I have nothing to say about your point #1, but I do on all the others:
2. I have fully supported Bernie from the jump and I am dead certain that this fifth investigation, like the four that preceded it, will once again end in his favor. I am hopeful that it will end in charges or at least a civil judgement against this foul pair of grifters.
3. I don't care about ESPN. Schwarz has failed abysmally in his journalistic duties, but I still prize ESPN and still think highly of many of their reporters (Katz, Bilas, Gottlieb, etc.). Yes, I very much like Doug Gottlieb.
4. If you paid any attention at all to the allegations, and had any sense of nuance, then you would understand that Boeheim had to call them liars. Davis implicated Boeheim of complicity when he claimed that JB had seen Davis on Bernie's hotel bed on road trips. Davis and Lang were building a story of complicity, if not overtly then of negligence, against JB and the program. That had to be shot down forcefully. JB had to either call them out for the filthy *cking liars that they are, or else he had to explain why he turned a blind eye all those years.
The only assclowns in this whole circus are those of you who are too afraid to call a spade a spade - the stories these guys are peddling are inconsistent both internally and with each other, and the weight of evidence is clearly on Bernie's side.