.

I thought this film was quite unfunny. The banter that was supposed to be cute just wasn’t. I think i laughtd once, and it was from something no one else in the theater reacted to. I don’t even remember what it was. I hated the thing in he last film with Poe doing the ‘phone call trick’ the ship bridge. I don’t like ‘cutesy’ in my sci-fi.

Rey was good. Never cared for Fin. Kylo was pretty good. He had to die, because Rey couldn’t just choose Fin over him (he’d have gone mental again) and couldn’t choose Kylo over Fin (cuz that’s racist). Glad there was not more Rose. Shocked at how much real Leia they had to work with. Han was cool. Thought they missed an opportunity to joke about how Han said something similar to Kylo in the other film, but now Kylo couldn’t kill him again.

The spy reveal was insipid. If you’re going to do that, you gotta establish more than a shallow one-liner.

About the “politics” thing... I don’t get it. Seems like the only people bothered about political statements in movies are those who on the wrong side of those politics. But, I don’t see them as being overtly political. There are themes in life. There are themes that writers work with. Even if the writers/producers were referencing something in contemporary life, so what. Was that perspective ‘wrong.’

I do, though, have issues with how race and cultures are portrayed in sci-if and this film series was no exception. On earth, skin tones and features evolved as a result of environment. Cultures evolved based on environments and natural resources. Those combinations of factors wouldn’t be extended to other worlds/galaxies as a rule, but every filmmaker seems to operate as if earth history is a universal truth.

Yeah, palpatine’s audience was weird. You’d also think that the ruler of a universe would live a better existence than in a giant cave. Where’s the opulence? The luxury...

I did like the design and aesthetics of the massive cave chamber scene when Kylo came back. Beautiful scenes.

Rey adopted a name, to complete a contrived ‘circle’ and maybe later begin the next set of films with her offspring... But, that would just be a continuance of one of my other objections: that they kept everything within the same two+ families. I wish there were new stories. Haven’t seen The Mandalorian yet. No idea what that’s about, which is weird, as I do count myself as a ‘Star Wars fan.’

The magic of the original 70s-80s films was in a few things: the effects were revolutionary at the time; the lore was compelling; and the characters were brilliant in their simplicity, even if the acting and directing was actually pretty bad. The world creating and environments and atmospheres and characters really distracted from the shoddy dialog and acting. But later, when those same effects were on routine tv shows, when the characters had been known and then parodied and copied and they were no longer novel, and when the lore grew cumbersome... the magic was gone. And Lucas had too much power and his choices went too un-checked. Quite a chore to wrap all of that up, and so much of the criticism seems to come from people who have no idea what it takes to write a script, much less how to integrate one into 40 years of legacy, while considering that the original audience has also aged by 40 years.

Thank all said, I really didn’t love this film, and unlike the last few, I have no immediate desire to re-view it.
I only just saw it last night.

Throughout most of it I kinda wished it would just end. I kept waiting for the ‘horse riding’ scene, and the longer the film went before that just meant there was going to be more film to come. But, nearer the end, i kinda liked a few scenes.

When I was a kid, I read some of the ‘auxiliary books.’ Enjoyed them then. But I’m glad I don’t remember anything from them. Prolly would make enjoying the films even more difficult, because there was so much material, and the filmmakers just can’t make everyone happy.

I hated the gravity physics. Dropping bombs, when spaceships ‘fall’ after exploding, having Fin struggling to hang on to an overturning starship, etc... Whatever.

I thought this film was quite unfunny. The banter that was supposed to be cute just wasn’t. I think i laughtd once, and it was from something no one else in the theater reacted to. I don’t even remember what it was. I hated the thing in he last film with Poe doing the ‘phone call trick’ the ship bridge. I don’t like ‘cutesy’ in my sci-fi.

Rey was good. Never cared for Fin. Kylo was pretty good. He had to die, because Rey couldn’t just choose Fin over him (he’d have gone mental again) and couldn’t choose Kylo over Fin (cuz that’s racist). Glad there was not more Rose. Shocked at how much real Leia they had to work with. Han was cool. Thought they missed an opportunity to joke about how Han said something similar to Kylo in the other film, but now Kylo couldn’t kill him again.

The spy reveal was insipid. If you’re going to do that, you gotta establish more than a shallow one-liner.

About the “politics” thing... I don’t get it. Seems like the only people bothered about political statements in movies are those who on the wrong side of those politics. But, I don’t see them as being overtly political. There are themes in life. There are themes that writers work with. Even if the writers/producers were referencing something in contemporary life, so what. Was that perspective ‘wrong.’

I do, though, have issues with how race and cultures are portrayed in sci-if and this film series was no exception. On earth, skin tones and features evolved as a result of environment. Cultures evolved based on environments and natural resources. Those combinations of factors wouldn’t be extended to other worlds/galaxies as a rule, but every filmmaker seems to operate as if earth history is a universal truth.

