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This is terrible

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All I said was I didn't see the big deal. I was trying to figure out why everyone was crying.

If you didn't see the injury you probably shouldn't have said anything, or assumed it was the kind of injury that happened in football practice any day.
Ah yes, I forgot, compassion = on your period.

No. Jumping down someone's throat over them asking what the big deal is, is being on your period. Like What. I just wondered why people were crying.
No I didn't see the replay. Which is why I said "why?". But instead of answering apparently everyone wanted to jump down my throat.

Apparently they're all on their periods. For goodness sake.

You're essentially insulting anybody who may or may not have shed a tear for a kid who willl probably never play a serious game of basketball again. Whether you think so or not you've come off as a douche bag. 98 percent of injuries in football aren't this bad.
They showed it 3 or 4 times, and it was more than enough. His leg bent like a straw.

Twenty seconds before it happened I knocked a glass off the table and it shattered so I missed it live and then didn't catch the replay cause i was getting the broom. While they were showing everybody cyring and pitino wiping his eyes i was waiting for a replay and they didn't show it. There was ten people hovered over him and Kellogg saying this was unprecedented I was thinking hank gathers.

I hate to sound insensitive but crying seems a bit over the top for a broken leg. No biggie though I can understand why people may be upset.

I'm pretty surprised though they aren't showing it. They have no problem for football
See the injury, then you will understand why your football comment was 1000% off base.

If people responded with THIS at first this thread wouldn't have gotten like this. INSTEAD everyone immediately piled on calling me a tough guy, dbag when all I did was ask what the big deal was
I'm a dbag for not understanding the crying? I don't remember anyone crying over joe. But ok.
Dude - his leg was at a 45 degree angle to the normal position. That's not something that would effect you? Try to imagine yourself on the court and that happened to your teammate. Sheesh.
You're essentially insulting anybody who may or may not have shed a tear for a kid who willl probably never play a serious game of basketball again. Whether you think so or not you've come off as a douche bag. 98 percent of injuries in football aren't this bad.

In what way did I insult anyone? Explain that? What? I asked why. Didn't call anyone a .
What are you talking about? Where did I criticized a single person? Show me where. You're talking out of your butt.

All I said was I didn't see the big deal. I was trying to figure out why everyone was crying.

I also wasn't trying to act tough. Apparently having a different opinion means you're trying to act tough.

Talk about mob mentality in this thread. "You disagree with us rah rah rah"

That was gross, I watched the replay. That was just gross. If that injury didn't mess with you, you are BSing yourself.
Dude - his leg was at a 45 degree angle to the normal position. That's not something that would effect you? Try to imagine yourself on the court and that happened to your teammate. Sheesh.

Again. DIDN'T KNOW THAT. That's why I asked "why?"

I didn't come on here and say everyone are a bunch of wimps. I said (and I quote) "Why???"
If people responded with THIS at first this thread wouldn't have gotten like this. INSTEAD everyone immediately piled on calling me a tough guy, dbag when all I did was ask what the big deal was

You're acting like a bit of a victim.

I am in complete confusion over what is happening right now. Injuries happen in sports every single day. What is with the crying?

I know it's a human being, but why is this case so special? I am confused.
It was a compound (open) fracture of the Tibia and possibly Fibula. He'll have to get surgery (mainly to clean the wound). Potentially career ending for athletes.

Here's a study I quickly found on Tib/Fib injuries in Soccer players.
If people responded with THIS at first this thread wouldn't have gotten like this. INSTEAD everyone immediately piled on calling me a tough guy, dbag when all I did was ask what the big deal was
And then you want on to say you saw injuries in football all the time and nobody ever cried over those, continuing to question why people reacted as they did. Injuries like this don't "happen all the time", as you said. Of course, you didn't see it apparently, so your comments make it even more absurd.
If you didn't even see what everybody is so emotional about, how can you question their reactions to it? If you can't understand why people are reacting the way they are, don't tell them how they should feel and react. People obviously respond differently and something like this is just awful...

Everybody is jumping down your throat? Woe is you.


I asked why everyone is crying. A simple "his leg bent like a straw" would have been the answer.
Again. DIDN'T KNOW THAT. That's why I asked "why?"

I didn't come on here and say everyone are a bunch of wimps. I said (and I quote) "Why???"

And then you said people got hurt in football practice every day. Maybe the fact that people were crying should've been an indication that this wasn't a normal injury.

You never really gave any indication that you weren't aware of the extent of the injury
Not trying to be disrespectful at all. That looked like a clean break and those are easier to come back from. I hope for the best for this kid!
And then you said people got hurt in football practice every day. Maybe the fact that people were crying should've been an indication that this wasn't a normal injury.

You never really gave any indication that you weren't aware of the extent of the injury

Because I thought it was a normal injury. Didn't see the replay. But instead of someone explaining that, mob mentality took over.
Surprisingly, even in this day and age, there are still a lot of knuckle-draggers around. Oh Lord
No I didn't see the replay. Which is why I said "why?". But instead of answering apparently everyone wanted to jump down my throat.

Apparently they're all on their periods. For goodness sake.
well, if you didn't see the injury then i can understand why you asked b/c you'rre right, normally players, fans and announcers (kellog was clearly choked up) don't react like that.

but had you seen just how utterly grotesque the injury was (think joe thiesman, maybe worse) then you'd clearly understand all the emotion it elicited.

and if not, then something would obviously be wrong with you and i'd suggest you seriously seek some counseling for your lack of empathy.

it was bad, bro, really bad. and justifiably sad.
One of the saddest things in the world today is the widespread inability of people to say 6 simple words.

I am sorry.
I was wrong.

The world would be so much better off if people had enough humility to simply allow themselves to be human and to err.
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