Syracuse football secrecy a curiosity | Page 2 |

Syracuse football secrecy a curiosity

didn't exactly answer my question but ok. i'd still like to see an example or two of a program that survives and flourishes without local support.

what is funny is that the shots at locals are shots at people that actually do go to the games and not the ones that don't. unless there is some real old local person here i don't know, i bet i've gone to more su football games (and basketball too) in my lifetimes than anyone here.
you are catered too.

name a bigtime program that has good seats available, on game im pretty sure those will be marketed pretty heavily aug-nov to drum up local support. the mere fact that they are available is you locals being catered to. that may not be the means, but thats the ends.

non season ticket holders wont be going to an open practice, nor could they care less if there is one available to them. if season ticket holders want to bitch that 1 game is being moved to Giants Stadium, go ahead, i get it. practice closed?? puh-leez.

one needs to work hard to convince someone to drive a few hours for a game, having a practice in roch is 1 of them.

Oh Lord
The product has been mediocre or crappy (but also boring for the most part) for a full decade. We need to stop pretending the answer lies within the expectation of CNYers to all of a sudden become die hard football fans that enjoy the games so much, regardless of quality, that they will come to the Dome as though it is the final scene of Field of Dreams.

This isn't the solution. SU can put together a cheap, nimble local outreach team to help maintain and improve the relationship with locals. They don't need to move mountains to do this. There are small things they can do instantly to do so.
You can't see me, but when I read this I started a slow clap in my office. Nobody knew what was happening, but they all jumped in.
you are catered too.

name a bigtime program that has good seats available, on game im pretty sure those will be marketed pretty heavily aug-nov to drum up local support. the mere fact that they are available is you locals being catered to. that may not be the means, but thats the ends.
I'm just spit balling here, but what you have identified as an intentional effort to "cater" to the local fan to me actually represents a circumstance where the program has completely failed at generating the demand for good seats.

Unless you're suggesting that the program intentionally holds seats out, knowing they won't sell out.
I'm just spit balling here, but what you have identified as an intentional effort to "cater" to the local fan to me actually represents a circumstance where the program has completely failed at generating the demand for good seats.

Unless you're suggesting that the program intentionally holds seats out, knowing they won't sell out.
youre right in the 1st paragraph. theyre not holding seats back. im saying that the goal is to get as many people into the seats as possible, efforts to bring in new seasons have likely plateaued, so the goal is to now get as many different people into a game as possible.

and the mere fact that there are great seats available for game time decisions is an awesome and powerful situation. at some point people need to wake up and smell the coffee. if the locals are too stoopid to realize it, then em.
-football is not a staple,you can live without it-
so when you have a product that people dont HAVE to buy and it has been stomach turning for the better part of a decade

imho- its asinine to not do every little thing you can to keep those you have -to me its more important right now to try and keep what you have ,not take them for granted
youre right in the 1st paragraph. theyre not holding seats back. im saying that the goal is to get as many people into the seats as possible, efforts to bring in new seasons have likely plateaued, so the goal is to now get as many different people into a game as possible.

and the mere fact that there are great seats available for game time decisions is an awesome and powerful situation. at some point people need to wake up and smell the coffee. if the locals are too stoopid to realize it, then em.

locals arent stupid-
they havent paid for the "connection" to the school those who attended did-

why dont you hold alumni to the same standards as locals? arent the empty seats on them also?
i'm not sure what all this is,but, i can't even give my tickets to MY brother, a local non alum. as i was ,but not local anymore. he tells me that he can't sit through the misery,and asks "why do you put yourself through this every year"we have been going since 1960---he gave up 15yrs ago.syracuse is a front running town,always has been. we are a minority. just ask the NATS. last time i asked him to go with me to a game, he said he was going to the turning stone and would meet me later. yea, don't ask, he came out ahead and we lost
I'm just spit balling here, but what you have identified as an intentional effort to "cater" to the local fan to me actually represents a circumstance where the program has completely failed at generating the demand for good seats.

Unless you're suggesting that the program intentionally holds seats out, knowing they won't sell out.
they are. If attendance is low enough, we can move the team to NYC, per the lease.
This thread is getting kind of sickening. No amount of renewed fan support is going to make the team play better, and the University not having local outreach can only result in a negative. Fans everywhere are fair weather and not just SU. Some people here act like Alabama and Michigan are the norm. Well when UM sucked with RR did they sell out? I remember their attendance being way down. Penn State went through a similar funk before they got good again. Same thing with FSU, Alabama when they were bad, etc. If the product is not there then you begin to lose the fans that are not diehards.

