the crane the crane | Page 212 |

the crane the crane

Want the ultimate “Touch Free” food service? Let people bring their own food into the Dome. Of course that’s not going to happen. So we’re really just talking degrees of touch less.
Want the ultimate “Touch Free” food service? Let people bring their own food into the Dome. Of course that’s not going to happen. So we’re really just talking degrees of touch less.
A good point. However, to SU’s credit, allowing people to bring in one bottle of unopened water was a major positive for my family anyway. 2-4 bottles we brought in times approx. 30 games attended between hoops and football ( and a lax games was a significant savings when they are roughly $4 a bottle in The Dome.

With that being a distinct possibility, if not more of a actual probability, it really makes the 11th hour change of not using Ephesus Lighting more difficult to swallow, IMO.
I don't blame SU for that. That is all on Ephesus. They signed a contract you can't wait for a pandemic to hit and then want to add to the fine-print after the fact to protect you from damages the pandemic may cause (like Force Majeure issues). They should have stuck to the contract and just had a lesson learned for the next contract they signed moving forward.
There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures... and the Dutch.
I'd add the French to your list.
The touchless concession stands SU is going to try out is smart getting ahead of the curve with that. It is what all stadiums will be moving over too now in a COVID and eventually a POST COVID world we are living in. I was always against "self-checkout" at places but in today's world, its the best way to go to stay safe and we are going to see it everywhere eventually. Heck, Wegmans rolling out their app to scan and shop as you go is just what every supermarket will be in time. Save on payroll and less interaction which in a post COVID world is what is needed.

I don't need 4 people at the Dome touching my hotdog in a silver tin foil bag before it gets to me. Let them make it, put it someplace to stay warm where I can grab it, scan it, and pay and move on. The days of the 20 people looking like headless chickens running around behind each concession stand where everyone is touching everything needs to be DONE AND OVER WITH!

Same with the touchless bathrooms (guessing that just means automatic flush and motion detector to turn on the sinks to wash hands). The new world we live in and as much stuff that can be touchless the better.

The non-moving scoreboard doesn't seem like a big deal to me since it will be so big. It will be interesting what are the first 4 concession stands they change over(I mean they might have empty stadium games until 2021 but still, we should know what they did first and the new food places/options they bring in).

It would suck to have empty stadium games this year or no games at all, but from a renovation standpoint, the stadium not being in use might mean they can move this time-frame along ahead of schedule and get more done quicker. And it sounds like some of the tweaks/changes they are making on the fly are for the better.
Maybe they're bringing back the automats of the 1950's. I remember as a little hick from western PA going to NYC and seeing automats that "magically" brought food like a Star Trek food replicator a couple of decades later.
I don't blame SU for that. That is all on Ephesus. They signed a contract you can't wait for a pandemic to hit and then want to add to the fine-print after the fact to protect you from damages the pandemic may cause (like Force Majeure issues). They should have stuck to the contract and just had a lesson learned for the next contract they signed moving forward.

Well, they walked for an apparent good reason(s). These are unprecedented times, and, SU as the owner, has the overall authority to waive any potential penalties relative to timelines. Ephesus is the technological leader in the industry, and has their name on all of these NFL venues, including the new Raider and Rams/Chargers stadiums that's going to have the only one of its kind, latest state of the art fixture, which was also planned for the Dome. It's really too bad some type of compromise couldn't have been made.

As the stadium sits right now, the crown truss' erection completed, its status is likely no longer a peril relative to safety, etc. I wonder what SU would've done had the state enforced some type of policy that once the project got to this stage, construction halted until further notice/the pandemic is at the stage where areas are opened back up again, etc? It would've been quite interesting to see how SU would have treated/handled its GC, Hoyt, relative to same. Since SU has a long standing relationship with Hoyt, and not with Ephesus, I'd bet SU treats them differently. Relationships matter.

