The all-inclusive Rutgers dumpster fire thread... | Page 253 |

The all-inclusive Rutgers dumpster fire thread...

1. I strongly feel that your theory in point #1 is irrelevant because PSU said that they wanted RU. Debate why all you want, but it's a moot point. My honest opinion is that PSU looked around and saw demographic shifts and realized that they needed a leg up, or they'd be left in the dust. The same is true for student recruiting and fundraising.

2. I also believe that your theory in point 2 is both wrong (from an althetic and student demographic standpoint - PSU has a history of looking to the east), and irrelevant from an academic standpoint. I'll freely admit that PSU is a huge state school w/ a massive research focus, which is wildly different than the BCs and Wakes of the world, but so what? I don't see why that matters.

I believe you have misunderstood what my points above were about. They weren’t about PSU’s perspective on the reasons why Rutgers should be added but rather were an attempt to think about this from the 11 other voting members’ perspectives as to why should they care about what PSU wants in regard to recruiting New Jersey and if they were worried about PSU potentially bolting for the ACC, what calculations were they making in terms of the “real chances” of PSU tucking and running? I suspect, again from their perspective, they weren’t that worried about that happening, despite your apparent belief that this was a realistic threat.

3. PSU has long felt that they were the red-headed stepchild of the B1G due to the fact that (as far as I know) nobody other than apparently you thinks about the B1G as an "original 11," unless they're including the U of Chicago + MSU and it's predecessors. And, FWIW, most of the B1G grads that I know even look down on MSU.

Some confusion on your part that may have been poor sentence structures on my part. When I mentioned the 11 other members in the B1G it was including Nebraska who would vote on expansion in 2012 but was only in the league for two years at that point. The 10 member Big Ten (which was mentioned once and bolded) was referring to the league that had existed from 1950 when MSU joined until PSU joined which was like 4 decades later and was referenced for historical purposes. There are reasons why, as you say, PSU “long felt that they were the red-headed stepchild”.

4. The scandal (and B1G punishment) was all the more reason for PSU to jump to the ACC and avoid conference penalties.

Again, imho, your approach to this seems to be from a PSU perspective (what their wants and needs may have been about) which in no way helps explain why the other 11 voting members of that time should care and vote Yes. Whatever valid reasons you may believe PSU had to potentially jump to the ACC, the fact remains 10 of these institutions have seen PSU up close and personal and I am willing to wager that none of those 10 thought it was a fairly likely possibility, especially given the ACC’s perceived reputation at that time in terms of avoiding tainted programs – one of the those programs being Miami which wasn’t even seriously considered for ACC expansion back in 1990 and the ACC also not even considering WVU back in 2003 as well as not even initially getting enough votes for Virginia Tech to be considered (without Virginia politics getting involved).

Also, let’s keep in mind that when this was being discussed in private with both Rutgers and Maryland, this was after Syracuse and Pitt were invited to the ACC but prior to ND going to the ACC as a partial member or Louisville replacing Maryland.

(Interesting and unrelated side note was that back in June 2010 after Nebraska was basically a lock for #12, a report came out supposedly from WFNI Indianapolis radio station that if expansion to 16 took place, the additional four members would be Notre Dame, Rutgers, Maryland, and Syracuse. This was discussed on a FOX Sports Radio show but was never verified by WFNI as actually even being brought up on their radio station. So I filed it in the waste basket of my mind, until I started hearing things about a supposed secret pack between ND, Pitt, and SU that they either would all go to the B1G together or stay in the Big East and make that work. Again, just rumor, but might explain the weird reaction from Swarbrick when we and Pitt announced our leaving the BE for ACC. Considering how the dominoes fell shortly thereafter – Maryland and Rutgers indeed to the B1G and ND joined SU and Pitt in the ACC – makes me wonder.)

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Ultimately these other 11 members did decide to add Rutgers and Maryland. The question is why? The only possible reason has to be they believed that those adds were going to increase their revenues. How was this going to be accomplished? Neither of the two programs had sufficient brand name to increase the B1G’s coffers in terms of a renegotiated national TV contract. And this has proven to be the case – over the past 4 years on broadcast channels (ABC, FOX) Maryland has played in 4 games and Rutgers 3 games out of 90 shown. In terms of higher level sports channels (ESPN, ESPN2, FS1) Maryland has played in 9 games and Rutgers 5 games out of a possible 83. So doesn’t appear like a lot of added value in terms of the national TV contract as even you have stated in the past. Which isn’t surprising since those contracts are more about ‘brand names’ than actual proximity to markets.