Yeah, palpatine’s audience was weird. You’d also think that the ruler of a universe would live a better existence than in a giant cave. Where’s the opulence? The luxury...

I did like the design and aesthetics of the massive cave chamber scene when Kylo came back. Beautiful scenes.

Rey adopted a name, to complete a contrived ‘circle’ and maybe later begin the next set of films with her offspring... But, that would just be a continuance of one of my other objections: that they kept everything within the same two+ families. I wish there were new stories. Haven’t seen The Mandalorian yet. No idea what that’s about, which is weird, as I do count myself as a ‘Star Wars fan.’

The magic of the original 70s-80s films was in a few things: the effects were revolutionary at the time; the lore was compelling; and the characters were brilliant in their simplicity, even if the acting and directing was actually pretty bad. The world creating and environments and atmospheres and characters really distracted from the shoddy dialog and acting. But later, when those same effects were on routine tv shows, when the characters had been known and then parodied and copied and they were no longer novel, and when the lore grew cumbersome... the magic was gone. And Lucas had too much power and his choices went too un-checked. Quite a chore to wrap all of that up, and so much of the criticism seems to come from people who have no idea what it takes to write a script, much less how to integrate one into 40 years of legacy, while considering that the original audience has also aged by 40 years.

Thank all said, I really didn’t love this film, and unlike the last few, I have no immediate desire to re-view it.

Agree wholeheartedly on the crank call business in TLJ. That really set the tone that the movie was going to be mediocre.

As for Rey adopting the name, here is something to think about: Anakin was not really a Skywalker, his mom was a Skywalker, he had no father. It is canon that Palpatine created him from the force. So in matter of fact, Anakin, Luke Leia, were all Palpatines. They adopted the Skywalker name exactly like Rey did.
Agree wholeheartedly on the crank call business in TLJ. That really set the tone that the movie was going to be mediocre.

As for Rey adopting the name, here is something to think about: Anakin was not really a Skywalker, his mom was a Skywalker, he had no father. It is canon that Palpatine created him from the force. So in matter of fact, Anakin, Luke Leia, were all Palpatines. They adopted the Skywalker name exactly like Rey did.
To my Star Wars peeps, I got a pretty good response when I posted that fan film about Vader so I figured I’d sent another link your way during lockdown.

Below is a link to a fan made version of the fight between Vader and Obi Wan Kenobi in Episode 4. You will recall, it was the first lightsaber battle ever put on film and it was, well, very lackluster compared to what came later. Considering the magnitude of the event when looked at in the bigger picture, it should be one of the most epic battles in the entire saga.

This came out a little while back but in my opinion, this fan made “reimagining” of that confrontation elevates it to a proper level, and more. It also remakes Vader into the terrifying and menacing opponent he would have actually been. I think it is pure awesome. I thought you all would like it too and maybe we can get a bit of discussion about it to pass the time.

To my Star Wars peeps, I got a pretty good response when I posted that fan film about Vader so I figured I’d sent another link your way during lockdown.

Below is a link to a fan made version of the fight between Vader and Obi Wan Kenobi in Episode 4. You will recall, it was the first lightsaber battle ever put on film and it was, well, very lackluster compared to what came later. Considering the magnitude of the event when looked at in the bigger picture, it should be one of the most epic battles in the entire saga.

This came out a little while back but in my opinion, this fan made “reimagining” of that confrontation elevates it to a proper level, and more. It also remakes Vader into the terrifying and menacing opponent he would have actually been. I think it is pure awesome. I thought you all would like it too and maybe we can get a bit of discussion about it to pass the time.

Wow, that was impressive!
Agreed -- very impressive.

Although, I have difficulty believing that there would be a bunch of kegs, crates, etc. laying around on the death star in that one scene [lol] -- but the production values of that were terrific, and it was a more "modern" interpretation of what Jedi and Sith can do.
There were so many cool elements to it. Vader’s suit temporarily catching on fire, the head butt, the force push to saber throw.

Funny about the kegs and stuff, lol. I never thought of that!
To my Star Wars peeps, I got a pretty good response when I posted that fan film about Vader so I figured I’d sent another link your way during lockdown.

Below is a link to a fan made version of the fight between Vader and Obi Wan Kenobi in Episode 4. You will recall, it was the first lightsaber battle ever put on film and it was, well, very lackluster compared to what came later. Considering the magnitude of the event when looked at in the bigger picture, it should be one of the most epic battles in the entire saga.

This came out a little while back but in my opinion, this fan made “reimagining” of that confrontation elevates it to a proper level, and more. It also remakes Vader into the terrifying and menacing opponent he would have actually been. I think it is pure awesome. I thought you all would like it too and maybe we can get a bit of discussion about it to pass the time.

That was AWESOME my friend. Thank you for sharing, I’m still not sure why at this point in my life (mid 50s), why this stuff grabs me so strongly and is so impactful, but it does. That was great.

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