Thus ends the Aaron craft lovefest |

Thus ends the Aaron craft lovefest

Good career, the media slobbering was obviously way over the top. I mean could they at least mention once that he had more turnovers than assists today?
He could play on my team anytime
You kinda like teammates with rosie cheeks Huh? Seriously, he might be the most overated PG in the history of the sport. Can't shoot, undersized, not fast and constantly clutches and grabs...what the heck is to like. I didn't like Krauser, Adams, Bagley or Brown but they would eat this kid up and I respected them. Today he literally jumped on a guys head on the floor and then grabbed him by the wrist so the player couldn't control the ball. The result was a jump ball. I hate his guts and he doesn't even play in our league. The little dweeb is very galvanizing.
I'll miss that plucky little bastard. Eh, no I won't. He was like Paulus, but somewhow Ohio State never managed to find someone half-way decent to supplant him in the starting lineup.
It was also rewarding to see the look on super homer Clark Kellogs face , after he called out the Orange and how we weren't athletic enough to take care of WMU. Dayton Flyers took the pride of Ohio , how's that for old Clark to chew on!
If every college was filled with nothing but kids like Aaron Craft, the country's future would be bright.
At least he can still win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Given some of the Nobels they've handed out in the past he may be overqualified.
He actually has more qualifications for the award than Mr. Obama had when he won it, so it's not out of the question.
Mr Obama? Some people are comically pathetic. regardless of your affiliation he is the president. My dad, a staunch Republican and a Colonel in the army understands this.
That said, so glad to see Aaron Craft go away.
RF2044 is so conflicted right now.

The only thing I'm conflicted with disappointment about not being able to be the team that sends the Suckeyes home, ending Craft's career so that I could rub my in-laws noses in it. When the brackets were announced on Sunday, I was hoping for a measure of revenge for 2012. Now, OSU's own suckiness has robbed me of that satisfaction.

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Mr Obama? Some people are comically pathetic. regardless of your affiliation he is the president. My dad, a staunch Republican and a Colonel in the army understands this.
That said, so glad to see Aaron Craft go away.

Did you just call your dad comically pathetic? Dude...
He actually has more qualifications for the award than Mr. Obama had when he won it, so it's not out of the question.
I like you
Aaron just wasn't crafty enough to singlehandedly win the game for the Buckeyes. Listening to the worn out, trite talking points about his supposed defensive acumen has become beyond tiresome. Most people doubt there will be any alphabet letters like N, B, or A in his future but if he were to become exceedingly depressed about the irony of the fact that he could not get a defensive stop in the closing seconds of his last collegiate game, perhaps he will overeat his way into obesity oblivion and be able to get seasonal work as a rosy cheeked Santa Claus at the local Mall.

Ohio State will now have to find a new media magnet poster boy to prop up to ridiculously epic proportions like they did with Craft and Greg Oden. Has any team underperformed more than Ohio State with the level of recruiting success Thad Matta has had? My guess would be Kentucky but at least they did win a title.

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