Industrial color lab immediately comes to mind for me, mainly because the song is so awesome!
From the video transferring page: "Pricing is $19.95 for each DVD Master with a limit of two hours recording time. Quantity discounts are available. We cannot transfer copyrighted material without a written release from the copyright owner"
I'm sure someone would make you a 1996 championship game DVD though, especially around the holidays. Someone on a different forum had a collection of about 200-300(?) games that he would trade/swap with someone for games that he didn't have. I would also assume he/she would sell them too. It's just against the law to sell the copyrighted material. I would assume someone has a huge collection of our old games on VHS and/or DVD too.
A while back, right after the 2006 BET, I remember people selling DVDs of our four games for $20 on Ebay.