Also, I wonder if Ephesus (Signify) became concerned with the timeline that that agreement signed in January (pre-pandemic, etc.) held them to and saw the writing on the wall so to speak? Meaning, it's been mentioned throughout this thread in recent months that the erection of the crown truss was behind schedule, even though Sala stated they were still on it. So, perhaps the contract language relative to dates/timelines, etc. was unlikely to be met in that regard, and Ephesus didn't want to eat the mistakes by the GC/Construction Mgr. that they had no control over?
There is a better chance that the company has issues completing ither projects and that whatever is going on at SU might have not have played into it at all.. Who knows where they stand with capacity. Maybe they have half a staff working now and even if SU was completely on schedule they would have struggled to get done on time and they didnt want that to go down. Most of the project that they would do is after the roof gets largely constructed. i dont think if SU was way behind they would have had any liability for missing a deadline unless the contract stated that they would adjust what they provided based on when they could be in the building
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I imagine you’d get a better deal with the guys you have a contract with.
Yeah I can’t see Su going back to Ephesus for exterior lighting after backing out of a contract at the last minute. I think this is a bad look that might stick with Ephesus for a while.
There is a better chance that the company has issues completing ither projects and that whatever is going on at SU might have not have played into it at all.. Who knows where they stand with capacity. Maybe they have half a staff working now and even if SU was completely on schedule they would have struggled to get done on time and they didnt want that to go down. Most of the project that they would do is after the rood gets largely constructed. i dont think if SU was way behind they would have had any liability for missing a deadline unless the contract stated that they would adjust what the provided based on when they could be in the building
This makes the most sense to me
Yeah I can’t see Su going back to Ephesus for exterior lighting after backing out of a contract at the last minute. I think this is a bad look that might stick with Ephesus for a while.

IMO, this will have zero impact relative to Ephesus' (Signify's) bottom line or rep for that matter. I'm sure they will pitch their rationale under these "unprecedented" times that it wasn't unreasonable, etc.. What matters far more to future customers is their product, quality, superiority, etc. of same. With them doing so many NFL stadiums and these two new billion dollar plus ones in Vegas and LA, they will hardly wink at this and it's why they were so willing to walk away. If anything, in my view, it hurts SU far more from a showcasing/image/stature standpoint by not going with the best out there...settling for Absolut vs. Grey Goose. Not to mention the fact that this company is in Syracuse's back yard. That's what is a very bad look...
If anything, in my view, it hurts SU far more from a showcasing/image/stature standpoint by not going with the best out there...settling for Absolut vs. Grey Goose. Not to mention the fact that this company is in Syracuse's back yard. It's a very bad look...

That's my fear. Going from state of the art to second rate, sucks. Especially with it being a local company. Pete Sala can spin this for PR, but let's call a spade a spade.
Not sure what to expect for the rest of this reno, but i'm already getting the vibe, that "the timetable" will be used to cut a few more bells and whistles off the project. Hope, I'm wrong.
That's my fear. Going from state of the art to second rate, sucks. Especially with it being a local company. Pete Sala can spin this for PR, but let's call a spade a spade.
Not sure what to expect for the rest of this reno, but i'm already getting the vibe, that "the timetable" will be used to cut a few more bells and whistles off the project. Hope, I'm wrong.
Could be right, though it should make the new guys hungry as hell to shine in ephesus home town.
how do we know who the best is a this deal? If there some rating system on lighting projects?

Maybe one is better at doing it at a cheaper cost or faster and the other does it so it looks cooler but it takes more time and costs more so less people choose them and dumb the project down to fit into a time line?
I thought all bathrooms were supposed to be "touchless"?

Or was I doing it wrong?
Lol. Someone needs to hold for me or everyone around me is gonna get wet. After a few Fiddleheads, i'm like a firehose.
how do we know who the best is a this deal? If there some rating system on lighting projects?

Maybe one is better at doing it at a cheaper cost or faster and the other does it so it looks cooler but it takes more time and costs more so less people choose them and dumb the project down to fit into a time line?

Well, there's a reason in the first place why SU went with Ephesus over Musco, perhaps it's their state of the art & one of kind product/light fixture, etc. that I cited in an earlier post from an October article on Additionally, it does appear that Ephesus is getting these more magnificent & extravagant NFL stadium venues of late, Minnesota's, Atlanta's Mercedes Benz, and the upcoming Vegas Raiders and LA Rams/Chargers stadiums. I imagine, Ephesus' superior product is the major reason for same over Musco.
Eh sure I guess it would have been great to keep the contract local, but looking over their portfolio briefly and see they were chosen for the new Tottenham Hotspurs as well as Jerry Worlds Dallas Cowboys crazy stadium is a pretty huge deal.
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