So what’s left? All I can see is what they must have thought they potentially could add to the BTN coffers based upon the conference network model the B1G developed back in 2008, getting potentially $.70-.80 cents per subscriber per month in the states of New Jersey and Maryland (granted we don’t have the actual figures and of course, the model is now bucking up against a paradigm shift, but that wasn’t the case back then). But what else is realistically left? And to back this up, it is what the vast majority of statements made by Big Ten officials reflected at the time.

5. And lastly, what do you expect the B1G's propaganda machine to say? "We're getting dominated in football by our rival conference to the south, which is unlikely to change, and we're losing a key football member to our academic and basketball rivals to the east" isn't a compelling story. "We're about to make a genius move that's going to make us even stronger" is a lot more PR-friendly.

The fact that neither you, nor anyone that I've ever seen express an opinion on the internet, can put together a good explanation as to why supply and demand doesn't apply to TV leads me to think that general economics still apply to TV. That belief is further evidenced by the fact that the myriad of other conferences that have had a presence in NYC weren't all making a hundred million bucks a year in TV rights. As yourself "why wasn't the BIG EAST getting paid?."

I believe I have always acknowledged supply and demand being impactful to the sports conference revenue equation. The likes of Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State, Wisconsin, Michigan State and recent add Nebraska drive the demand side of the equation. These are the programs viewers want to see. But in terms of the BTN and how the conference network model has worked up until now, demand is literally less important (particularly overtime with an established conference network like the BTN or perhaps in terms of the upcoming ACCN with Disney/ESPN applying the strategy of bundling various networks together). In cases like these subscribers are not tuning in to a “free” broadcast channel by choice but are having the cost of the network rammed down their throats whether they ever watch a game or not. As a result, the more populous a state can indeed matter. Unless one thinks if Rutgers was located in New Hampshire and Maryland was located in Delaware they still would have been expansion candidates for the Big Ten. And I respect you enough as a poster to believe you don’t think that.

The truth is that the ACC was (and is) far stronger than most people want to admit.

Agreed. But isn’t a main reason behind the perception of those who believe the ACC is weak more the result of being last in revenue distributions? And if we agree that brand = strength what is the likelihood of the ACC ever challenging the brand powers of both the SEC and the B1G at this point? It's possible, the best the ACC will get is third overall. Which is what I believe the goal should be.

There are reasons why the conference is currently last in finances, as you know, which involve when the TV contract was negotiated, circumstances surrounding the Contract Bowl, negative perception by some of ND’s special arrangement, etc. When it is all said and done, if no more ACC defections, I believe the ACC will be a solid third no question about it by the middle of the next decade. If there are defections, it will depend on who leaves of course.

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ru has a a major research component and access to pharmaceutical industry in the nj metro area. we do not have a major research component, med school or even a well rated law school --the big 10 wanting rutgers goes way beyond football.
Wait a minute. No one is comparing SU to Rutgers. We are where we should be given the size of the school and it’s academics.

There is a pharma industry in NJ, but there’s pharma lots of places in the US including the Philadelphia suburbs and the NC research triangle.

In size RU is a B1G fit. But in many ways it is not. Certainly in terms of the interest and support of the citizens of the State, it’s nothing like a B1G school.

Kids in the Midwestern states actually dream of going to the State university. In NJ, it’s what you settle for if you can’t afford Lehigh, Lafayette, Villanova or any of the other state or private schools tha NJ residents so often prefer. Someone once said, “New Jersey’s most significant export is college students.”
Wait a minute. No one is comparing SU to Rutgers. We are where we should be given the size of the school and it’s academics.

There is a pharma industry in NJ, but there’s pharma lots of places in the US including the Philadelphia suburbs and the NC research triangle.

In size RU is a B1G fit. But in many ways it is not. Certainly in terms of the interest and support of the citizens of the State, it’s nothing like a B1G school.

Kids in the Midwestern states actually dream of going to the State university. In NJ, it’s what you settle for if you can’t afford Lehigh, Lafayette, Villanova or any of the other state or private schools tha NJ residents so often prefer. Someone once said, “New Jersey’s most significant export is college students.”
what i am saying is that the big 10 took rutgers for more than football. the actual and potential growth from the research aspect alone is great. the location affords so many opportunities for consortiums in academics, contacts to the pharma industry and geographical location.
you are correct, it is not necessarily a destination school in the big 10 sense, but many in state kids look to go there.
however your statement that most of the nj kids go there as they could not get into lafayette or villanova is WAY off base. lehigh is another matter, as it is an excellent school.
what i am saying is that the big 10 took rutgers for more than football. the actual and potential growth from the research aspect alone is great. the location affords so many opportunities for consortiums in academics, contacts to the pharma industry and geographical location.
you are correct, it is not necessarily a destination school in the big 10 sense, but many in state kids look to go there.
however your statement that most of the nj kids go there as they could not get into lafayette or villanova is WAY off base. lehigh is another matter, as it is an excellent school.

