Syracuse is a football school. | Page 4 |

Syracuse is a football school.

The Express wasn't really about Syracuse or even Ernie Davis ... it was yet another remake of "The Jackie Robinson Story" with the added soppiness that poor Ernie actually died as opposed to Jackie Robinson who went on to have a good, not great, baseball career.

Princeton was once a football power. In 1951, they had the Heisman Trophy winner and two first team All American linemen. Does that make Princeton a football school?
bad arguement. theyre ivy. they have opted out of the madness. same with fordham.

army/navy are out as well, for obvious reasons.

Oh Lord
This type of thread again? Shocker - started on the Football Board! Copy & paste my response from last time:

Yep, was just going to chime in that there appears to be some penis envy going on here...seeing that it seems like it's always the Football Board that starts these threads.

As for the topic at hand, though, I think I'll let Reggie Spearman's quote do the talking...

Spearman (a 2013 linebacker recruit who eventually signed with Iowa), upon receiving an offer from SU, posted to his twitter account, "Syracuse just offered #ACC. I wish I played basketball."

First off syracuse was a basketball school that grew into a football school. Syracuse basketball won 2 national championships in 1917 and 1925 in basketball.

They also went 12-0, 10-1, 15-2, 18-2, 14-2, 15-2, 15-2, 23 -4 on top of those helms years, and I could go on for another 25 years. They had a total win percentage of 841% from 1911-1920. From 1932-1939 another stretch of 80.5%.

A grand total win percentage of 76% from 1911- 1942 including the bad years . Thats really really really really did I mention REALLY amazing when you think about it.

We also had the 87 game as a 4th title if it wasn't for lack of bonus on the 1 and 1 freethrows. Football only has one title by comparison. And you could aruge 1996 was down to the wire before Wallace fouled out with 4 to play against the best college basketball team ever.

On top of that they have reached the sweet 16 before being beat 12 times. Which means not 16th but possibly 9th or 10th in the country 12 times. And the elite 8 before being beat 3 times giving the a 5-8 ranking 3 times. That to go with their 5 final fours. Footballs ranking resume is probably nowhere near as good. And thats just in the last 30-40 years of the ncaa tournament.

And I haven't even begun to get into all our seeding before the tournament all the times we had a 1-4 seed and didn't make it to the sweet 16 in the last 40 years with injuries and sicknesses and a bad game, refs or matchup.

Not to mention the syracuse nationals pro basketball team which became the 76ers , football wasn't even close to having a pro team in syracuse. Given all that its laughable to think that football could even attempt to argue in syracuse.

Still, :D We are both a basketball, football and a lacrosse school. Arguing this won't make any difference in either program. Again, just ask the florida gators 5-6 years ago who probably had fans doing the same. They won both titles. Instead get out and support both like Jim Brown and Mcnabb!

bad arguement. theyre ivy. they have opted out of the madness. same with fordham.

army/navy are out as well, for obvious reasons.

Oh Lord

So help me understand (although I'm not optimistic given the characteristic obliqueness of the poster).

It's the level of play that determines whether a school with a significant football history is a "football school" or not?

So D111 football powerhouse Mt Union isn't a football school because they are Division 111?

And another question ... does it frequently happen that those in conversations with you start repeatedly banging their heads against the bar or the wall? Just wondering. Because just when I think I understand what you are saying ... I realize I don't.

No offense intended. seriously.
So help me understand (although I'm not optimistic given the characteristic obliqueness of the poster).

It's the level of play that determines whether a school with a significant football history is a "football school" or not?

So D111 football powerhouse Mt Union isn't a football school because they are Division 111?

And another question ... does it frequently happen that those in conversations with you start repeatedly banging their heads against the bar or the wall? Just wondering. Because just when I think I understand what you are saying ... I realize I don't.

No offense intended. seriously.
non taken. its a message board, its impossible.

but, youve taken this to a different level. we are discussing d3 programs?? and you are telling me my brain is all over the place?? (it probably is, but whatever).

the only d3 program i can name is Union, and i dont think theyve been good since Al Bagnoli left for an ivy league team. maybe its princeton, could be penn, starts with a P, but i cant remember and dont feel like googling. not sure why i, or anyone would care if they were once a powerhouse since anyone with a brain knows they dont offer scholarships and dont recruit the same type of kids the power 5 confs are.

i thought this discussion was about whether or not Syracuse is a football or basketball school, not whether or not princeton is. if we are going to go around and label every single university in good ole United States of America either a football or a basketball school and then pit their resume v Syracuse...then im going to sit this 1 out.

i stated that historically, Syracuse is a football school. other people have stated hoop school, many with compelling reasons all of which i agree with, including you. princeton is currently not an active participant in becoming a national champion in football. so i have no idea why you would even bother to waste bandwidth on them. its a bad arguement point. B. A. D.

thats all.
I watch every SU game I can, regardless of whether it's Football, Basketball or Ping Pong. I watch pro sports only because SU players are playing. I prefer winning seasons but I will watch Hop when he's 16-14.
One last note: The ACC move is the best chance we've had to regain National prominence in Football. Big East would never have played for the NC. The ACC can.

Basketball School. Basketball Stadium. Hall of Fame Basketball coach. We compete for national championships ANNUALLY in basketball.

Not even worth discussing anymore. And I love our football program

"The times they are a changin'" We will be both.
football school with a Boeheim happy cloud. when Hop has his 1st 16-14 seton hall-esque season, just watch the board rats jump ship. 'is the game on tv?' will become a legitimate post. we have hoop fans that dont even know theyre a fake fan, and soon theyll be gone.

fake fans, the frontrunners, help cloud the reality, the history. history is who you are, history is what makes you. historically, Syracuse is a football school. theyre not making feature films about bing and boeheim.

the Boeheim Happy Cloud provides a path for green and flynn to be drafted, the Syracuse football historical grit provides a path for steve gregory to have a shockingly long career.

Syracuse has become a lot of both thanks to JB, hopefulyy we can keep it that way.

oh, theres 1 post in here that was hysterical. the one where somebody slipped olindo mare's name in amongst absolute legends of the game. all i could think of was that song... 'one of these things is not like the others. one of these things just doesnt belong'. too funny.

we already had a nice sneak preview this season when all the front running/fake fans hopped off board when we hit a tough patch. 18k at the Dome for Senior Night. Bitching, complaining, people calling for JB to retire. I am not saying this is a football school, or a basketball school because that's just ridiculous, most of the hardcore fans support both through thick and thin, but I would love to see this response if we have a few tough years after JB retires. Hopefully that doesn't happen, but you have to give it up to the football guys that have sucked it up during that 10 year stretch. Even after that there is still a strong following that speaks to the tradition and roots the program has. i'll say it again this is a basketball school for the under 30's, but will most likely get the opposite answer for the over 30's.
Edited: True Syracuse fans can think what they want. As for how we are perceived nationally, I really don't give a 'f' how they see us. Beer me. ;)

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