thoughts... | Page 2 |


I think we all like Doug Marrone. We all better hope he rights the ship and "learns to recruit" or whatever.

Beyond recruiting, winning and consistency in the coaching ranks matter- actually, they matter to recruits thus to recruiting. This university's best hope for a long term, stable head coaching situation IMO is Doug Marrone. Even as an ACC school, SU could still be a stepping stone type school, and the resulting coaching carousel would be as destructive as any other factor.
I dont see the distinction. Recruiting is a big part of being a college coach - it is coaching at the college level.

Thus far marrone has been a horrible recruiter compared to strong. Just horrible. We are still getting excited about beating out MAC schools for kids.
if a college coach cant recruit then he cant coach at this level. its that simple. you cant build a great program with diamonds in the rough. you need to get some studs too. And marone seems incapable of doing that.

its really scary to read some of posters on this board - they admit marrone is not a very good recruiter yet, but thats ok he can coach! except his game management isnt that good either. So basically he is very good at blowing whistles and setting up rules re: facial hair and curfew? yay. I feel like we can pay a lot less for an assistant coach who can do these things and then go out and find a head coach who can recruit and manage games?

Agreed for the most part, it's a big part of the job for sure, the problem is that recruiting is somewhat subjective, the issue is that here we are year 3 and we are still hearing there are no playmakers on offense, well whose fault is that, it's year 3 and I don't see any year 4 either, show me a burner at RB or WR that can come in and make a difference, In August, I read here that we finally have depth at wr, athletes, etc and then after game two I read that we don't have any athletes that can beat press coverage at WR... Was Sales the only gut here? I am confused. I don't care as much about stars but when you see GROB's guys all still at the skill positions, that is a problem.
Wrong. KThorp performed just fine as a recruiter but sucked as a coach. LVille had talent in place like Cinci.

Did you see the QBs and WRs Strong was left with? Also if the talent is so great why are so many of Strong's recruits playing already?
I dont see the distinction. Recruiting is a big part of being a college coach - it is coaching at the college level.

Thus far marrone has been a horrible recruiter compared to strong. Just horrible. We are still getting excited about beating out MAC schools for kids.
if a college coach cant recruit then he cant coach at this level. its that simple. you cant build a great program with diamonds in the rough. you need to get some studs too. And marone seems incapable of doing that.

its really scary to read some of posters on this board - they admit marrone is not a very good recruiter yet, but thats ok he can coach! except his game management isnt that good either. So basically he is very good at blowing whistles and setting up rules re: facial hair and curfew? yay. I feel like we can pay a lot less for an assistant coach who can do these things and then go out and find a head coach who can recruit and manage games?

What is the solution to the problem Stanimal? I'm not praying at the Marrone altar but i think he's the best we will attract at a Syracuse for the price and the dedication to the program. We can't be on the carousel of a big time coach who is here for 3 years, fixes the program and leaves immediately. This is what we'd have with Holtz or Kiffin. That's assuming they fixed the program in the first place.

We are what we are which is like BC in the 2000s: a program that is a 8 win program with moments of 10 win-ness. Nothing wrong with this and I think Marrone is the guy who will get us there. He inherited a steaming pile of crap. It's going to take a while to get it to a perennial 8 win program level (i'm talking 8 wins in a real ACC conference not this Big East conf). Patience is a virtue. This is year 3.
Did you see the QBs and WRs Strong was left with? Also if the talent is so great why are so many of Strong's recruits playing already?
Why did LVille perform better than expected last season? Why has their performance been lesser than their previous year. Coaching was the difference not recruiting. NM.
What is the solution to the problem Stanimal? I'm not praying at the Marrone altar but i think he's the best we will attract at a Syracuse for the price and the dedication to the program. We can't be on the carousel of a big time coach who is here for 3 years, fixes the program and leaves immediately. This is what we'd have with Holtz or Kiffin. That's assuming they fixed the program in the first place.

We are what we are which is like BC in the 2000s: a program that is a 8 win program with moments of 10 win-ness. Nothing wrong with this and I think Marrone is the guy who will get us there. He inherited a steaming pile of crap. It's going to take a while to get it to a perennial 8 win program level (i'm talking 8 wins in a real ACC conference not this Big East conf). Patience is a virtue. This is year 3.

First, I like the name,

Second, Am I mistaken or didnt we just get into the ACC and arent we going to be making a lot more money? What is SU doing with that money? buying snow shovels? With 7-10 exceptions, we should be financially able to get any guy out there and if we arent we should be prepared to be raped year in and year out in the ACC. Why bother?

I reject the proposition that we cant get a coach to stay once we are in the ACC. Fine, if we get the next coach of Alabama then maybe we are in trouble. But otherwise SU should be able to keep the guy. PAC 10 schools arent going to pick off a NE guy.

L'Ville is not in a power conference. Lets get Strong.
First, I like the name,

Second, Am I mistaken or didnt we just get into the ACC and arent we going to be making a lot more money? What is SU doing with that money? buying snow shovels? With 7-10 exceptions, we should be financially able to get any guy out there and if we arent we should be prepared to be raped year in and year out in the ACC. Why bother?