I didn’t say they couldn’t get in. I said they couldn’t afford these schools and that’s how they end u at Rutgers.

As a graduate of Princeton High, everybody I ever knew who went to RU listed money as the primary reason. They seemed resigned to their fate, not enthusiastic about going.

It’s one of the reasons that their small fan base is so desperate for a winner in anything. It tells them that they really are like other schools.
I didn’t say they couldn’t get in. I said they couldn’t afford these schools and that’s how they end u at Rutgers.

As a graduate of Princeton High, everybody I ever knew who went to RU listed money as the primary reason. They seemed resigned to their fate, not enthusiastic about going.

It’s one of the reasons that their small fan base is so desperate for a winner in anything. It tells them that they really are like other schools.
that is one small sample universe you are drawing from. gee my spouse went to south river high school in nj and she says many of her peers wanted to go to rutgers? what makes lafayette and villanova so much more attractive to nj kids???? you need to come up with something better than that.
rutgers by virtue of being in its location and northeast mentality that there is a bigger world out there, would dictate that the big 10 state school loyalty mentality is not a factor .
lets see, i went to grad school at rutgers, my daughter chose upenn over rutgers and syracuse law/maxwell over rutgers law.
many of her high school friends went to rutgers or another nj state school because they could not get into rutgers.
cost/debt is most always a factor in selecting a school----rutgers is most definitely the outlier in how big 10 in state students view their home schools----there is no rah rah in the northeast.
Did that score say white 132 red 124? What kind of scoring system are they using?

Great vid BTW.

How the offense can score

* Touchdown: 6 points

* Field goal: 3

* Two-point conversion: 2

* Explosive Play (run 10-plus yards/pass 15-plus): 2

* PAT: 1

* First down: 1

How the defense can score:

* Defensive touchdown: 10 points

* Takeaway: 6

* Sack: 3

* Three-and-out: 3

* Defensive stop (no offensive points): 2

* Tackle-for-loss: 2
that is one small sample universe you are drawing from. gee my spouse went to south river high school in nj and she says many of her peers wanted to go to rutgers? what makes lafayette and villanova so much more attractive to nj kids???? you need to come up with something better than that.
rutgers by virtue of being in its location and northeast mentality that there is a bigger world out there, would dictate that the big 10 state school loyalty mentality is not a factor .
lets see, i went to grad school at rutgers, my daughter chose upenn over rutgers and syracuse law/maxwell over rutgers law.
many of her high school friends went to rutgers or another nj state school because they could not get into rutgers.
cost/debt is most always a factor in selecting a school----rutgers is most definitely the outlier in how big 10 in state students view their home schools----there is no
rah rah in the northeast.

But there is RU Rah in the Rutgers fight song. :)
what i am saying is that the big 10 took rutgers for more than football. the actual and potential growth from the research aspect alone is great. the location affords so many opportunities for consortiums in academics, contacts to the pharma industry and geographical location.
you are correct, it is not necessarily a destination school in the big 10 sense, but many in state kids look to go there.
however your statement that most of the nj kids go there as they could not get into lafayette or villanova is WAY off base. lehigh is another matter, as it is an excellent school.

Enrollment got Rutgers in with regards to the 'school' side of things.

But it was all about the Big Ten caring far more about football than hoops. Uconn would have delivered TV boxes in the New England market along with greater NYC and helped their hoops a lot. But the Rent would have been far and away the smallest stadium in conference and badly out of place and on TV it would have looked like Michigan or Ohio State was playing a road game @ EMU or CMU. Buttgers had some big games in Piscataway on TV in the Schiano era and that basically made for better TV and a better place to send their teams to play road games than the Rent.

The ACC chose a commuter school and glorified community college over them for the same reason. If Louisville had been off the table and was in the Big 12 with WVU for example and we had to find another Maryland replacement I think it would have been UCF and not uconn provided FSU and Miami weren't against it. Largest enrollment in the country would have won out in a head to head choice between uconn and UCF.
Enrollment got Rutgers in with regards to the 'school' side of things.