It makes no sense to take an entire day (when you could be productive around the house or relax after a long week at work) to go watch SU's boring a** offense go nowhere, while another runs up and down on them or both teams are so bad they turn the ball over fifteen times in the first half. The WVU game and the Wake Forest comeback were aberrations, and not even close to being the norm for SU over the past ten decades. Is it so hard to believe that people don't want to go to the games? Hell, the local fans are all the Cubs have and they get good turnout, but has it helped them win a World Series in the past 100 years????? The process starts with a winning football team that supplies an exciting product that is worth it to go to the game and not have it on the tv at home, while you spend time with your kids outside. Good grief
locals arent stupid-
they havent paid for the "connection" to the school those who attended did-

why dont you hold alumni to the same standards as locals? arent the empty seats on them also?
no. i donate more than the cost of 4 season tickets.

the problem with the locals we see right here.

"if Cuse beats blank away and blank at home...that home game v blank will be huge"

then when they lose 1 of them, nobody shows.

heres an idea, go to the game that could set up the game!! get a feel for the old girl.


entitled idiots.

entitled for no reason, but yet felt to be entitled.


Oh Lord
-football is not a staple,you can live without it-
so when you have a product that people dont HAVE to buy and it has been stomach turning for the better part of a decade

I'm only going to respond to the first part of your post. 2009 was, to me, an exciting year for SU football. New excitement surrounding program and a new coach. Some good entertaining games. True not as many wins as we would like, but at least as many as we had seen in the previous 4 years. 2010 was great. To get back to a bowl game again, and WIN, was fun. 2011 was disappointing compared to 2010. But it was still solidly more entertaining than nearly all of 2005 - 2008. So that's three straight years leading up to right now that have not been "stomach turning" in my opinion.
no. i donate more than the cost of 4 season tickets.

the problem with the locals we see right here.

"if Cuse beats blank away and blank at home...that home game v blank will be huge"

then when they lose 1 of them, nobody shows.

heres an idea, go to the game that could set up the game!! get a feel for the old girl.


entitled idiots.

entitled for no reason, but yet felt to be entitled.


Oh Lord

sounds like someone needs his blanky or its past his nap time-

local fans have had enough of the style or lack of style played in the dome-

syracuse is entertainment to us,we have no connection like grads do-
and just in case you dont understand-su isnt a state school either-not like most people in the area have family that graduated from su-

only a true idiot would call us entitled
sounds like someone needs his blanky or its past his nap time-

local fans have had enough of the style or lack of style played in the dome-

syracuse is entertainment to us,we have no connection like grads do-
and just in case you dont understand-su isnt a state school either-not like most people in the area have family that graduated from su-

only a true idiot would call us entitled
The one time I can agree with you. The last thing anyone from CNY is is entitled. We're talking about places like Utica and Syracuse that got hit hard by all the jobs moving away. Many struggle to make ends meet, but they're ungrateful if they don't go to a football game? I'm sorry but my parents are in that boat, and there is no way my dad is giving up the overtime he works to pay the bills for a game.
sounds like someone needs his blanky or its past his nap time-

local fans have had enough of the style or lack of style played in the dome-

syracuse is entertainment to us,we have no connection like grads do-
and just in case you dont understand-su isnt a state school either-not like most people in the area have family that graduated from su-

only a true idiot would call us entitled

so leave the board.

local fans have had enough of the style or lack of style played in the dome


when the school fields a worthy enough product for you, im sure you will come back and bitch about a halfback option that was incomplete on 3rd and 5 or something.

otherwise we dont want to hear from you.

i figured growing up in CNY would make one entitled to be a fan of the program just like us alumni.

guess not.

take your pony and go.
sounds like someone needs his blanky or its past his nap time-

local fans have had enough of the style or lack of style played in the dome-

syracuse is entertainment to us,we have no connection like grads do-
and just in case you dont understand-su isnt a state school either-not like most people in the area have family that graduated from su-

only a true idiot would call us entitled

Without Syracuse University, Syracuse is well Utica. I grew up in Syracuse and that is how I became a fan and still the reson why, the fact that I graduated from there pretty much (3-2 program with ESF) is pretty much a coincidence as I stumbled upon it and dropped out of a more competitve school due to money and lack of interest. Local fans for the most part feel that Syracuse University owes them a winner and it should be easy, they feel Syracuse is Ohio ST, and local fans IMO are pretty much idiots when it comes to perception of the University and expectations. I have no problem with people cancelling season tix just don't come here and beat your drum about how you had tix for years etc etc, why would one do that? You are a fan or you aren't, not so much concerned why you are a fan but frontrunners are fine but don't post about consumer/ product nonsense. Jesus, it's college football in a one horse town. A town that outside the University is pretty much broken.