I reject the proposition that we cant get a coach to stay once we are in the ACC. Fine, if we get the next coach of Alabama then maybe we are in trouble. But otherwise SU should be able to keep the guy. PAC 10 schools arent going to pick off a NE guy.

L'Ville is not in a power conference. Lets get Strong.

Leach or Rich Rod.. kidding people kidding
Still way too early to say if Marrone is the guy to get this historic program to where it should be. And, that's consistently being a top 20-25 team and maybe an once in a decade top 5-10. If can certainly be done if, indeed, the right coach is in place. One thing is for certain, you won't find another guy with more passion and heart to get his alma mater to a where he wants it to be...DM clearly bleeds orange.

Just look what Beamer did for the VPI program. I remember not too many years ago when Bruce Smith was the most dominating defensive lineman in the NFL and when his school was listed (VPI), most people had no idea where that school was. Now it's a household name and a powerhouse football program. What about Boise State? How does that school ever become a program it is today? A decade or so ago, it wasn't even on the map...relatively speaking of course. Look what Brad Stevens has done with Butler. My general point, get the right coach and SU will be very successful once again in football, regardless of our lack of state-of-the-art facilities. It certainly isn't an easy feat, but it's attainable.
Bill Dooley was Head Coach at VPI when Bruce Smith played, Not Frank Beamer.

Bill Dooley was caught in a Recruiting Scandel which was settled out of court.

Frank Beamer got the HC Job because of it. Dooley's last Va Tech Team was 8-3
and winner's in a Bowl
Bill Dooley was Head Coach at VPI when Bruce Smith played, Not Frank Beamer.

Bill Dooley was caught in a Recruiting Scandel which was settled out of court.

Frank Beamer got the HC Job because of it. Dooley's last Va Tech Team was 8-3
and winner's in a Bowl

I didn't say Beamer was the coach when Smith was at VPI...that was purely your interpretation. My general point was that when Smith was at VPI, they (not even worth debating) were not the household/powerhouse name they're today. Beamer, not Dooley, clearly built that program to where it is today. Blacksburg Virginia = Central Square NY.
because i am not an idiot.

STrong has had a few "blips" too. Marshall and FIU come to mind.

Disappointed about the loss. But IMHO it does not make a statement about the SU program except for the fact that we are not yet where we want to be. Nothing else. L'Ville is not a great team. SU is not a great team. Things went their way on Saturday. Moving on now.
For a board that loathes Philadelphia fans for the way McNabb was treated in Philly, I'm not seeing a whole lot of difference between Philly fans and those already beating up on Marrone on this board. To see so many common-posters dump on Marrone so quickly is wildly disappointing. It seems that so many have already lost any type of perspective on where this program was only a few years ago. Am I disappointed with the way the game went on Saturday? Absolutely. This team still has a long way to go, and Marrone absolutely has a long way to go to improve, but I'll take the guy who bleeds orange over the guy who is going to use our program as a stepping stone any day, especially when he's less than 3 seasons into his tenure here. There's just so much negative energy here that I can't understand; at this point, I'm just thrilled to turn on the tv and not think we're going to get blown out week in and week out. If in 3-5 years, we're still in the same place, then I'll jump on the "Is Marrone the guy?" train, but at this point, I'll let his recruits develop before I judge them; I'll let the guy develop as a head coach for a few years. To expect a light switch to be flipped with the program that he inherited and 'Cuse be in a BCS bowl is simply unrealistic.
FWIW, I will take a guy that produces over a company man any day of the week, results speak for themselves. In general terms of course, as long as the individual who has been hired, does their job to 100% of their ability when they are working and leaves in a professional manner.. As Stan said, now that we are in the ACC we should be able to hold on to most coaches.. That coach that we may need to hold on could be Marrone, that I don't know. In 2 years we will know for sure, but 5-7, 6-6 and 7-5 doesn't cut it after 5 years. GROB ruined expectations for many here.

Syracuse needs to raise capital, build facilities and commit to a big time program as opposed to hoping for a miracle.. This is with or without Marrone, like I said numerous times, we have arguable the worst facilities for any BCS team in the country, less Duke. I beg you to find worse
FWIW, I will take a guy that produces over a company man any day of the week, results speak for themselves.

I guess I'm not really viewing Marrone as a company guy, but more of a guy that genuinely cares about the program and will do whatever he possibly can to bring it back. Agreed, results speak for themselves so you're telling me that after the GROB years, you won't be happy with 2 consecutive bowls?
I guess I'm not really viewing Marrone as a company guy, but more of a guy that genuinely cares about the program and will do whatever he possibly can to bring it back. Agreed, results speak for themselves so you're telling me that after the GROB years, you won't be happy with 2 consecutive bowls?

I would, but my point is we need to have something to build on offense going forward, we need to keep building on what we are doing and I don't see it, call me crazy
I would, but my point is we need to have something to build on offense going forward, we need to keep building on what we are doing and I don't see it, call me crazy

A "company man" doesn't tell his boss to get the f#$% out of his locker room after a win.
A "company man" doesn't tell his boss to get the f#$% out of his locker room after a win.

