Before you figure out everything over the next 50!years, please remember that power shifts over time. The SEC has not always been king. ACc hoops has not always been king. ESPN was a podunk Connecticut local sports show on cable access. Fox sports did not exist when the Big East ruled hoops. Lol ve streaming was not a thing 20 years ago and only recently has been good enough for the masses to consider switching.
Also remember that ESPN is and has been underpaying all conferences. You could not get the massive increases unless the money was already there.
At one time the world economy went as GM went. Now, GM is a blip on the economy radar, not much more. IBM ruled business machines, while still a major player, there are far more options.
Further, the conference deals are small potatoes in the big picture of running a major university. Rutgers lost $73mm, which was roughly 2% of the operating budget for the NJ State University system. About 4%-5% of the Rutgers U. Budget, and they don't care. All P5 schools operate in a different stratosphere than we fans operate in. The losses are merely advertising costs to keep the name out there. And several schools make money! Conference realignment will only happen if it makes sense on many fronts.
UT and OU leaving the Big12 shows there are no substantive ties with other schools and the money was a factor because they were the only programs worth supporting. That becomes an easy decision. UNC, UVA, GATech, et al all have significant ties with each other than the Big12 had. Likewise, SEC, B1G and PAC schools have tighter relations with each other. Busting up the conferences will not be as easy as it seems on paper.
Those pretending to know with absolute certainty what the conferences will do or be in 10, 20, 30, 59 years are not as well informed as can be.
Best of luck in your prognostications. Remember, we were told by several posters on here that OU was married to OSU, UT would not go anywhere without TTU, Baylor and TCU. Guess what, they were wrong.
Now we are told that the B1G and SEC will be the only yeo conferences standing, that the PAC and the ACC will be decimated and half the U.S. population will be ignored by CFB. People watch CFB for their team(s), not just for Alabama and Clemson.
Speculation is fun. However, some go to far and make it dogma. I speculate that the universities and conferences will merge into one deal like the pros, but I will not get dogmatic about it. I don't attack other posters for disagreeing. Anyway, have at it, but keep it fun. Don't make it personal.
Just one opinion from one poster.