Syracuse, Pitt wish they were in Big Ten now | Page 2 |

Syracuse, Pitt wish they were in Big Ten now

There is a suburb in Raleigh by the name of Cary, NC which the locals say stands for Containment Area for Retiring Yankees!

The Big 10 is yesterday and the ACC is tomorrow. We are where we ought to be.
That is absolutely hilarious to me because my uncle and his wife, my ex-girlfriend, her husband AND her mother, ALL former-New Yorkers, now all live in the town of Cary, NC! Point proven! LOL!

And I agree, the ACC is a far better fit for SU.
@arbit - I keep seeing a lot of talk about Kansas and I am sure Missou was a big loss in the eyes of the B1G. I see UConn as a 15-16 team if the end game is 4x16 super conf - good addition for either B1G or ACC. BC-UConn is an even trade in my eyes between B1G-ACC.

My prediction - Kansas & UConn to B1G as both are public land grant universities. Why? Creates eastern 4 team pod and natural rivals - UConn-Rutgers & Ped St-Maryland & creates 1 anchor football & 2 decent bball schools. Same for western 4 team pod - Nebraska-Kansas-Iowa-Minny. Content gets much better for B1G IMO.
I don't think so. Rutgers will be paid more and end up in the bottom consistently - with no path to top. Think Indiana without quality hoops. Fodder for OSU and Michigan. The bottom half of the SEC is proof. Consistently beaten to a pulp by the big boys.

Rutgirls will consistently be a cellar dweller in the B1G. They took a page right out of VT's playbook by scheduling nothing but patsies out of conference. Win a few games in the BigEast each year, and they were assured of 7-8 wins at least. Uconn wasn't far different.

The fact that Rutgirls will actually play decent teams now will put them in a position of repeated losing seasons for years to come. The dollars will be there for the school, but the fan base will lose interest and crawl back into their holes. If they had a consistent level of success, or even a hint of prestige (i.e. the Orange's success in the 80's & 90's), they might make it, but in the B1G they are now Indiana Light - less taste, more filling.

Let's Go Orange!!!
Here is something i found about in discussions with my source...who led me to it. Interestingly, it is a TV "eyeball" analysis that was done for the B1G about two years ago...INTERESTINGLY, 'Cuse is # 9 on the chart; but what is probably more important are the teams on top of the list. Note that aside from TX at #1, the next three are now B!G...Presuming Notre Dame never joins-and there are numerous reasons for that... it appears that BC and Kansas could be up next...
Not saying list is correct, but it adds two things:
1. All conferences, including the ACC, have their list of potential hits...note ACC has the 4-4-4 committee to do so and to analyze the prospects; and
2, B1G has several more prospects that could be tabbed...including 'Cuse if it wants an eastern go along with Maryland, Rutgers and Penn State...

  • Texas
  • Rutgers
  • Nebraska
  • Maryland
  • Boston College
  • Notre Dame
  • Kansas
  • Missouri
  • Syracuse
  • Connecticut
  • Pittsburgh
  • Iowa State

Any TV "eyeball" analysis that has Rutgers, Maryland AND Boston College ahead of Notre Dame is completely flawed.
JJ - not so about ND because of overlap - B1G already has much of the market that ND is already in. I suspect this is additional TV markets not already included in BTN markets versus new markets - just saying.
Not as much as thought. The dirty little secret about rutgirls is how much they had to take from the general student fund to balance the books along with the large amount of money the state has been giving them. The amount last year for those 2 revenue streams was something on the order of $26m.

So with the student fund stream going to zero and the state cutting money across the board, rutgirls football net change in revenue will be far less than people think.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

That's no secret. It's been discussed here a bunch of times.
I could see a bunch of combo's here that the Big 10 could go with and it could be an SU/BC...BC/Kansas...SU/Kansas...UConn/Kansas...Va/NC/GT combo. Since Potter is paying 50 cents on the dollar we could see 4 schools panic and join if the SEC makes a move.
JJ - not so about ND because of overlap - B1G already has much of the market that ND is already in. I suspect this is additional TV markets not already included in BTN markets versus new markets - just saying.

If it was solely for television markets, wouldn't Rutgers be #1? And the South Bend television market is lower than Syracuse, correct?
"Fit" is overrated, and the ACC might not be around in two years. If the most profitable, stable conference in the country takes an interest in you, you do whatever it takes to join.