many local people feel Syracuse is 5x the size it actually is .. They are idiots when it comes to this stuff.
Did the Pitt Panthers have their first open practice in Philly? No
Did the Miami Hurricanes have their first open practice in St. Pete? No

Then why in the is the Syracuse Orange first open practice in Rochester?

I can explain away the closed practices...but moving the first practice to Rochester really chaffs my ass.

This post is proof of something alarming, that locals take the word of Bud Poliquin as gospel. Some of you might want to consider moving to another area, and quickly.

If you follow the timeline of events, SU's intent was never to have the first open practice in Rochester. If SU moved the Spring Game to Rochester, then yes, I could see the locals getting bent out of shape.

What's somewhat interesting is watching how many people said we need to reach out to the Rochesters, Uticas, Binghamtons of the state, and now bashing Rochester because they got the "first" practice. Again, merely a consequence of a prior commitment and a head coach decision on closing practices.

Bud's job is to rile you up. I guess I know why he has so much job security, he's clearly good at it.
This post is proof of something alarming, that locals take the word of Bud Poliquin as gospel. Some of you might want to consider moving to another area, and quickly.

If you follow the timeline of events, SU's intent was never to have the first open practice in Rochester. If SU moved the Spring Game to Rochester, then yes, I could see the locals getting bent out of shape.

What's somewhat interesting is watching how many people said we need to reach out to the Rochesters, Uticas, Binghamtons of the state, and now bashing Rochester because they got the "first" practice. Again, merely a consequence of a prior commitment and a head coach decision on closing practices.

Bud's job is to rile you up. I guess I know why he has so much job security, he's clearly good at it.

Good Post, its the damned if they do damned if they don't nonsense, the reach out in other areas and they are pissing off the locals, they don't reach out the the University isn't trying nor do they get what needs to be done. Can't win with the local curmudgeons. It's crazy and curmudgeon 101
This post is proof of something alarming, that locals take the word of Bud Poliquin as gospel. Some of you might want to consider moving to another area, and quickly.

If you follow the timeline of events, SU's intent was never to have the first open practice in Rochester. If SU moved the Spring Game to Rochester, then yes, I could see the locals getting bent out of shape.

What's somewhat interesting is watching how many people said we need to reach out to the Rochesters, Uticas, Binghamtons of the state, and now bashing Rochester because they got the "first" practice. Again, merely a consequence of a prior commitment and a head coach decision on closing practices.

Bud's job is to rile you up. I guess I know why he has so much job security, he's clearly good at it.

Not to mention that was an awful analogy. Pitt is far away from Philly and Philly has PSU and Temple who are more popular than Pitt. Miami is far away from St Pete and there is USF, Fla, and FSU who are all likely more popular there. Rochester is what 45 mins away and there is no other D1A school worth watching in the area.
Without Syracuse University, Syracuse is well Utica. I grew up in Syracuse and that is how I became a fan and still the reson why, the fact that I graduated from there pretty much (3-2 program with ESF) is pretty much a coincidence as I stumbled upon it and dropped out of a more competitve school due to money and lack of interest. Local fans for the most part feel that Syracuse University owes them a winner and it should be easy, they feel Syracuse is Ohio ST, and local fans IMO are pretty much idiots when it comes to perception of the University and expectations. I have no problem with people cancelling season tix just don't come here and beat your drum about how you had tix for years etc etc, why would one do that? You are a fan or you aren't, not so much concerned why you are a fan but frontrunners are fine but don't post about consumer/ product nonsense. Jesus, it's college football in a one horse town. A town that outside the University is pretty much broken.

