This is Embarrassing | Page 2 |

This is Embarrassing

That’s cool but it would be too far away for basketball games if you did it at the opposite end. And it would take too many good seats away from basketball. The optimal spot might be between the goal line and the 20 yard line which is upper deck behind the basket for basketball.'d be a hit for the big games. Lots of fans just want in to drink and socialize...they can watch the action on the overhead or TVs in the party deck.

Kinda like an long view tailgate
That’s cool but it would be too far away for basketball games if you did it at the opposite end. And it would take too many good seats away from basketball. The optimal spot might be between the goal line and the 20 yard line which is upper deck behind the basket for basketball.

With the new center hung scoreboard, plenty of people would absolutely hang out there during basketball games. Even if it was the opposite end
If they did it...they could actually put fans in there for basketball too!
Might help a little with concourse congestion on the upper level too. Less people going out there to get a beer, making it easier for everyone else to get around.
With the new center hung scoreboard, plenty of people would absolutely hang out there during basketball games. Even if it was the opposite end
Agreed. I sat in the upper level behind one of the baskets but towards midfield for a game last year and found I spent more time watching the game on the giant scoreboard right in front of me than angling to look down at the ants on the court.

But it was a sell out, so those seats were sold.
Not quite… On the sellout graphic in small print it says that limited student tickets are still available.
I haven’t heard a good explanation. Do these students have season tickets and just decide not to show? If that’s the case, not sure what you can do if you are the university. You can’t make kids go. But agreed, it’s a bad look to have an entire section open when you have a “sellout.”

Half of them are Nancy’s. They can’t get loaded at night and get up at a reasonable hour. They are a discrace to drinkers everywhere.
This happens at every school for noon games the student section filling up late.

I assume the pick 6 had a bunch of kids change their mind and decide to just keep drinking.

We don't let the kids sit where they feel like and spread out I'd probably change that though. The AD wants revenue from charging them money but if it was free you could have more students show up but also more empty seats from no shows if you block of a bunch and they don't show.

I'd just be happy that the rest of the stadium was full the Dome is great when its packed of course it sucks we got noon'd for this one.
From my understanding and reading here, those seats were sold. Kids just didn’t show up. You can’t sell a season ticket to someone and then sell their seat again.
Maybe we should. It’s one way to offset the upcoming reduction in seating capacity.
Yeah. I don't think I've seen an open swath of seats like that at any sellout anywhere else before. Maybe you reduce the number of tickets available to students. If the team is good and the student tickets sell out, the rest can buy regular tickets.
During the SF Giants WS run starting in 2010, they supposedly sold out 530 straight games. But the last few years of the streak, there would conspicuously be ~200-400 empty seats in the upper deck off of left field in every game I went to.
While they should't open the upper sections until the lower students sections are filled they should allow students to spread out amongst the 3 student sections upstairs from the onset. That corner section always seems to get shown a lot from the tv when a team is on that side of the field in the red zone.

It's also a pretty good view to watch the game.
This. The ushers actually do the opposite. I sit right next to this and they make them fill all the way to the top before allowing anyone to sit in 307/308. It's a terrible look and makes no sense.
the ushers were also telling the students that they had to fill 304 and 305 and 306 before filling that section

Yeah I noticed that, they made them go all way up to the top by section before going to the other section. Didn’t understand that, fill the entire empty corner, row by row.

Our usher also told us that the individual seat backs are only going into the lower bowl.
Blow out all those seats and put in a party deck with multiple bars and tables kinda like the outfield at Syracuse Mets games. The people who are there to drink more than anything can stop climbing in and out of their seats and just hang out over there.
Weitsman's box is the party deck
Should put a tarp with an S or CUSE on it to cover section. 44K is the correct number for the Dome and eliminate some student sections.
I was thinking something along those lines as well, simply roll up the tarp as the seats are needed if we are having to play the game of cant over sell tickets as this is bound to happen again.
Yeah I noticed that, they made them go all way up to the top by section before going to the other section. Didn’t understand that, fill the entire empty corner, row by row.

Our usher also told us that the individual seat backs are only going into the lower bowl.
What does this last sentence mean? Are you talking about the upcoming seat upgrades?
They are season tickets for students that are sold that they just simply didn’t show.

Due to fire codes, put in place fairly recently if I’m not mistaken, the dome staff also can’t let students into those sections if they only have a single game ticket.

Definitely an issue that will need to be looked into
That doesn't even make sense. Not saying it's not the rule, it just doesn't make sense.
the student support has been back and forth this year. Just put that section up for grabs to the public. CLEARLY we could fill it if prices are remotely fair.

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