But it was all about the Big Ten caring far more about football than hoops. Uconn would have delivered TV boxes in the New England market along with greater NYC and helped their hoops a lot. But the Rent would have been far and away the smallest stadium in conference and badly out of place and on TV it would have looked like Michigan or Ohio State was playing a road game @ EMU or CMU. Buttgers had some big games in Piscataway on TV in the Schiano era and that basically made for better TV and a better place to send their teams to play road games than the Rent.

The ACC chose a commuter school and glorified community college over them for the same reason. If Louisville had been off the table and was in the Big 12 with WVU for example and we had to find another Maryland replacement I think it would have been UCF and not uconn provided FSU and Miami weren't against it. Largest enrollment in the country would have won out in a head to head choice between uconn and UCF.
i hope u make the team
Just checked the scared up nation website, they fans are complaining that RU is not projected to make the lacrosse tourney. It's the old boys network keeping them out, not the fact that their schedule is not impressive.

They beat SU and that means they should be in automatically while stating SU should be out. Be real, either beating SU is a quality will or not. If it is a quality win, then SU gets a look at their schedule to see if they have substance (one of the toughest in the country). If the SU win is not a quality win, RU should not get in just for beating mediocre and bad teams.
First, we need to recruit NJ better too, but wow last night had to hurt Rutgers. Not just Barkley, but Bama’s Fitzpatrick, the Red Bank OG from ND, Josh Rosen had all his NJ ties on display... oh to keep your backyard.
First, we need to recruit NJ better too, but wow last night had to hurt Rutgers. Not just Barkley, but Bama’s Fitzpatrick, the Red Bank OG from ND, Josh Rosen had all his NJ ties on display... oh to keep your backyard.
We have a long way to go before that happens. Not going to pry a db away from saban.
First, we need to recruit NJ better too, but wow last night had to hurt Rutgers. Not just Barkley, but Bama’s Fitzpatrick, the Red Bank OG from ND, Josh Rosen had all his NJ ties on display... oh to keep your backyard.
So, Syracuse woukd have kept Minkah had he been from NY? I don't get your point As there aren't too many kids who wouldn't take up Saban and Bama on an offer.
As far as Barkley goes and as much as I would have wanted him to stay with Rutgers, going to Pedo St. turned out to be a career defining move. That being said, to hell with psu
So, Syracuse woukd have kept Minkah had he been from NY? I don't get your point As there aren't too many kids who wouldn't take up Saban and Bama on an offer.
As far as Barkley goes and as much as I would have wanted him to stay with Rutgers, going to Pedo St. turned out to be a career defining move. That being said, to hell with psu
To hell with PSU. A good start.
Now, to quote Yoda, “That is why you fail “. Rutgers has long said, “We’re a sleeping giant if we could only keep the NJ kids at home” and that assertion is what caused Schiano to target SU as an evil interloper. I always thought he and they were right. Now you suggest that Rutgers is only referring to the second tier kids because they can’t hope to keep a Fitzpatrick type? I get your point, but that’s defeatist. If they had done what Schiano did ten years prior, maybe earlier sustained success gets them a Fitzpatrick or Wimbush. I only point out that if you agree with my thoughts here, it must hurt to see 3-4 players in the draft top ten with NJ or in the case of Barkley, Rutgers ties.
To hell with PSU. A good start.
Now, to quote Yoda, “That is why you fail “. Rutgers has long said, “We’re a sleeping giant if we could only keep the NJ kids at home” and that assertion is what caused Schiano to target SU as an evil interloper. I always thought he and they were right. Now you suggest that Rutgers is only referring to the second tier kids because they can’t hope to keep a Fitzpatrick type? I get your point, but that’s defeatist. If they had done what Schiano did ten years prior, maybe earlier sustained success gets them a Fitzpatrick or Wimbush. I only point out that if you agree with my thoughts here, it must hurt to see 3-4 players in the draft top ten with NJ or in the case of Barkley, Rutgers ties.
Penn st always had easy picking with prospects in the East. SU was one of the few schools that battled and beat them out for a recruit from time to time. Ive been hearing rutgers program possibly dethroning Penn st for 15 years. It never happened and it never will. Their fans sure as hell talk like they are great and every Jersey kid really wants to go there but its a place holder school. Always will be because they have to rely on 2nd and 3rd tier recruits in your own back yard and go to war with Penn st UMich Ohio st Mich st every year. NYS has never been a hotbed of talent like NJ's been. So losing a top 5 recruit to a better program doesn't sting as much.
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I see this every day on the way to work, but cannot seem to come up with an adequate caption. Any thoughts?


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