"Syracuse did a really good job selling some fouls" | Syracusefan.com

"Syracuse did a really good job selling some fouls"


Woman of a certain age
Aug 27, 2011
Two commentators doing the Duke game just now. And then they spent a minute discussing: what has happened to college basketball that things have to stoop to that level? Why don't they just play the game? It's like a facade where there's nothing behind it.


Anyone else hear this? My mouth just dropped open and it hasn't closed yet!
Thats because they read the duke board and didn't watch the plays understanding they were fouls.
So yes they spoke in ignorance.
we might get beat by 30 in Cameron. we will not get a single 50/50 call.
Gee, a rising elbow to Christmas's face is not a foul on which planet? And the guy with the two hand push to CJ Fair's back was actually going for the ball as the referees call it. The problem with Duke is not the fouls called on them but all the no-calls and favoritism. Check out Cooney getting clobbered by Hood and there was no foul called:

12-step no-travel-call:


An insane no-walk call (this is what we should expect at Cameron):


Duke fans are on crack. Every game that's called evenly is considered unfair. I think we should just forfeit the Cameron game and not risk injury to our players. Game without rules is not a game. So why even play it!
It's funny--I turned on the game a few minutes after seeing this thread. As soon as I turned the game on, Len Elmore was discussing [paraphrasing]:

"...and despite all of the questionable calls, Duke really hung in there in the Carrier Dome. Despite having all those players foul out and a bunch of shaky calls go against them, they never hung their heads. When Syracuse went up 7 late in the game, most teams would have given up, but not Duke--you can never count them out, even when things aren't going their way, like the officiating they had to overcome against Syracuse..."
Talk about revisionist history on the part of Duke apologists. Almost as though many of them aren't convinced that Duke actually lost the game to us, and lament that the refs gave us a stolen victory.
I switched over to the Mizzou - UF game so I didn't catch this, but it doesn't surprise me. I don't remember Len Elmore ever having a lot of good to say about Syracuse in the past when he called our games.
Gee, a rising elbow to Christmas's face is not a foul on which planet? And the guy with the two hand push to CJ Fair's back was actually going for the ball as the referees call it. The problem with Duke is not the fouls called on them but all the no-calls and favoritism. Check out Cooney getting clobbered by Hood and there was no foul called:

12-step no-travel-call:


An insane no-walk call (this is what we should expect at Cameron):


Duke fans are on crack. Every game that's called evenly is considered unfair. I think we should just forfeit the Cameron game and not risk injury to our players. Game without rules is not a game. So why even play it!

And Duke Vitale said Christmas fouled the duke guy on the dunk attempt in overtime. That's BS because Christmas hit the ball first out of the way before the arm.
I switched over to the Mizzou - UF game so I didn't catch this, but it doesn't surprise me. I don't remember Len Elmore ever having a lot of good to say about Syracuse in the past when he called our games.

He was the dork who couldn't pronounce Warrick, right?
It's funny--I turned on the game a few minutes after seeing this thread. As soon as I turned the game on, Len Elmore was discussing [paraphrasing]:

"...and despite all of the questionable calls, Duke really hung in there in the Carrier Dome. Despite having all those players foul out and a bunch of shaky calls go against them, they never hung their heads. When Syracuse went up 7 late in the game, most teams would have given up, but not Duke--you can never count them out, even when things aren't going their way, like the officiating they had to overcome against Syracuse..."
Talk about revisionist history on the part of Duke apologists. Almost as though many of them aren't convinced that Duke actually lost the game to us, and lament that the refs gave us a stolen victory.

WOW. Just wow. I must be the most naive person in the world. I am shocked by Elmore saying this.
It's funny--I turned on the game a few minutes after seeing this thread. As soon as I turned the game on, Len Elmore was discussing [paraphrasing]:

"...and despite all of the questionable calls, Duke really hung in there in the Carrier Dome. Despite having all those players foul out and a bunch of shaky calls go against them, they never hung their heads. When Syracuse went up 7 late in the game, most teams would have given up, but not Duke--you can never count them out, even when things aren't going their way, like the officiating they had to overcome against Syracuse..."
Talk about revisionist history on the part of Duke apologists. Almost as though many of them aren't convinced that Duke actually lost the game to us, and lament that the refs gave us a stolen victory.

