Okay, it is a beautiful day out in CNY. Crisp, sunny and clear. It should be an ideal day to finish the crown truss and move on to phase 1 part b.
I hope someone from SU or Hayner is going to take a high quality video as the golder girder is put into place. It would be great if there was a drone nearby to get a better perspective on the process. It would be even better if after the truss was complete, the drone then flew over the entire completed truss and gave us an up close look at the latest addition to our campus and city skyline.
Will the fixture be used?
Will the girder go up first or the spiral? I would put the spiral up first so that when it gets put in place, things are done. Pictures can be taken, champagne corks can be popped, videos streamed, virtual hugs and high fives exchanged, etc.
It would be great if SU could announce when the girder is going up, so craniacs from around CNY could converge on the site and see it in person (in a social distance, COVID-19 aware way of course). Or people interested from anywhere could just be sure to be watching the live stream when the deed is officially done.
I don't expect that. I know construction is inherently hard to predict and what they think is going to happen is not necessarily what will happen. But it would be good to at least confirm the date it is going to happen and ideally, get an approximate time out there as well.
There are a lot of people who need a diversion. Good communication on this is one of those things that will help build interest in the project and whet ticket sales. Whenever the season begins.
Why not invite the local media and have a presser on site? Why not take it as an opportunity to release some more and better drawings of what the new roof will look like from the outside and the inside? Release whatever additional details that can be released at the same time.
Promote this. It is a good opportunity that should be taken advantage of.