SU reaches out to Jason Cabinda | Page 3 |

SU reaches out to Jason Cabinda

Honestly who cares what has Williams done at nd ? If they don't want to come here who cares we will get somebody who does. I will take jay bromley who barely had an offer from us anyday. Bromley did more against Minnesota than Williams has done in 3 yrs at nd.

Hey, that isn't fair to Ishaq, he has 1 sack and about 15 tackles in 3 years. That's superstar status, true Notre Dame material! Kid has done nothing
Hey, that isn't fair to Ishaq, he has 1 sack and about 15 tackles in 3 years. That's superstar status, true Notre Dame material! Kid has done nothing

I think they modeled his brand after Crystal Pepsi and the "New" Coke. :)
Lol honestly I remember all the way back to maldanado at oh st top tier recruits out of ny are moe miss than hit. It's good for perception but let's face it not much production. Ogundeko did great at Clemson last yr, now he is being recruited over. Like I said if a kid doesn't want to be here so be it, this isn't ball.
And last thing I don't want anybody up here whose parents talk about brand. Whether it's briscoe and whitehead for bball or Williams for football. These are team sports and I want kids who want to win together rather than kids who would rather have great individual stats and not care so much about winning.
Lol honestly I remember all the way back to maldanado at oh st top tier recruits out of ny are moe miss than hit. It's good for perception but let's face it not much production. Ogundeko did great at Clemson last yr, now he is being recruited over. Like I said if a kid doesn't want to be here so be it, this isn't ball.
Yup, yet we have had some solid NYC kids contribute. I feel like curtis samuel will shine eventually at oh state. Gus Edwards will do well in Miami, which will hurt us all as we will be plagued with the "what ifs". I would prefer a Southern 3 star over an NYC 4 star and I say this as a former NYC HS player
Lol honestly I remember all the way back to maldanado at oh st top tier recruits out of ny are moe miss than hit. It's good for perception but let's face it not much production. Ogundeko did great at Clemson last yr, now he is being recruited over. Like I said if a kid doesn't want to be here so be it, this isn't ball.

Ogundeko burned his shirt for his 1 tackle performance at the dome. I think he only played against Syracuse, or at least that's what the stat sheets show. I admit I didn't watch Clemson's games but unless he was playing on specials I don't think he played much.
Lol that's what I mean I was being sarcastic. Ogundeko did nada at Clemson and they have some monster recruits coming in. Will he ever play? Who knows
Lol that's what I mean I was being sarcastic. Ogundeko did nada at Clemson and they have some monster recruits coming in. Will he ever play? Who knows

I just can't believe they burned his shirt for 1 frigging tackle.
Ogundeko burned his shirt for his 1 tackle performance at the dome. I think he only played against Syracuse, or at least that's what the stat sheets show. I admit I didn't watch Clemson's games but unless he was playing on specials I don't think he played much.
Not according to the Clemson statistician...

Who's calling the NCAA next year when he's listed as a RS freshman? (i kid i kid...)
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Not according to the Clemson statistician...

Who's calling the NCAA next year when he's listed as a RS freshman? (i kid i kid...)

Now that I did some digging I don't think he played - there's a #1 that's a WR that probably had a tackle on a pick or specials or something in the Syracuse game.

So doesn't look like the burned his redshirt. But that begs a different question - who the hell wears #1 as a Defensive End. Should stop calling him Ebo and start calling him Ego.
He knows we play in a Dome right? And we are affiliated with the ACC, which are mainly southern schools? Last time i checked Happy Valley in November, along with the rest of the northern B10 freezes their asses off all November
Just checked the high's for Syracuse (38) & Happy Valley (47)
Hey, that isn't fair to Ishaq, he has 1 sack and about 15 tackles in 3 years. That's superstar status, true Notre Dame material! Kid has done nothing
Looks like we saved a scholarship, thanks to that 4 AM visit:D
You never know with qbs, how many times have we said this guys going to be our next great one. We have been saying that since mcnabb, yes nassib had a good year but we have not had the wow kid in a long time. I say take ten qbs if we have to. I don't care we need one of these kids to pan out. Hunt is good right now cause he can scramble, he's okay on the short passes anything long he has the nassib disease and over throws them by 5 yards. You can't teach accuracy. We can build arm strength and tweak mechanics but accuracy you have or don't.
when you look at the performance of our defensive line this year who was to say for certain Ishaq would have gotten a run here.

Holley is all paper right now...
You're right, these kids don't come with guarantees, but looking at our depth chart vs. ND I liked his chances to see the field better here.
You're right, these kids don't come with guarantees, but looking at our depth chart vs. ND I liked his chances to see the field better here.

Which is the number 1 thing they should be looking at. Can I play? Then right on the heels is institution and coaching staff. Our allure right now is playing time for top tier recruit. Anyone who is good as advertised could come in and start at almost any position.
Which is the number 1 thing they should be looking at. Can I play? Then right on the heels is institution and coaching staff. Our allure right now is playing time for top tier recruit. Anyone who is good as advertised could come in and start at almost any position.
so many of these kids have been told since pee wee that they are all world. They start to believe their own BS or they continue to believe the BS of a parent who wants the glory of a name school or worse yet. Im a firm believer that you pick the school that you feel the most comfortable at that provides you with the ability to see the field and get exposure. Syracuse is not for everyone that is for sure and i believe that many of the NYS kids simply want to get away which is more of the problem than anything. We are however a very good destination for the midwest kids that we are recruiting. Pretty close, they are used to the weather, we are different enough, have great exposure for them... I like the push into Chicago for this reason and actually think we will have better luck there long term than in NY.
Don't forget Chad Kelly, heard some stuff about him that made me glad that he went south instead.
What kinds of things? I am willing to put up with a certain amount of nonsense in exchange for Manziel-like performance on the field.
so many of these kids have been told since pee wee that they are all world. They start to believe their own BS or they continue to believe the BS of a parent who wants the glory of a name school or worse yet. Im a firm believer that you pick the school that you feel the most comfortable at that provides you with the ability to see the field and get exposure. Syracuse is not for everyone that is for sure and i believe that many of the NYS kids simply want to get away which is more of the problem than anything. We are however a very good destination for the midwest kids that we are recruiting. Pretty close, they are used to the weather, we are different enough, have great exposure for them... I like the push into Chicago for this reason and actually think we will have better luck there long term than in NY.
Agree, while getting kids from ny is nice, I want the absolute best players to win with. Don't care where they are from. Ohio, GA, IL, PA. I'll take the best we can get. If we start to win consistently, they'll start wanting to come here.
Agree, while getting kids from ny is nice, I want the absolute best players to win with. Don't care where they are from. Ohio, GA, IL, PA. I'll take the best we can get. If we start to win consistently, they'll start wanting to come here.
While I understand the point I don't care where the players come from, there is a broader issue of concentrating recruiting in certain areas that benefit the longevity of a program. Syracuse is a northeastern school, it historically pulls the majority of its students from the NE corridor, it has a large concentration of alumni through those same locations. As much as we don't think proximity is an important benefit to the players that we recruit, it certainly is. Proximity to one's home is one of the most significant correlative factors. It strengthens your recruiting base, your fanbase, and allows a sort of inertia to be established when a program wins. Local stars just visit your school by a sort of default. Its also much more cost effective recruiting NJ and its concentration of talent rather than one player in GA. While its nice to recruit Chicago and the Southeast and have some success there, (and we should continue to do so) the resurgence of SU to national significance will come when we recruit the hotbeds of the Northeast successfully and get our share of top recruits. Not just relinquish them for further off lands of gold.

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