States with major population drains in a conference being run by old men. It's not a good 10 year plan.
JJ - not so about ND because of overlap - B1G already has much of the market that ND is already in. I suspect this is additional TV markets not already included in BTN markets versus new markets - just saying.
The BTN doesnt care about whether people watch their channel...working with Fox their goal is two fold:
1. Generate $$$ for being included on a cable network--automatic $$$
2. Expand into areas that allow for carriage...
3. Notre Dame has indicated not interested in B1G...if they become interested they would be in...just like ACC...

Not saying anything--and cannot--about whether real or not...but there is a lot of fire...and frankly, not sure if the B1G would be as welcoming to 'Cuse as the ACC...right now, rumor only....
That's no secret. It's been discussed here a bunch of times.

Yes it has by a few of us including you a couple times. I don't think it has sunk in too much though with most as there are plenty more posts about how rutgers struck the jackpot.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
Oh oh Arbit - you said "fire" and not "smoke" - what does that mean (lol - just kidding)...
In the short term you may not have to worry about whether people are watching or not but eventually actual eyeballs WILL mean something. If noone watches the channel, at some point the cable companies push back and demand channels only a few people want be part of an optional package.
Here is something i found about in discussions with my source...who led me to it. Interestingly, it is a TV "eyeball" analysis that was done for the B1G about two years ago...INTERESTINGLY, 'Cuse is # 9 on the chart; but what is probably more important are the teams on top of the list. Note that aside from TX at #1, the next three are now B!G...Presuming Notre Dame never joins-and there are numerous reasons for that... it appears that BC and Kansas could be up next...
Not saying list is correct, but it adds two things:
1. All conferences, including the ACC, have their list of potential hits...note ACC has the 4-4-4 committee to do so and to analyze the prospects; and
2, B1G has several more prospects that could be tabbed...including 'Cuse if it wants an eastern go along with Maryland, Rutgers and Penn State...

  • Texas
  • Rutgers
  • Nebraska
  • Maryland
  • Boston College
  • Notre Dame
  • Kansas
  • Missouri
  • Syracuse
  • Connecticut
  • Pittsburgh
  • Iowa State

That's the Patrick analysis from FrankTheTank which had the underlying principle of 60/40 valuations (60% new cable subscribers vs 40% ad revenue) which is why Kansas is higher on the list despite bringing less actual subscribers to the BTN. Apparently Kansas has rabid college athletics followers and therefore ad rates would be higher in that state than in upstate New York. In researching this, I discovered that the reality is it's closer to 80/20 between those two forces than 60/40.

I will say for the umpteenth-thousandth time... SU doesn't need to be in the richest conference to be competitive. We just need to be someplace that allows us to generate enough revenue to do what we need to do.

If the ACC hangs together then I don't care how much money the B1G makes, we'll be fine and the ACC is the best place for us.

That's the key though, isn't it? At what point is the tipping point where the ACC truly doesn't hang together? And by the time it reaches this hypothetical tipping point, will all the other spots be taken? This is the game of chicken that the BiG and SEC appear to be playing with the ACC. Here's hoping UNC, UVa, FSU, and Clemson don't blink.

That's the Patrick analysis from FrankTheTank which had the underlying principle of 60/40 valuations (60% new cable subscribers vs 40% ad revenue) which is why Kansas is higher on the list despite bringing less actual subscribers to the BTN. Apparently Kansas has rabid college athletics followers and therefore ad rates would be higher in that state than in upstate New York. In researching this, I discovered that the reality is it's closer to 80/20 between those two forces than 60/40.


Is this the article your referring to?


Texas $101,369,004
Rutgers WITH NYC $67,798,609
Nebraska $54,487,990
Maryland $50,818,889
Boston College $48,382,692
Notre Dame $47,629,255
Kansas $46,320,092
Missouri $45,901,459
Syracuse $43,504,813
Connecticut $38,080,271
Pittsburgh $34,365,175
Iowa State $31,831,077

