Syracuse opens -1.5 against Louisville |

Syracuse opens -1.5 against Louisville

Unranked teams favored at home over a ranked team has a very very high hit rate over the years...ill try and dig up the stats
I'm really at odds with that number (no pun intended), but it has to start somewhere I guess. Mainly because I have no idea which team will show up for us tomorrow - Dr. Jekyl or Mr.Hyde???????
Based upon the mood on this board for the past week I was expecting to be getting at least 9 points.
Unranked teams favored at home over a ranked team has a very very high hit rate over the years...ill try and dig up the stats
I brought that up a few years ago. There is a betting system that shows it is a winner to take the home team in that situation. After reading that, I bet it and won something like 9 times in a row. I don't like to bet because it takes the enjoyment out of the game for me. having said that, I don't get that much enjoyment out of watching games the last few years.
I don't know enough about Mack to jump or pass. I have to say if Pitino was still there I'd be loading up on the Cards.
If I was a gambling degenerate (which I might be when they legalize it in NY) I would bet the farm on Louisville.
Vegas usually knows what they are doing as most people would choose Louisville. That said, Vegas is not in business to lose money. So that should mean we cover the spread. I really hope we don't lose by one point.
“Somebody in Vegas told us we’re gonna win by 1 to 2 points!”

“Now we Know!!!”

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