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Aug 21, 2011
All right most of you guys know me on here and I don't post BS. Being in this town as long as I've been, doing what I do for a living (health care) being exposed to so many people of all types, going in the social circles involving my sports history and connections has me with nearly direct knowledge of these two ALLEGED victims.

I'm directly connected to people directly connected to these two, from past classmates, past ball boys, neighbors, etc. Now let me preface this by saying I'm a little hesitant to post some of this as to if theres any chance of credibility to these stories in that one never really knows unless one is there. And that what I'm about to write may be the effect of such alleged abuses and more of a causative factor so I really don't know. However, with that in mind here's what I'm hearing.

I know very well people connected to these two. Boeheim is right that he's tried to get $ from Fine before. Just spoke to a guy who directly knows the people (his family and friends) who were the ones (of the 4) interviewed before and now again. They were right there when the allegations supposedly occured and they continue to say no way no how both with respect to them (the accuser) and with respect to themselves did anything untoward happen to them or the accuser was their input. Speak nothing except of how highly they think of Fine in their exposures both on and off the court to him. Both then and now. They are still connected to today with get togethers with Fine staying regularly connected with past players as well.

In fact DC (Coleman) was asked to appear on ESPN show there and he told them (Ley I think) to go F themselves.

The one guy Lang is known as "La La" around town being out in la la land very frequently known as a person who struggles with alcohol. In fact he was in a local bar that I'll keep the name to myself for know and according to the owner this guy was complaining about how bad his life is, that it's in the crapper right now, things are going not well, etc. etc. FWIW. And two weeks later this occurs.

The main accuser Davis was also for the lack of a better word a malcontent who was heavy into drugs/alcohol FWIW and despite being a good athlete was often in trouble. Now again who knows if that's cause and effect from the allegations or just from the other variables in life that create such issues. So add this to the information that's making this more and more questionable.

Still have to keep an open mind to the chance of this being legit, but I'm loving SU's reaction to this including Cantors letter which suggest to me no stone will be left unturned if there is anything to it unlike PSU which seemed to take the opposite tact.
Great Post, a must read... The information I have been waiting to hear
great info, thank you for sharing
Devil's advocate: they could be drug/alcohol addled due to years of abuse, of course.

That said, I don't buy their story for a second. I think it's a money grab in the wake of PSU. But would it really shock anyone to learn that someone who has been sexually abused would turn to drugs or alcohol?

Thank you for sharing, though, CR. this is very interesting stuff, and I believe it sheds more light on the situation.
I really hope that your version of this is accurate--this seems to fit with how questionable the scenario being painted by the accusers appears to be.
Good report thanks! How can you not love DC even more after that

Only thing that would have been better would be if he hit them with a "Whoop-de-damn-do!"
Good stuff Cuseregular. Thanks for sharing with the board.
Curious as to Davis' history around the ages 18-22 when kids are typically going to college. What did Davis do? Was he employed? Was he still leaning on Fine for help? It seems more and more like Davis was using Bernie and when Bernie cut him loose he tried his hand at blackmail.
This whole thing smacks of a Bigfoot sighting.
Curious as to Davis' history around the ages 18-22 when kids are typically going to college. What did Davis do? Was he employed? Was he still leaning on Fine for help? It seems more and more like Davis was using Bernie and when Bernie cut him loose he tried his hand at blackmail.
Didn't the original ps story say he played hoops in Germany - can't imagine he did that after the age of 27
Didn't the original ps story say he played hoops in Germany - can't imagine he did that after the age of 27

Yes he said Bernie helped him catch on with a team there. I'd like to start seeing some of these facts checked. Did the kid play in Germany? Was he definitely on the 1987 FF trip with the team? etc
Thanks CuseRegular. As sad as these two characters are, if they're doing this as a scam or revenge, I hope they get prosecuted to the fullest. Likewise for Bernie Fine, although I just can't believe it. He must work a million hours a week, and as I understand it, he still carries his book of clients from his old insurance days and meets with them in the off season. So, with all of that, his own family, and meals with Welsh, et al, I really don't think he's guilty- there'd be more evidence and others coming forth to corroborate the story.

And God Bless Derrick Coleman.
I'm starting to think that Lang is the leader in this and convinced Davis to dredge up his story again (they've pretty much said as much themselves). Then Lang added his bit, which from what I've heard, conveniently involves him mostly warding off lecherous advances. Davis may have expected a similiar discrete investigation like he dealt with before and was surprised how much it's taken off, leading to his nervousness during the Schwartz interview (along with a case of withdrawal shakes).

So, it could be this is all true and led them becoming messed up individuals and unprepared interview subjects with no media experience. Or they have put together a flimsy plan that many are not buying. If the stepbrothers aren't close as is alleged and Lang strongarmed Davis into another round of this, I could see him recanting as contradictions are pointed out.

We've dissected everthing that's been said about Davis - hotel stays, did he/didn't he fly, etc. I'd like to learn more about Lang's story.
Im actually glad the DA's office is getting involved they will sniff this out if he was lying.
Thanks ... was interested in hearing some backround of the accusers. Syracuse is a real small city ... you might not know someone ... but someone you know will know someone that person knows. Ya know?
thanks CR...things are looking a bit brighter in the light of day.....i hope it gets even brighter

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