And if we get ripped off at cameron with bad calls it wont get so much as a random tweet. Yet those legit yet hard to swallow 50 50 calls are questionable and gave us the game since we didnt earn it.
Guys, we have to better than this!! We CANNOT act like the Duke fans about this. We need to take the moral high ground! If we lose at Cameron, it's because Duke played better, not because the refs had it in for us, even if they really DO have it in for us. Sheesh. I do not want to act like those fans.

I am sorry it's as late as it is, because now I'm going to have trouble sleeping.
Those "questionable calls" actually helped duke stay close. How much better could they have done with Parker and Jefferson in the game? They hit every shot they took, it was better off they weren't in the game for duke in retrospect.
It's funny--I turned on the game a few minutes after seeing this thread. As soon as I turned the game on, Len Elmore was discussing [paraphrasing]:

"...and despite all of the questionable calls, Duke really hung in there in the Carrier Dome. Despite having all those players foul out and a bunch of shaky calls go against them, they never hung their heads. When Syracuse went up 7 late in the game, most teams would have given up, but not Duke--you can never count them out, even when things aren't going their way, like the officiating they had to overcome against Syracuse..."
Talk about revisionist history on the part of Duke apologists. Almost as though many of them aren't convinced that Duke actually lost the game to us, and lament that the refs gave us a stolen victory.

I have no words.
WOW. Just wow. I must be the most naive person in the world. I am shocked by Elmore saying this.

LOL--well, later in the game Elmore had something very flattering about us coming out of a commercial bumper where they talked about our game against Clemson on Sunday [again paraphrasing]:

"Say what you want about Syracuse, but they pass the looks test. They play hard, they are great defensively, and they've got versatile guys who just find a way to win. 22-0 is no fluke--people need to stop talking about them having a weak out of conference schedule, because you don't get to 22-0 in a conference like the ACC playing a weak schedule. They are legit."​
I dissagree I think they did bump elbows, but even though they did bump elbows a quarter second before the block, it didn't matter because christmas hand had the ball smothered. Hood was either forced to alter protecting the ball behind his elbow, or had his elbow in front of the ball which will draw minimal body contact reguardless. Also note christmas arm is bending away from hood instead of towards it he should get more block points for that.

It would be like jumping into a shot blocker who isn't jumping into you with their hands straight up, with both hands and the ball 4 feet behind your head. Of course there is going to be body before ball on a play like that, but you can't just give a foul for the defender protecting his basket for no reason.

Not to mention the 5-6 fouls duke had on over the backs and slapping our arms on defensive rebounds to start the second half. Parker and Jefferson should have been on the bench earlier but the refs let them play drawing the line later on.

Overall, we really didn't have a bad call advantage go watch our games @ WF @BC and get back to us. At wake forest the game before we must have had a 10-12 bad call advatage against us and they talked about wake and the upset all game showing clips of wake upsetting people does duke get that treatment down there??

Agree, duke hung in there with good shooting congrats to there players, but that doesn't mean their fouls were bad calls. Duke fans whine and you believe its true automatically. Really guys? Really? Ignorance.
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Those "questionable calls" actually helped duke stay close. How much better could they have done with Parker and Jefferson in the game? They hit every shot they took, it was better off they weren't in the game for duke in retrospect.

Those "questionable calls" actually helped duke stay close. How much better could they have done with Parker and Jefferson in the game? They hit every shot they took, it was better off they weren't in the game for duke in retrospect.

I honestly didn't think the 2nd Rak foul was good for us at all when it happened. We're scoring almost at will & have to send a cold 69% FT shooter to the line and give them the last shot. If that possession plays out we can get a dunk, put a better FT shooter on the line, or keep the last shot in the event of a miss + offensive rebound. Worst case scenario they get it back tied instead of down 1 but I mean really...
I wonder if Pomeroy or someone can run some #s on that...
Best thing about it was it fouled out Jefferson I guess.
LOL--well, later in the game Elmore had something very flattering about us coming out of a commercial bumper where they talked about our game against Clemson on Sunday [again paraphrasing]:

"Say what you want about Syracuse, but they pass the looks test. They play hard, they are great defensively, and they've got versatile guys who just find a way to win. 22-0 is no fluke--people need to stop talking about them having a weak out of conference schedule, because you don't get to 22-0 in a conference like the ACC playing a weak schedule. They are legit."​

LOL, except he starts it with "Say what you want about Syracuse..." What is being implied here? I'm telling you, if we stay undefeated a few more weeks the daggers will come out. Remember all that manufactured "throw a dart at the rule book" garbage? I see that getting dusted off earlier than selection sunday this year.

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