I agree that no one is a better fan because they support the coach, or because they want change. We're all obviously enormous fans. But there are definitely sides, as we've seen on this board. The board has been completely overrun by the two sides just going back and forth at each other, and it's gotten freaking unbearable. It's taking the fun out of actually being a "fan." How many times can people just yell back and forth at each other, and in how many threads? And I'm not saying any one side is more right than the other, either. Both sides, I think, have some valid reasons to think the way they do. But my god...the smugness and lack of civility from some posters on both sides is just making this board godawful lately.
To your point neither side is innocent. I tend to behave according to how I I am treated. A person I disagree with like Chris gets more mature responses while the person Anomander responded to would get less patience.
Your position is fine I happen to disagree with your post as this is a fan messageboard and we aren't doing well. Anything inappropriate is censored by the moderators who have a thankless job.
What should be debated? I don't see a solution in your message. If you got one I would love to hear it.