True that.. or not allow in a prominent SU alumni who has donated to the program over the years
one thing thats very interesting about this thread is the number of marone apologists stating that we need to give marone time to learn to be a head coach, learn how to manage games.

This is really pathetic. Is that what you guys seriously thought when the guy was hired? that we were getting someone who didnt yet know how to do the job? Interesting that you think SU is place where guys come to learn to do the job.

Personally, I think thats what ECU and Tulane are for. Too much to ask that we get a guy who is polished? giving him another 3-5 years to learn on the job? so as many as 8 yrs to prove himself!!>!?!?!?! sweet lord.

Not the board's best moment.
Not the board's best moment.

I think SU has experienced significant improvement since HCDM took over. Year 1 was night and day, even though the record was disappointing. Last year, we still had weaknesses, but the 8 wins and a win over a good team in a bowl game sure felt good. It was two steps forward. This year's team is still probably more capable that last year's squad, and may yet equal last year's 8 wins. SU has been inconsistent (we were last year too), but I think expectations were greatly increased heading into this season. We have seen good things -- much of the USC game, all of the WVU game, much of the Toledo game, the start of the Tulane game -- and we have seen breakdowns such as Saturday. I think it's a "two steps forward, one step back" situation. I still expect that by year's end, SU will be a better team than last year overall, and an even better team next year.
one thing thats very interesting about this thread is the number of marone apologists stating that we need to give marone time to learn to be a head coach, learn how to manage games.

This is really pathetic. Is that what you guys seriously thought when the guy was hired? that we were getting someone who didnt yet know how to do the job? Interesting that you think SU is place where guys come to learn to do the job.

Personally, I think thats what ECU and Tulane are for. Too much to ask that we get a guy who is polished? giving him another 3-5 years to learn on the job? so as many as 8 yrs to prove himself!!>!?!?!?! sweet lord.

Not the board's best moment.

Who said anything about 8 years? It's a 5-year gig minimum for any D1 head coach unless you want to go the "quick fix" route, which creates all sorts of instability, or unless the guy is completely and utterly awful (8-4 does not qualify, nor does 5-3 YTD). The quick fix route only works if the school can afford it too. Marrone is doing great with the resources at his disposal. I'm sorry he can't deliver perfection under the circumstances.
Personally, I think thats what ECU and Tulane are for. Too much to ask that we get a guy who is polished? giving him another 3-5 years to learn on the job? so as many as 8 yrs to prove himself!!>!?!?!?! sweet lord.

Not the board's best moment.

I guess we're in much better shape then that you're not running the program because when Marrone was hired, we were probably as attractive as ECU and Tulane. When Syracuse hired Marrone, yes, it was too much to get a guy who is polished. An absolute abhorrent team for almost a decade; garbage facilities; a half empty stadium on good days. Skip Holtz was as polished as it got when it came to those expressing interest and he turned us down. (I think that's how it went down)

Sorry, but I think you're overestimating how good of a job Syracuse head football coach is. And to see that anyone thinks we can keep a top tier coach for an extended period of time without the possibility of him leaving for greener pastures, no matter how much we're paying him, is laughably unrealistic.

Call it pathetic if you like; I call it appreciation for bringing 'Cuse football back from the brink of falling completely off the deep end.
For a board that loathes Philadelphia fans for the way McNabb was treated in Philly, I'm not seeing a whole lot of difference between Philly fans and those already beating up on Marrone on this board. To see so many common-posters dump on Marrone so quickly is wildly disappointing. It seems that so many have already lost any type of perspective on where this program was only a few years ago. Am I disappointed with the way the game went on Saturday? Absolutely. This team still has a long way to go, and Marrone absolutely has a long way to go to improve, but I'll take the guy who bleeds orange over the guy who is going to use our program as a stepping stone any day, especially when he's less than 3 seasons into his tenure here. There's just so much negative energy here that I can't understand; at this point, I'm just thrilled to turn on the tv and not think we're going to get blown out week in and week out. If in 3-5 years, we're still in the same place, then I'll jump on the "Is Marrone the guy?" train, but at this point, I'll let his recruits develop before I judge them; I'll let the guy develop as a head coach for a few years. To expect a light switch to be flipped with the program that he inherited and 'Cuse be in a BCS bowl is simply unrealistic.

No no no no no....don't you get it? Perspective is not appreciated on a thread of this nature. You're supposed to make wildly inflated, bogus, short-sighted arguments that purvey some sense of expertise about the "issue" at hand!
This entire thread is overpopulated with a nonsensical POV which seems to be infected with ADD, or some type of short-memory disorder. Why, who cares where this program was just 24 months ago...Marrone SUX...& thats all there is to it! Interesting that some of these same folks were noticeably absent after we demolished WVU, but why quibble?
We lose to UL, & Marrone is NOT the guy...why????, because they say so, thats why!
Typical fan Idiocracy in full effect! :bang:

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