**** many local people feel Syracuse is 5x the size it actually is .. They are idiots when it comes to this stuff.
i think a lot of out of town people think that syracuse is bigger than it is too. there is a lot of complaining from afar about attendance. such as "basketball can draw 30 and football can only draw 30?" as if there is some standard basketball to football multiplier that applies. those 30k are diehards but that's all there is. if out of towners want syracuse to be more like happy valley or auburn, they need to get in the car, because that's how other small college tons fill the stadium

syracuse football is like the bills. might have to give up a game to keep the rest of them. you'll still be better off than fans in bigger markets where most people can't get 1 ticket.
so leave the board.

local fans have had enough of the style or lack of style played in the dome


when the school fields a worthy enough product for you, im sure you will come back and bitch about a halfback option that was incomplete on 3rd and 5 or something.

otherwise we dont want to hear from you.

i figured growing up in CNY would make one entitled to be a fan of the program just like us alumni.

guess not.

take your pony and go.

you know nothing other than anger- pampas ass as my dad would say -

and its a free world-dont like a opinion dont read it -or post back

your the type of person who thinks they are entitled to the only opinion-get a life as jake would say
you know nothing other than anger- pampas ass as my dad would say -

and its a free world-dont like a opinion dont read it -or post back

your the type of person who thinks they are entitled to the only opinion-get a life as jake would say
dont hate me because im right.

you need to take some of your own advice. in a very short period of time, youve managed to alienate yourself from the group here. i suggest you take one of my patented self imposed suspensions and enjoy a little time-out till the end of the month.

Oh Lord
dont hate me because im right.

you need to take some of your own advice. in a very short period of time, youve managed to alienate yourself from the group here. i suggest you take one of my patented self imposed suspensions and enjoy a little time-out till the end of the month.

Oh Lord
So we should all conform to group think, especially based off of what only a few are saying? I didn't realize this was the online fan board for the White House.
So we should all conform to group think, especially based off of what only a few are saying? I didn't realize this was the online fan board for the White House.
the white house line was good, but you missed the point.
sounds like someone needs his blanky or its past his nap time-

local fans have had enough of the style or lack of style played in the dome-

syracuse is entertainment to us,we have no connection like grads do-
and just in case you dont understand-su isnt a state school either-not like most people in the area have family that graduated from su-

only a true idiot would call us entitled

Speak for yourself.

I believe you just unintentionally described the difference between the die-hard fan and the casual rooter. For the die-hard, Syracuse football is in his/her blood. For the casual rooter, it's merely entertainment, equivalent to a movie or a comedy show.

I'm not an alum nor have I ever lived in the city of Syracuse. But I grew up in CNY and therefore I have a very strong connection and allegiance to the university, as it is one of the very few (if not only) nationally-recognized entities in CNY. It not only puts the city of Syracuse but the entire region on the map. For that, I feel a certain gratitude to SU and as a result have an unbreakable allegiance to the university and its athletic programs. IMO, everyone from or in CNY should feel the same (I know that's not the case).

Maybe I'm different because a lot of my family attended Syracuse. But I didn't. And yet, I would bet that I'm just as loyal and feel as much connection to the university's athletic programs as any SU alumnus.

The bottom line - SU Football has a shortage of die-hard fans. I wish it were different, I wish more people born in CNY were like me. But it's just the way it is. Will that ever change? Can it change?
i think a lot of out of town people think that syracuse is bigger than it is too. there is a lot of complaining from afar about attendance. such as "basketball can draw 30 and football can only draw 30?" as if there is some standard basketball to football multiplier that applies. those 30k are diehards but that's all there is. if out of towners want syracuse to be more like happy valley or auburn, they need to get in the car, because that's how other small college tons fill the stadium

syracuse football is like the bills. might have to give up a game to keep the rest of them. you'll still be better off than fans in bigger markets where most people can't get 1 ticket.

I think Millhouse nailed it here, made a couple really good points. I dont always agree with the Kaiser and Barrel but they made some good points about the locals and some that are way off base. I think those Alumni who aren't local and especially those in NYC forget just how small Syracuse really is and how much of the population really isnt that interested in SU sports regardless of how the team is doing. Barrel mentioned that a lot of the locals see SU as Ohio State and expect a winner, maybe thats true for basketball and even lacrosse to a smaller extent but for football that couldnt be further from the truth.

Most fans who still follow the program would take a winning record and any bowl game, thats a far cry from what Ohio State's expectations are and trust me no other SU fan here that I know compares SU to Ohio State in any capacity when it comes to football.

As Milly noted right now theres a max of how many "local" fans we can get into the dome based on the issues this team has had for over a decade now. As such we need those alumni from NYC and the other surrounding areas to show up to the dome to get the attendance into the mid and upper 40's. As I have mentioned about a dozen times before bashing the locals on here doesnt do much if anything as the group of locals we are all trying to reach out to dont read this board.

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