Syracuse WITH NYC $65,874,573

...right article and good thinking by far nothing much to go on...certainly have had numerous denials about Georgia Tech and UVA...but nothing from Kansas and 'Cuse--( thesse two unusally quiet although 'Cuse always is careful and judicious so could be taken in more ways than 1) ouch...there is another phone call in ACC this week (confirmed) but not given additional information...just prefer this all stops and stops for sometime...I believe that losing rivalries and spreading too thin geographically is going to lead to a mess unless there is an ending strategy that few know what it is (I have given what I have known about ACC--how bout our INSIDERS LIKE CTO, JAKE, ORANGEYES, FRANCIS, ETC TELL US ABOUT 'CUSE's thinking??????)--silence is a powerful weapon...another Jack and Coke please!
...right article and good thinking by far nothing much to go on...certainly have had numerous denials about Georgia Tech and UVA...but nothing from Kansas and 'Cuse--( thesse two unusally quiet although 'Cuse always is careful and judicious so could be taken in more ways than 1) ouch...there is another phone call in ACC this week (confirmed) but not given additional information...just prefer this all stops and stops for sometime...I believe that losing rivalries and spreading too thin geographically is going to lead to a mess unless there is an ending strategy that few know what it is (I have given what I have known about ACC--how bout our INSIDERS LIKE CTO, JAKE, ORANGEYES, FRANCIS, ETC TELL US ABOUT 'CUSE's thinking??????)--silence is a powerful weapon...another Jack and Coke please!

And we appreciate what you have provided Arb. In terms of silence from SU, although definitely not an SU insider, I think silence in this case is simply silence. There is nothing to say because the source is suspicious and it doesn't seem to be gaining any real traction in the same way UVa and GT has.

...right article and good thinking by far nothing much to go on...certainly have had numerous denials about Georgia Tech and UVA...but nothing from Kansas and 'Cuse--( thesse two unusally quiet although 'Cuse always is careful and judicious so could be taken in more ways than 1) ouch...there is another phone call in ACC this week (confirmed) but not given additional information...just prefer this all stops and stops for sometime...I believe that losing rivalries and spreading too thin geographically is going to lead to a mess unless there is an ending strategy that few know what it is (I have given what I have known about ACC--how bout our INSIDERS LIKE CTO, JAKE, ORANGEYES, FRANCIS, ETC TELL US ABOUT 'CUSE's thinking??????)--silence is a powerful weapon...another Jack and Coke please!
I have not seen ONE legit, and by legit I'd even settle for known twitter rumor artists, that mentions Cuse or KU moving. Just the one fake Deacon account with 40 followers. So why would they respond in any way to nothing?
People probably don't want to think about it, but Rutgers is on much better footing than us... If they have half a brain they'll have better facilities, etc, and most importantly they can pay their players way more than we can.

I'm half joking on that last part, I think, maybe?

They've kind of screwed up their finances, though. Pissed off a lot of people down there with the amount of money they threw at the football program at the expense of athletics. I think there is fence mending (and other uses for the increased Big 10 money) before they can do much more in terms of upgrading sports facilities.
I have not seen ONE legit, and by legit I'd even settle for known twitter rumor artists, that mentions Cuse or KU moving. Just the one fake Deacon account with 40 followers. So why would they respond in any way to nothing?

If you look at the Bonz44 list of colleges and if you assume the B10 skips over private universities - who is next on the list of public land grant universities:

1. Kansas
2. Missou
3. UConn
4. Iowa St

I doubt that Missou leaves the SEC and I doubt B1G goes for Iowa St since it already has Iowa. It leaves you with Kansas, then UConn as the next 2 up for land grant public universities that are available:
Today the traditional anchor football teams East to West - Ped St, Ohio St/Mich, Wis and Nebraska
Today the traditional anchor basketball teams East to West - UConn, Ohio St/Mich St, Indiana, Kansas

Again my prediction - Kansas and UConn are 2 prime candidates for the B1G - SU makes no sense for the B1G and we just gave up our AAU designation so we are out.
Why not Mizzou? They would have killed for a Big Ten invite a year ago and there is apparently no exit fee in the SEC. At this point it's hard to say what Delaney's end game is. Last year it was brand (Nebraska). So far this year it's been TV sets.

If you look at the Bonz44 list of colleges and if you assume the B10 skips over private universities - who is next on the list of public land grant universities:

1. Kansas
2. Missou
3. UConn
4. Iowa St

I doubt that Missou leaves the SEC and I doubt B1G goes for Iowa St since it already has Iowa. It leaves you with Kansas, then UConn as the next 2 up for land grant public universities that are available:
Today the traditional anchor football teams East to West - Ped St, Ohio St/Mich, Wis and Nebraska
Today the traditional anchor basketball teams East to West - UConn, Ohio St/Mich St, Indiana, Kansas

Again my prediction - Kansas and UConn are 2 prime candidates for the B1G - SU makes no sense for the B1G and we just gave up our AAU designation so we are out.
The Move would have been SU/Maryland and Kansas/Mizzu for the Big 10 if they were truly proactive. They missed and now are playing poke and hope.

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